December 14, 2022
December 14, 2022
Truth in Taxation Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.
Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske and Carrie Turner, and Clerk Jim Chyba. Also present were City Manager Matt Pantzke and Zach Hacker from Morrison County Record.
No members of the public were present to address the council with concerns related to the tax levy.
The council briefly discussed the 2023 levy and agreed that a 3% increase was necessary.
Mayor Noss adjourned the meeting at 6:03 pm
The regular council meeting was called to order at 6:04 pm by Mayor Noss
Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Venske to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on November 09,2022 as presented. Motion Carried
Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner. Motion carried.
Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record
Donations: Motioned by Turner and seconded by Wright to approve resolution 12142022 accepting a $2500 donation from the Randall Cushing area Lions for the Fourth of July Celebration. Motion Carried.
Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske to approve resolution 12142022-2 accepting a $5000 donation from the Randall VFW for the Fourth of July Celebration. Motion Carried.
Motioned by Noss and seconded by Chyba to approve resolution 12142022-3 accepting a $500 donation from the Randall VFW for the food pantry. Motion Carried.
Old Business:
Council reviewed flooring samples from Henning Floor for the Bar and Bingo Park and selected the color “Agree” for both locations. Flooring will be installed in late January or early February 2023.
New Business:
Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve the purchase a used pickup from the city of New Prague public works via Minnbid at a cost of $5970.00. Motion Carried.
Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to set the 2023 Tax Levy at $172791 a 3% increase from 2022. Motion Carried.
Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to approve the 2023 budget as presented. Motion Carried.
Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to approve the 2023 wage scale. Motion Carried.
Motioned by Turner and Seconded by Wright to approve Resolution 12142022-3 designating Bingo Park Community Building as the official polling place for the city of Randall. Motion Carried.
Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to not waive the insurance tort liability limits 2023 renewal period. Motion Carried.
Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske to approve the 2023 fee schedule. Motion Carried.
Council reimbursement will be reviewed at the January meeting.
Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske to Change the Planning and Zoning meetings from the second Monday to the first Monday of the month effective 1/1/2023. Motion Carried
Planning and Zoning Permits:
Committee Reports:
Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store
Yearend inventory at the liquor store will be done on Monday January 2nd. Financial audit preparation and year end tasks will be the major focus in the coming weeks. Dave Reese will be attending the January council meeting to update the council on the funding for the upcoming projects. At this point a bonding bill has not been passed and will likely delay the projects.
Maintenance Supervisor Report:
Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor: Keith had to replace the chlorine booster pump at well 2 and the floats in the chlorination tank at the WWTP.
Council Member Concerns:
Mayor Dan Noss: Wanted to wish City council members and city staff a Merry Christmas.
Jim Chyba: None
Jeff Wright: None
Carrie Turner: None
Mary Venske: None
Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday January 11, 2023, at 6:00 pm.
Location: Randall City Hall
Adjournment: 6:30 pm