2016-2022 Council Meeting Minutes

December 14, 2022

December 14, 2022

Truth in Taxation Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske and Carrie Turner, and Clerk Jim Chyba. Also present were City Manager Matt Pantzke and Zach Hacker from Morrison County Record.

No members of the public were present to address the council with concerns related to the tax levy.

The council briefly discussed the 2023 levy and agreed that a 3% increase was necessary.

Mayor Noss adjourned the meeting at 6:03 pm

The regular council meeting was called to order at 6:04 pm by Mayor Noss

Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Venske to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on November 09,2022 as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record


Donations: Motioned by Turner and seconded by Wright to approve resolution 12142022 accepting a $2500 donation from the Randall Cushing area Lions for the Fourth of July Celebration. Motion Carried.

Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske to approve resolution 12142022-2 accepting a $5000 donation from the Randall VFW for the Fourth of July Celebration. Motion Carried.

Motioned by Noss and seconded by Chyba to approve resolution 12142022-3 accepting a $500 donation from the Randall VFW for the food pantry. Motion Carried.

Old Business:

Council reviewed flooring samples from Henning Floor for the Bar and Bingo Park and selected the color “Agree” for both locations. Flooring will be installed in late January or early February 2023.

New Business:

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve the purchase a used pickup from the city of New Prague public works via Minnbid at a cost of $5970.00. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to set the 2023 Tax Levy at $172791 a 3% increase from 2022. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to approve the 2023 budget as presented. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to approve the 2023 wage scale. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Turner and Seconded by Wright to approve Resolution 12142022-3 designating Bingo Park Community Building as the official polling place for the city of Randall. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to not waive the insurance tort liability limits 2023 renewal period. Motion Carried.



Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske to approve the 2023 fee schedule. Motion Carried.

Council reimbursement will be reviewed at the January meeting.


Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske to Change the Planning and Zoning meetings from the second Monday to the first Monday of the month effective 1/1/2023. Motion Carried


Planning and Zoning Permits:



Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

Yearend inventory at the liquor store will be done on Monday January 2nd. Financial audit preparation and year end tasks will be the major focus in the coming weeks. Dave Reese will be attending the January council meeting to update the council on the funding for the upcoming projects. At this point a bonding bill has not been passed and will likely delay the projects.

Maintenance Supervisor Report:  


Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  Keith had to replace the chlorine booster pump at well 2 and the floats in the chlorination tank at the WWTP.  

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss:  Wanted to wish City council members and city staff a Merry Christmas.

Jim Chyba: None

Jeff Wright:  None

Carrie Turner: None

Mary Venske:  None

Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday January 11, 2023, at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 6:30 pm


November 09, 2022

November 9, 2022

Regularly scheduled council meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske and Carrie Turner, and Clerk James Chyba.

The public hearing was held for the wellhead protection plan, the regular council meeting followed.

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to accept the Minutes of the October 12th council meeting as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner. Motion Carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record.


Donations: Motioned by Venske and seconded by Wright to approve donations of $4100 for 2022 and $4100 for 2023 to Community services to help fund youth activities. Motion Carried.

Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske to approve a donation of $1000 for music to RABG for the 2023 street dance. Motion Carried.

Old Business:

The repair plan for the water treatment plant is still being reviewed by various state agencies. Repairs will begin following their final approval.

New Business:


Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to approve tobacco license renewals for the muni and Casey’s general store for 2023. Motion Carried.

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to approve resolution 11092022 regarding the Wellhead Protection plan. Motion Carried.

Council set 9:00 am Monday December 5th, 2022, as the time and date for 2023 budget review and to meet with fulltime city staff.

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve the low bid from Hennen flooring to replace the carpet in the Municipal Liquor store with Vinyl plank at a cost of $10,473.74 and the women’s bathroom at a cost of $1,150.16. Motion Carried. The higher bid was $11,501.54 from Wiczek’s floors.

Motion by Noss and seconded by Chyba to approve Hennen flooring to replace the carpet in the common area of the Bingo Park building at a cost of $6,334.13 with Vinyl plank. Motion Carried.

Multiple requests have come in to have center and fog lines painted on Superior Avenue from county road 14 to county road 104. Council requested that quotes are obtained to paint lines on Superior Avenue from county 14 to MN 115 in 2023.


Planning and Zoning Permits:


Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store

Offsale beer prices had to be increased on most packages by $1.00 due to increased costs from vendors. Bar prices will likely have to be increased as well, staff will review and adjust accordingly. The Ice machine is no longer able to be serviced or repaired due to its age and condition. A smaller ice maker will meet the needs of the muni going forward as we seldom bag ice and sell it. $3000 will be included in the 2023 budget for a replacement. Pantzke will be working on the 2023 budget and submitting the flood damage invoices to the state for reimbursement. Noss and Wright will meet with Pantzke to review the first draft of the budget and adjust prior to the 12/5 meeting.

Maintenance Supervisor Report:  

Patrick and Keith have wrapped up several projects around the city. Snow removal equipment has been serviced and is ready for the winter season.

Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  

Keith has winterized the water system and only has a few things left to do at the wastewater plant.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss: Asked about the culvert under the railroad tracks and if we should look at additional staffing as it is difficult for staff to use their PTO.

Jim Chyba: None

Jeff Wright: Has gotten multiple complaints of speeders on East 4th street. He will determine if it is the same person or a widespread problem. The Sheriff will be notified of the problem.

Carrie Turner:  None

Mary Venske:  Asked Zach to put a notice in the paper regarding the green mailboxes for the Record.

Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday December 14, 2022, at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 7:08 pm

October 12, 2022

October 12, 2022

Regularly scheduled council meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske and Carrie Turner, and Clerk James Chyba.

Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to accept the Minutes of the September 12th council meeting as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner. Motion Carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record.


Donations: None

Old Business:

The skating rink warming house that was damaged in the June flood sold on MInnbid for $1331.00. A check will be issued to the city for the sale amount minus the commission charged by Minnbid.

Rice lake construction along with the several contractors test ran the water plant to determine what components functioned following the flood. The well pump does run and approximately 200,000 gallons of water was pumped and discharged on the ground. Widseth engineering is in the process of completing and submitting a plan to MDH for approval. Once the plan is approved repairs can begin.


New Business:


Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to approve the local government resolution for the SCDP grant application. Motion Carried.

Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to approve renewing the Randall VFW’s liquor license for 2023. Motion Carried.


Planning and Zoning Permits:

Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske to approve building permits for Richard Lausen to add 4 windows on his home and relocate/remove some exterior doors.

Steve Sherman to move in a 10x8 storage shed. Motion Carried.

Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store

A second bid for flooring was solicited per the council’s request, both companies recommend a glue down vinyl plank to replace the carpet in the Muni and Bingo Park community building. Pantzke will bring the bids to a future council meeting.

Maintenance Supervisor Report:  

Patrick and Keith completed the natural gas install on west 6th street. There is only 1 home left in the city that does not have a gas service installed. STS crew came in to clean up the leaves in the city cemetery last week, they plan to return Friday and complete the cleanup. Patrick has began getting the equipment ready for winter. The Bucket truck has been moved to the new city shop. City staff will remove the steel above the overhead door to enable contractors to provide an accurate quote to replace the door with one as tall as possible.

Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  

The sludge from the wastewater plant has been hauled out. 21 loads were hauled out, this has been the same for the past 3 years. Keith will be attending some classes with MRWA in the upcoming months.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss: Nothing City related

Jim Chyba: None

Jeff Wright: None

Carrie Turner:  None

Mary Venske:  What is going to be done with the green mailboxes for the Record? Zach will check with Record Staff.

Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday November 9, 2022, at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 6:24 pm

September 14, 2022

September 14, 2022

Preliminary tax levy hearing was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske and Carrie Turner, and Clerk James Chyba.

A discussion was had about the 2023 tax levy. LGA amounts have increased about $4,000 for 2023. The budget for 2023 is going to be similar to the 2022 budget. Mayor Noss stated that Randall has traditionally set the preliminary levy at a 5% increase and recommends raising the preliminary levy amount from $167,760 to $176,148 (5%). The council agreed with his recommendation.

Mayor Noss Closed the hearing and opened the regular council meeting.

Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to accept the Minutes of the August 10th and 17th council meetings, as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Chyba. Motion Carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record.


Donations: None

Old Business:

Following the August meetings an offer of $145,000 was submitted and accepted to purchase the Old Creamery Woolen Mill building. Following discussion of the city finances Venske motioned, and Turner seconded to approve the purchase agreement with Closing taking place on September 30th, 2022. Motion Carried.

An advertisement was placed in the looking for a grant writer for the SCDP grant application. The city received a proposal from Gail Leverson from Widseth engineering, no other proposals were submitted.


New Business:


Motioned by Venske and seconded by Chyba to set the 2023 preliminary tax levy at $176,148, a 5% increase over 2022. Motion Carried.

Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Venske to renew the law enforcement contract with the Morrison County Sheriff with the same terms as 2022. Motion Carried.

Motioned by Turner and seconded by Wright to approve resolution 09142022 authorizing the city to enter a contract during a local emergency. Motion Carried.

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to approve the proposal from Rice Lake Construction Group to repair the Water Treatment Plant. Motion Carried


Planning and Zoning Permits:

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve building permits for Vern and Lynn Vetsch, 109 Pineview Drive a build a new patio home with a 3-car attached garage. John Lorimer, 611 Parkview Drive to build a roof over his deck, Jeff Wright, 127 E 4th street, move in a 10x12 storage shed, Matt and Vanessa Pantzke, 211 West MN avenue, construct a 12x28 addition and install new windows and vinyl siding, Matt Pantzke, 206 West MN avenue, build a 16x36 loafing shed, Josh Maleski 105 Pacific Avenue, build a 30x40 garage and a couple windows to his home. Motion Carried.

Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store

Pantzke will reach out to Hennen floor covering for a second bid for flooring at Bingo Park and the Muni. Discussion was also had about increasing the rental rate to $125 and not returning deposits until an inspection has been completed following each rental of Bingo Park.

Maintenance Supervisor Report:  

The Bucket truck had to be taken back to the International truck repair shop in St. Cloud to fix some additional issues from the flood. A claim has been updated to the city’s insurance company.

Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  

The Wellhead protection plan public review final hearing will be held in November. The annual flushing in the alley has been completed.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss: Would like another council member to work with him to determine the Veterans trail route through Randall and would like the budget amount changed from $25 to $100 per month for 2023.

Jim Chyba: Lions will be trimming trees in the park September 27th.

Jeff Wright: Wanted to confirm that the asphalt will be removed from the 2 streets this year.

Carrie Turner:  Asked if the city could get involved in the National Night Out.

Mary Venske:  None

Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday October 12, 2022, at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 6:53 pm


August 10, 2022

August 10, 2022

Regular Council Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske and Carrie Turner, and Clerk James Chyba.

Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on July 13, 2022, as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record. Dave Reese from Widseth. Dave was present to brief the council on the public hearing for the planned infrastructure projects, answer any questions on the SCDP grant application proposal and update the council on the timeline to get the water treatment plant repaired and back in service. Delivery of some of the components for the plant may take several months to receive. Dave also stated that the plant maybe able to be brought back online at a limited capacity to serve as a back up source of water in an emergency.


Donations: Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to approve a $750.00 donation to the Initiative Foundation in 2023. Motion Carried.

Old Business:

Pantzke updated the council on the flood damage sustained to city property. West 3rd street between Superior and Gulf Avenues needs to be repaved due to erosion from the large amount of rainfall. Doucette lawn care will be reseeding the Bingo Park skating rink area time and weather permitting. All other know damages from the flood that city staff can repair have been completed. Pantzke has submitted the list of damage to HSEM. At this point they would cover 75% of the cost and the city would be responsible for the other 25%. The ice-skating warming house was ½ submerged during the flood and would need extensive repairs to be safely used by the public. The Council agreed the best thing to do would be to sell it on MInnbid.


New Business:


Motioned by Venske and seconded by Wright to have USDI install a relief valve at the TBS to protect the gas system from over pressurization at a cost of $14,400.  Motion Carried.

Motioned by Turner and seconded by Wright to have Widseth prepare the SCDP grant application at a cost of $4,000. Motion Carried.

Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to approve resolution 08102022 ordering preparation of report on improvements. Motion Carried.

 Motioned by Turner and seconded by Wright to approve resolution 08102022-2 Receiving feasibility report and calling hearing on improvements. Motion Carried

Motioned by Noss to have the city attorney draft an ordinance placing a one-year moratorium on the sale of THC/CBD products while the city studies the impact of these products after the recent law change. Motion died for a lack of a second.

The Old Creamery Wool Mill shop has been put up for sale. This building may fit the cities need for a Public Works shop. Turner and Chyba volunteered to contact the realtor and schedule a showing.





Planning and Zoning Permits:

Wright informed the council that he applied for a building permit for a yard shed that he will be taking delivery soon.

Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store

The flooring will need to be replaced in the Muni and in Bingo Park. They both have been shampooed regularly but continue to look worse. Pantzke will contact a flooring company for options on replacement.

Maintenance Supervisor Report:  

The Bucket truck had to be taken to the International truck repair shop in ST. Cloud to fix some issues from the flood. A claim was submitted to the city’s insurance company, and it will be covered minus the deductible.

Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  

The Wellhead protection plan is nearing completion.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss: Asked who had filed for the council seats in the November election.

Jim Chyba: None

Jeff Wright: None

Carrie Turner:  None

Mary Venske:  None

Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday September 14, 2022, at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 7:23 pm


July 13, 2022

July 13, 2022

Regular Council Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Council members Mary Venske and Carrie Turner, Clerk James Chyba, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright was absent.

Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on June 8, 2022, and the special meeting on June 25, 2022, as presented. Motion Carried.

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record. Dave Reese from Widseth. Dave briefed the council on the flood damage at the water treatment plant. Nearly two feet of water entered the building and the well itself was submerged in water. Widseth did a complete inspection of the plant and estimate the rehabilitation cost at $308,000. MDH will be involved in determining the damage the well itself sustained. It could be as simple as a pump test or having to replace the entire well as a worst-case scenario. Dave also suggested we hold the public hearing for the upcoming reconstruction projects on a separate date from the regular council meeting. August 17 was set as the date for the meeting, and it will be held at the Bingo Park building to accommodate a larger crowd.



 Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve Resolution 7132022 accepting $300.00 from the Randall VFW for flags. Motion Carried. Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to approve Resolution 7132022-2 accepting $500.00 from the Randall VFW the food pantry. Motion Carried. Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske to approve Resolution 7132022-3 accepting $300.00 from the Randall Cushing area Lions for the Medallion Hunt. Motion Carried.

Old Business:


New Business:

Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to approve a beer permit for the Randall Cushing area Lions for the St. James Parish Festival. Motion Carried.

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to appoint Marie Drew, Rob Bellin, Cathy Adamek, Pat Lywtyn, Mindy Chyba, Jim Chandler, and Matt Pantzke as Election Judges for both 2022 elections. Motion Carried.

Primary Election will be held on August 9, 2022.

Filing opens on August second for 2, 4-year council terms, 1, 2-year term and a 2-year term for Mayor. Filing fee is $2.00 and can be done at city hall.

Pantzke briefed the council on the impact of the flood that began in the early hours of June 24, 2022, when about 10 inches of rain fell in Randall along with reports of 12 or more inches of rain north and west of Randall. Many homes along with OK tire and bait and the Randall Lumber Yard received substantial damage to the structures and personal belongings or inventory. Pantzke has been working with Morrison County Emergency Management and will be meeting with the State of Minnesota for financial relief for property restoration.


Planning and Zoning Permits:

Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to approve building permits for Bridget Mc Mahon to build a fence, Dolly Scepurek to move in a 12’x16’ shed, and for Susan Christy to construct 2 additions to her home. Motion Carried.


Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

Liquor store business has been good. Gas and electric annual reports have been submitted to the state.

Maintenance Supervisor Report:  

Relief valve quote for the TBS will be ready for approval at the August meeting.

Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  

Keith is busy monitoring equipment function following the flood.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss:4th of July celebration went well. Another bear or 2 have been reported in the city.

Jim Chyba: Thank you to city staff for their efforts during the flood

Jeff Wright: Absent

Carrie Turner: Thank you to city staff for their efforts during the flood

Mary Venske:  Hearing positive feedback on mosquito spraying.

Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday August 10, 2022, at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 7:00 pm

June 8, 2022

June 8, 2022

Regular Council Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske and Carrie Turner. Clerk James Chyba was absent.

Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on May 11, 2022, as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record.


Donations: None

Old Business:

 Hawkins chemical will be at the water plant on Thursday June 9th to go through all of the chemical feed components and insure proper operation. Tonka Water will be on sight on June 22nd to go through the filtration system.

Two contractors have expressed interest in the White pine drive and East 2nd street projects. No bids have been submitted yet.

Hydrant flushing was completed the week of May 23rd. The process went very well and will be repeated annually or sooner if necessary.

New Business:

One of the two pumps in the Brummer lift station recently stopped working. The remaining pump was running continuously to keep up with the influent flow. Electric pump had a FLYGT pump in stock at a cost of $9518 plus installation costs. An order was placed immediately as it was the only single-phase pump available.


The idea of putting United State flags on the utility poles has been brought up to the city. Many of the poles have flag holder brackets mounted on them already. Mayor Noss thought the VFW would likely donate towards the purchase. The Council thought it was a great idea and would like to proceed.


A strong storm came through Randall on the morning of May 30th causing some damage to trees and signs. No major damage was reported, city staff has completed cleanup of public areas.


A public hearing regarding the funding process for the planned street projects will be held in conjunction with the regular council meeting next month.


Motioned by Turner and seconded by Wright to approve a beer permit for the Randall Cushing Lions for July 2nd. Motion Carried.




Planning and Zoning Permits:

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to approve building permits for Joseph Butler to construct a ramp on his deck, Robert Atkinson to move in a 12’x16’ shed, and for Susan Christy to move in a 12”X16” shed and replace a window in her home with a Patio door. Motion Carried.


Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

Flower pots prepared by Cathy Adamek have been placed at the businesses in Randall. Mosquito spraying has begun for the season. A new parttime bartender has been hired for the muni.

Maintenance Supervisor Report:  

The shipment of transformers has arrived, Patrick will begin replacing the transformers with higher levels of PCB’s as time permits.

Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  

MPCA completed their inspection of the wastewater plant any violations found have been corrected.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss: None

Jim Chyba: Absent

Jeff Wright: None

Carrie Turner: Would be willing to pick up the flags if needed

Mary Venske:  None

Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday July 13, 2022, at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 6:24 pm

May 11, 2022

May 11, 2022

Regular Council Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske and Carrie Turner and Clerk James Chyba.

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Chyba to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on April 13, 2022, as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Venske and seconded by Chyba. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record.


Donations: Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to approve resolution 5112022 accepting a $3000.00 donation from the Randall VFW for the Randall Cubs baseball team. Motion Carried.

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve resolution 5112022-2 accepting a donation of $300.00 from a Randall resident to purchase trees to be planted along Mainstreet. Motion Carried.

Old Business: Pantzke briefed the council on the City-Wide Cleanup Day. Lots of residents took advantage of the opportunity to get rid of unwanted items, all 4 (garbage, metal, tires & appliances) of the disposal trucks were filled. There are still a few residents that need to clean up their yards the council instructed Pantzke to keep trying to encourage them to clean up.

New Business:

The blacktop of both White pine drive and east 2nd street is in poor condition. Pantzke has met with the property owners along these corridors, and they are not in favor of repaving the roads. Neither road has water or sewer beneath them and would not be eligible for funding assistance in the upcoming infrastructure reconstruction. Both roads would need to be completely rebuilt due to the improper subgrade under the asphalt. Crosby construction will be contacted to provide an estimate to remove the asphalt and put down class 5 gravel or possibly recycled asphalt on both roads.


MRWA will be in Randall the week of May 23rd to train Keith on directional water main flushing. During this process it should remove most of the build up inside of the water mains. Residents will be advised on Facebook and the MC record that flushing will be taking place. They will be advised to limit water usage from 8am to 4 pm each day to prevent sediment from getting into their water lines.

Planning and Zoning Permits:

Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to approve building permits for Tim Strack to move in 4 portable storage containers and for Liz Wheeler to replace the siding on her home. Motion Carried.


Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

Liquor store sales are up $20,000 YTD. We are looking for some summer help for the off sale.

Maintenance Supervisor Report:  

Patrick has been busy preparing for and completing the MNOPS inspection which went very well. He has also gotten the equipment ready for lawnmowing.

Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  

MPCA completed their inspection of the wastewater plant on April 20th. Keith will be waiting to complete manhole flushing and pump maintenance until water main flushing is completed

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss: None

Jim Chyba: Thanked Matt for his help on cleanup day

Jeff Wright: None

Carrie Turner: Asked who is responsible for culvert replacement? City provides 26 feet for new construction; driveway construction and culvert maintenance are up to the property owner.

Mary Venske:  What is the status of the shed door? Door arrived this week. Construction will begin soon.

Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday June 9, 2022, at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 6:33 pm


April 13, 2022

April 13, 2022

Regular Council Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske and Carrie Turner and Clerk James Chyba.

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Venske to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on March 9, 2022, as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Chyba and seconded by Wright. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record, Jon Archer from Schlenner and Wenner, and Major Stock from Camp Ripley.

Archer was present to give the 2021 financial audit report. Overall, there were increases in all fund balances except electric, due to the higher cost of electricity and electrical expenses in 2021. Adjustments were minimal and consisted primarily of cash to accrual. No inconsistencies or non-compliance were determined during the audit process. Mayor Noss if there were any additional fees for the audit due to inaccurate bookkeeping on the city’s behalf. Archer said it is no longer an issue and commended the city staff for their efforts. Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Wright to accept the 2021 audit as presented. Motion Carried.

Major Stock was present to give the 2022 community briefing on Camp Ripley’s economic impact and to inform the council on the 2022 training schedule and special events planned throughout 2022.


Donations: None

Old Business: Pantzke updated the council on the Brummer property development. He has been in contact with a couple of local realtors to market the property to interested developers.

New Business:

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve the bid from Salber construction to replace the existing overhead door with a 14x12 overhead door at the cold storage building at a cost not to exceed $5300.00.  Pantzke noted the project will likely be $1750.00 less if we go with a non-insulated door. Motion carried.



Motioned by Venske and seconded by Chyba to approve the City of Randall meeting guidelines and city hall civility policy. Motion Carried.


Pantzke briefed the council on the electrical problems caused by the April 5, 2022, auto accident on highway 10 that caused a loss of one of the 3 phases feeding the city of Randall. A 300 kva transformer at the Dr. Knight school overheated and had to be replaced. The students and staff were evacuated as a precaution while the repairs were made. Power was restored to the school by approximately 3:00 that afternoon. The water treatment plant also sustained damage to the VFD on the well pump and some other fusing. The plant repairs have been made and will be restarted on the morning of April 14th, 2022. Staff will monitor operation to determine if any additional damage is noticed.


Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to approve the water plant relaunch with Tonka water and Hawkins chemical at a cost of $2500.00 to insure everything is working properly. Motion Carried.


Local Board of equalization will be held on April 25th, 2022, at 2:30. Noss, Turner and Venske will be in attendance.


Planning and Zoning Permits:



Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

BNSF has contacted the city about getting natural gas service at 2 of there line heater locations in or near Randall. City staff is preparing cost estimates to install the services. Staff is working on determining which homes have sump pumps connected to the city sewer system. This will be a on going project. The Band Marshall Star has been booked for the street dance on July 2nd. The fire department is going to be taking care of the parade. The former fourth of July committee has contacted the city about using their remaining funds to purchase decorative utility pole banners for the city. Council thought that was a great idea.

Maintenance Supervisor Report:  

Patrick and Keith have been working with USDI to get all their OQ tasks completed. MNOPS will be conducting the annual inspection starting on April 26th.

Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  

MPCA will be conducting their inspection of the wastewater plant on April 20th.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss: None

Jim Chyba: Great job on the audit

Jeff Wright: None

Carrie Turner: Asked if there were some new dents in the building from Boone’s customers.

Mary Venske:  None

Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday May 11, 2022, at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 7:37 pm

March 9, 2022

March 9, 2022

Regular Council Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council member Mary Venske and Clerk James Chyba. Council member Carrie Turner was absent.

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Chyba to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on February 9,2022 as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Venske. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record



Old Business: Pantzke updated the council on the preliminary engineering report that the city is working on with Widseth. The report is nearly complete except for the water tower inspection and a few other details. The report has been submitted for reviewal to determine eligibility for funding. Timeline for construction is late summer 2023 and most of 2024.

New Business:

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Chyba to approve Resolutions 03092022 designating Bingo Park Community Center as the official polling place for the city of Randall. This needed to be done again due to the redistricting of the City of Randall. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Wright and seconded by Chyba to approve the internal/external water tower inspection with KLM engineering at a cost of $3200.00. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Venske to set May 7, 2022, as city wide cleanup day. Motion Carried. Pantzke will be submitting a grant application to Morrison County to assist with the cost. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Venske and seconded by Wright to make the annual donation of $500.00 to Green Prairie Park/Beach. Motion Carried.


Planning and Zoning Permits:



Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

Liquor store new promotion Barstool Blitz is a big hit. City staff has been gathering data for the preliminary engineering report.


Maintenance Supervisor Report:  Patrick has put in a large order for natural gas system components, the relief valve at the TBS will likely be installed in July or August. Patrick is also putting an order together for electric transformers to replace the older ones that have small amounts of PCB’s in them.

Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  Keith attended the MRWA conference in St. Cloud last week. He is continuing to work with MRWA at the Water plant and they will be assisting with water line flushing as weather permits.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss: Ron Kresha will be at city hall March 15th from 1-3 pm for a Q&A

Jim Chyba: None

Jeff Wright: None

Carrie Turner: Absent

Mary Venske:  Very happy with the way the city is running.

Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday April 13, 2022, at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 6:26 pm

February 9, 2022

February 9, 2022

Regular Council Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council member Carrie Turner, and Council member Mary Venske. Clerk James Chyba was absent.

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on January 12,2022 as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record and Chad Anderson from the MN department of health. Chad was present for the scoping 2 meeting as part of the wellhead protection plan. Chad explained the process to complete part 2 of the plan and how the plan helps protect the drinking water supply management area. He along with Pantzke and Evans from the city and Marilyn from Bayerl Water Resources will be gathering data and completing part 2 of the plan by July 2023. 



Old Business: Pantzke updated the council on the preliminary engineering report that the city is working on with Widseth. The report is about 80% complete currently. Once the report is completed it will be submitted to Rural Development for reviewal. Following this the city can move forward planning reconstruction of the water and wastewater systems.

New Business:

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve Resolutions 02092022 and 02092022-2 accepting donations from the Randall VFW and the Flensburg American Legion totaling $11,000 dollars for the Randall Fire Department for turnout gear. Motion Carried.


The contract for residential solid waste and recycling expires 8/31/2022. Long Prairie Sanitation (LPS) submitted a renewal request for 5 additional years without a price increase. They have not increased rates for 8 years. City Sanitary Service also expressed interest in contracting with the city. They stated that they would be able to provide service at a comparable rate to LPS. The Council all agreed that they were happy with the service LPS has provided and were pleased to hear they would continue at the same rate for 5 additional years. Following discussion Motioned by Wright and seconded by Venske to renew the contract with Long Prairie Sanitation for 5 additional years ending August 31,2027 with no price increase. Motion Carried.


Planning and Zoning Permits:



Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

The Audit is nearly complete, it took a little longer this year due to it being done virtually. Liquor store is starting a new promotion March 4th on Friday nights called Barstool Blitz. Each chair or stool will have a number and drawings will take place throughout the night for prizes. We are strongly considering implementing the “cash discounting” in the bar portion of Municipal. This would eliminate credit card fees for the bar and instead pass them on to the card user.


Maintenance Supervisor Report:  

Patrick is working on updating gas information with USDI. Plow truck had to have the transmission repaired at Little Falls transmission. It is back and working properly.

Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  Keith has been sampling water 2-3 times per week to monitor manganese levels. He will continue finetuning the plant to get them as low as possible. Hydrant flushing will resume in the spring to help remove any sediment in the distribution system.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss: None

Jim Chyba: Absent

Jeff Wright:  Would like to thank city staff for plowing snow at the Firehall

Carrie Turner: None

Mary Venske:  None

Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday March 9, 2022, at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 6:45 pm


January 12, 2022

January 12, 2022

Regular Council Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council member Carrie Turner, and Clerk Jim Chyba. Council member Mary Venske was absent.

Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on December 15,2021 as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record and Randall Fire Chief Scott Hughson.

Donations: Hughson was present to discuss equipment needs for the Randall Fire Department. The Turnout gear the firefighters are using is no longer OSHA compliant and needs to be replaced, they are also looking at purchasing new extraction equipment that is lighter and easier to operate. The amount of money needed is approximately $78,000. They have raised about $70,000 through grants and donations from local individuals and are asking if the City would be willing to contribute additional funds towards the equipment. Hughson also said the department will be discussing their involvement on the 4th of July celebration at their next fire drill.

Old Business: The City was notified by Morrison County that the parcel of land that was up for tax forfeiture was owned by MNDOT and was not available for purchase from them. Pantzke will contact MNDOT to see if they are willing to sell the parcel.

New Business:

Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to donate $1000.00 to the Randall Fire Department for turnout gear. Motion Carried. Wright abstained from voting as he is on the Fire Department.


Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to approve the 2022 Fee schedule. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Turner and seconded by Wright to approve the 2022 appointments and designations. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Wright and Seconded by Turner to approve the contract with Schlenner and Wenner for the 2021 financial audit. Motion Carried.


Planning and Zoning Permits:



Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

Yearend inventory was done liquor store on Sunday January 2nd.  Financial audit and year end reporting for gas and electric will be in the coming weeks.

Maintenance Supervisor Report:  

Patrick and Keith will be working on the gas manuals and OQ training as time permits.

Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  A public meeting regarding the Wellhead protection plan is being coordinated by Keith and the MDH. This may happen in February.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss: Dan has scheduled training from Sourcewell for all councilmembers on January 31.

Jim Chyba: None

Jeff Wright:  None

Carrie Turner: None

Mary Venske:  Absent

Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday February 9, 2022, at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 6:37 pm


December 15, 2021

December 16, 2021

Truth in Taxation Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske and Carrie Turner, and Clerk Jim Chyba. Also present were City Manager Matt Pantzke and resident Harry Miller.

Miller was present to inform the council that his taxable property value had risen from about $6,500 in 2021 to about $85,000 in 2022. Mayor Noss informed him that it was most likely due to the property split he did creating a new parcel Id. He was also informed that he could contact the Morrison County assessor’s office to dispute the value and he could also come back in April 2022 to the equalization board to appeal.

The council then briefly discussed the 2022 levy and agreed that a 2% increase was necessary.

Mayor Noss adjourned the meeting at 6:10 pm

The regular council meeting was called to order at 6:11 pm by Mayor Noss

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on November 17,2021 as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record and resident Harry Miller.

Donations: Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve resolution 12152021-2 accepting a $250 donation from the Flensburg American Legion for the Randall food pantry. Motion Carried

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to approve a $750.00 to the Initiative Foundation for 2022 to help ensure the viability and success of Randall. Motion Carried.

Old Business: None

New Business:

Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to set the 2022 Tax Levy at $167760 a 2% increase from 2021. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to approve the 2022 budget as presented. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Wright and seconded by Venske to approve the 2022 wage scale and to increase benefit pay from $3.46 to $3.75 per hour. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Turner and Seconded by Venske to designate Bingo Park Community Building as the official polling place for the city of Randall. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve Resolution 12152021, accepting surplus ARPA funds. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to accept the proposal from Bayerl Water Resources to complete phase 2 of the wellhead protection plan at a cost of $8450. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to not waive the insurance tort liability limits 2022 renewal period. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Venske to Change the City council meetings from the third Wednesday to the Second Wednesday of the month effective 1/1/2022. Motion Carried


Planning and Zoning Permits:



Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

Year end inventory at the liquor store will be done on Sunday January 2nd. Financial audit preparation and year end tasks will be the major focus in the coming weeks.

Maintenance Supervisor Report:  

Patrick is participating in MMUA transformer school in Marshall MN this week.

Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  Keith has working with MRWA to optimize the water treatment plant.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss:  Wanted to thank City council members and city staff for their dedication to Randall.

Jim Chyba: None

Jeff Wright:  None

Carrie Turner: None

Mary Venske:  None

Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday January 12, 2022, at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 6:37 pm


November 17, 2021

November 17, 2021

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske and Carrie Turner, and Clerk Jim Chyba.

Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on October 19,2021 as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Venske. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record.

Donations: None

Old Business: None

New Business:

Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to approve the Electric Service agreement with MN Power effective 1/1/2022 through 12/31/2029 which will reduce wholesale energy costs by about 20% and the city will receive approximately $5666.00 as a signing bonus. Motion Carried.


The City of Randall was notified by the MN OSA that the TIF Act (under Minn. Stat. § 469.176, subd. 3) limits the amount of tax increment that may be used for administrative expenses, which for

this district is limited to ten percent of total estimated tax increment expenditures authorized by the TIF plan or the total tax increments distributed from the county (including TIF credit distributions),

whichever is less. In this case, ten percent of the $220,988 of tax increments distributed from the county, or $22,099 is the limit. The City reported $34,963 of authority administrative expenses paid with tax increment from TIF 3, which would yield an apparent violation of $12,864. Most of the administrative costs for the district were reported for 2005 ($12,529) and 2006 ($12,860). These administrative expenses, along with those since then, yielded a total over the limit. In response to the notification and consulting with the Schlenner Wenner accounting firm, a check in the amount of $12,864.00 was issued to the Morrison County Auditor. The City of Randall will receive approximately 1/3 of this back in the second half tax settlement. City Manager Pantzke notified the OSA of the repayment to resolve the issue.


The council set a special meeting for December 7 at 9:00 Am to discuss the proposed 2022 budget, discuss wage increases and meet with full time staff members. Budget committee members Wright, Noss and Pantzke will meet on December 2nd at 11:00 am to review the budget and create a proposed copy for the council’s review.



Planning and Zoning Permits:



Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

The furnace in City Hall had to be replaced by Ballou plumbing and heating as the old one was beyond repair due to its age. The liquor store has surpassed its budgeted revenue by $35,000.00 as of 10/31/2021 current ytd profits are about $60,000.00

Maintenance Supervisor Report:  Patrick will be hanging Christmas lights next week. The County is no longer using a salt/sand mix on roads as a deicer, they have switched to just salt at a lower rate. The city will also switch to salt as the county is our supplier.

Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  Keith is working with MRWA to optimize the water treatment plant. We have had an increase in manganese at well 3 and they will be making some adjustments to the plant to decrease manganese levels. The wellhead protection plan will need to be completed by 7/31/2023 Keith will be working on this as well.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss:  None

Jim Chyba: None

Jeff Wright:  None

Carrie Turner: None

Mary Venske:  None

Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday December 15, 2021, at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 6:35 pm

October 19, 2021

October 19, 2021

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske and Carrie Turner, and Clerk Jim Chyba.

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Chyba to accept the Minutes of the preliminary tax levy hearing and the regular council meeting on September 15,2021 as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record.

Donations: None

Old Business: None

New Business:

Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Wright to purchase tax forfeited parcel 430012001 from Morrison County at a cost of $175.65. The property will allow the city to run a second water line crossing to the water treatment plant without crossing private property and would make a great spot to build a city maintenance building. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve renewing the Randall VFW’s liquor license for 2022. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske approve renewing Tobacco licenses for Casey’s general store and Randall Municipal liquor for 2022. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Wright to accept USDI’s proposal of $9385.00 annually for natural gas consulting effective 12/1/2021. Motion Carried.


Wholesale electric costs have risen slightly all year and substantially the last 2 months. September’s wholesale cost was .1162 cents per KWH, the average cost per KWH year to date is .0957. The current base fee is $23.00 per service and electric rates are .09 for the first 2000 KWH and .095 for any additional KWH’s. The new electric contract that is being negotiated should reduce energy costs beginning 1/1/2022. Following discussion Motioned by Venske and seconded by Wright to increase electric rates from .09 cents to .95 cents and .95 cents to .10 cents for the rest of 2021. Motion Carried.



Planning and Zoning Permits:

Motioned by Turner and seconded by Wright to approve a permit for Sara Ballou to move in a 2004 16x80 mobile home into lot 26 of the Whispering Willow estates. Motion Carried. The Planning and Zoning committee also recommended that the 3 vacant trailers in the park be removed asap. 2 of the 3 have not been lived in since around 2015 and the other trailer is uninhabitable.  The council agreed that the long-term concerns with the overall appearance of the park have been a problem and need to be addressed. Mayor Noss and Councilmember Wright will meet with the owners of the park to address all the concerns.



Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

A new 3 door cooler was ordered from Britz store equipment for the offsale to replace the 2 old coolers on loan from Bernicks. Staff will be rearranging shelving in the off sale once the cooler arrives to improve customer flow.

Maintenance Supervisor Report:  STS came in and chipped the brush from the trees damaged by the training fire on the vacant home on Superior Avenue. They also cleaned up the leaves at the city cemetery.

Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  Keith passed his class D water exam. Alley sewer line will be jetted out soon and sludge will also be hauled out as weather permits.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss:  He will be in touch with the 4th of July committee soon.

Jim Chyba: None

Jeff Wright:  None

Carrie Turner: None

Mary Venske:  None

Next Meeting: Wednesday November 17, 2021, at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 6:53 pm


September 15,2021

September 15, 2021

Preliminary tax levy hearing was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske and Carrie Turner, and Clerk Jim Chyba.

Mayor Noss noted that the 2021 tax levy was set at $164,471.00 and the city has historically set the preliminary tax levy at a 5% increase. The final tax levy can not exceed the preliminary amount. Following discussion, the council agreed to preliminarily increase the 2021 tax levy amount by 5% for 2022. The amount be motioned for approval at the regular council meeting immediately following the hearing.

Mayor Noss Adjourned the hearing at 6:08 and opened the regular council meeting.

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on August 18,2021 as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Chyba. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record, And Dave Reese from Widseth Engineering.

Dave presented the council with a proposed preliminary layout for the city owned Brummer property. The proposed layout would include 15 single family lots ranging from 13,685 to 32,620 square feet and 2 lots around 55,000 square feet that could be used to construct multi family dwellings. The current rate for water, sewer and roadbed are about $100.00 per foot for each and an additional $120.00 per foot for curb and gutter netting approximately $420.00 per foot of roadway. The council felt that curb and gutter should be considered and would be worth the extra cost. Pantzke asked if curb and gutter could be added to the existing homes in the Brummer addition. Reese said it most likely could, the grade of the roadbed would have to be verified to determine the feasibility. Any improvements to existing roadways would be studied and the property owners would have an opportunity to provide feedback before proceeding. Mayor Noss motioned to have Widseth calculate actual cost estimates for the proposed expansion on the Brummer property, Seconded by Venske. Motion Carried. Pantzke will update the City attorney on the plans and will also reach out to the city’s financial advisor about the possibility of establishing a TIF district. Reese Also briefly updated the Council on the upcoming reconstruction projects. Their present primary focus is funding. They are working on the USDA rural development application and suggested the council consider applying for a SCDP grant. There funding agent will provide the city with some additional information about the SCDP grant.

Donations: None

Old Business:

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Chyba to amend section 151.47 of the City of Randall’s ordinance book to permit 6-foot-tall residential fences rather than 4 foot-tall. Motion Carried.

New Business:

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to set the 2022 preliminary tax levy at $172,694.00 a 5% increase from the 2021 levy amount. Motion Carried.

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to renew the contract with the Morrison County Sheriff for 2022 without any changes. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Wright to have the regular October council meeting on Tuesday October 19th rather than Wednesday October 20th to allow City staff to attend the MN power annual meeting in Duluth on the 20th. Motion Carried.

Planning and Zoning Permits:

Motioned by Turner and seconded by Wright to approve a building permit for Lisa Sherman, 114 1st street, to construct an 8’x8’ wooden deck and for Darren Baum, 148 Boulder Place, to move in an 8’x16’ storage shed. Motion Carried

Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

The walk-in coolers at the Liquor store had some additional repairs done and are now working fine. One additional part time bartender was recently hired and another part time bartender that has a seasonal job will be picking up some extra hours. We have sold 57 of the old street signs, many are still available if anyone is interested. The Electric fund is currently operating in a deficit. There have been some unforeseen charges from MN Power this year due to some transmission line problems coupled with some of the improvements the city has made to the system that have caused expenditures to be higher than budgeted. With contract negotiations nearing completion Pantzke is optimistic that wholesale electric costs will drop soon. This along with Patrick’s completion of the Lineman program will help the fund recover.

 Maintenance Supervisor Report:  Patrick and Keith have replaced most of the street signs, wherever possible they moved the street sign to the top of the stop sign eliminating a lot of extra signposts. They will be removing the vacant ones as time permits. Patrick is attending overhead line school in Marshall MN this week. This is the last requirement to complete his training.

Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  Keith attended the water/wastewater conference and will also be attending a refresher course and will be taking his Class D water test next week.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss:  Would like to contact Sourcewell and have them come to Randall on a Saturday to share with the council what they have to offer. Council members would prefer this happen on a weekday. Noss will see what their availability is.

Jim Chyba: None

Jeff Wright:  None

Carrie Turner: None

Mary Venske:  Asked when the gas line replacement under the railroad tracks will be completed. 2022 most likely

Next Meeting: Tuesday October 19, 2021, at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 7:20 pm


August 18, 2021



August 18, 2021

Regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske and Carrie Turner, and Clerk Jim Chyba.

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on July 21,2021 as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Chyba and seconded by Venske. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record.

Donations: None

Old Business:

Pantzke informed the council that the city received $33,014.91 from the American rescue plan (ARPA) there will likely be a second installment at a future date. The funds can be used for infrastructure related expenses and must be used by 2024.



New Business:

Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Wright to accept the Widseth proposal of $4900.00 to survey the city owned Brummer addition property and provide the city with potential stormwater, street and utility platting, lots sizes and quantities. Widseth should have the report ready by the September council meeting. Motion Carried.


The planning and zoning board recommended changing the height limit ordinance on residential fences from 4 feet to 6 feet due to a large amount of requests. The council felt this was a reasonable request and instructed Pantzke to contact the city Attorney for legal input.

Planning and Zoning Permits:

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve a building permit for Wayne Mensen, 224 1st street, to replace existing 8x10 deck with a 16x10 deck. Motion Carried



Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

The Keg cooler compressor failed on Sunday 8/15 and needed to be replaced. Carlson Stewert refrigeration made the repairs, and it is back in operation. The preliminary tax levy hearing will be held prior to the regular council meeting in September. The Sheriff’s contract is up for renewal in September as well. Pantzke will provide a copy of the current contract via email for council reviewal.There was another NEMMPA meeting in Grand Rapids on August 11, 2021. Chyba attended the meeting with Pantzke. The contract is now being reviewed by a legal counsel to address any concerns.

 Maintenance Supervisor Report:  Patrick and Keith have been busy replacing the street signs. The old signs will be available to purchase at a cost of $10 each, first come first serve once the project os complete. There is one new gas service to install and another to relocate in the next month. Patrick met with Arvig to discuss options for replacing the steel pipe under the train tracks with plastic. The project would most likely be done in 2022.


Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  Keith will be attending the water/wastewater conference in St. Cloud next week.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss:  Pointed out that the gambling proceeds from etabs tend to fluctuate a lot.

Jim Chyba: wanted to make sure everyone was aware of the MNDOT survey regarding the HWY 10 intersections

Jeff Wright:  None

Carrie Turner: None

Mary Venske:  None


Next Meeting: Preliminary tax levy hearing followed by the Regularly scheduled meeting on September 15, 2021, at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 6:29pm

June 16, 2021


June 16, 2021

Regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske and Carrie Turner, and Clerk Jim Chyba.

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Wright to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on May 19, 2021, as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Chyba. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record, Jason Atwater from CTC, and Stacy Gold, Little Falls community schools Early Childhood Director.

Jason Atwater From CTC was present to request that the city renew the video franchise agreement between the city and CTC. The current agreement has some minor changes from the original from 2004. Pantzke will have the city attorney review both agreements prior to approval.

Stacy Gold presented the council with a playground project plan that could be installed at Dr.Knight elementary in Randall. The proposed plan would be to install a playground between the ballfield and the tennis courts that would be suitable for 3- to 12-year-old children. She is requesting support from the city and will be seeking funding assistance from organizations and individuals in and around Randall. She has currently raised $22,500.00 and will need approximately $22,000.00 more to complete the project. The council thanking her for her efforts and will discuss budgeting some funds to assist in the coming years.

Donations: None

Old Business:

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to approve the assessment policy as presented by Dave Reese at the May 19, 2021, council meeting. Motion Carried.


The council briefly discussed the city owned Brummer property. Pantzke was directed to have Widseth Engineering firm draft a proposal to survey the property to determine how many lots could be developed. Pantzke will bring the proposal to a future meeting.


Motioned by Venske and seconded by Chyba to update the personnel manual to include 1 floating holiday per year for all fulltime employees. Motion Carried.



New Business:

As part of the Rural Development funding process for the proposed reconstruction projects the city needs to appoint an Administrator for the project. Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to appoint Matthew Pantzke to the Administrator role for the project. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Noss and seconded by Chyba to approve a beer permit for the Randall Cushing Lions for July 3rd. Motion Carried


Planning and Zoning Permits:


Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

Staffing continues to be a challenge at the liquor store, business has continued to be very good. The exterior painting project has been completed at the store. The parking along main street will be paved on Thursday June 17.

Maintenance Supervisor Report:  Patrick will be working with Brainerd Public utilities on Thursday to complete a couple of electric projects.


Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  City staff has checked into the need for water restrictions due to the dry weather. The 2 municipal wells have very large aquifers and there currently is not a need to place any restrictions. Keith will continue to monitor water levels. The lift station located in the Brummer addition does not have a backup power supply in the event of a long-term electric outage. City staff suggest purchasing a PTO generator that would serve as a secondary power supply. Pricing will be brought to next month’s meeting.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss:  

Jim Chyba: None

Jeff Wright:  None

Carrie Turner: None

Mary Venske:  None

Mayor Noss closed the meeting following council concerns to discuss the power supply negotiations between NEMMPA and MN Power. Pantzke presented the proposed offer to the council followed by discussion. Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to approve of the offer and enter final negotiations. Motion Carried.


Next Meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting will be on July 21, 2021 at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 7:52 pm

July 21,2021


July 21, 2021

Regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske and Carrie Turner, and Clerk Jim Chyba.

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Wright to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on June 16, 2021, as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record.

Donations: Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to accept a $500.00 donation from the Randall VFW for the food pantry. Motion Carried.

Old Business:

Motioned by Chyba and seconded Venske to renew the franchise agreement between the city of Randall and Consolidated telephone company as ordinance #46.1 with CTC covering

 all cost related to renewing the agreement. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Wright and seconded by Venske to purchase a 15,000-watt PTO generator, trailer, and power shaft from AMPS Inc. Albany MN at a cost of $3111.50 and expensing equally it to the general, electric, and wastewater funds. Motion Carried.


The Council discussed the Independence Day celebration held on July 3rd, Mayor Noss and Councilmember Carrie Turner will schedule a meeting with the Fourth of July Committee and recap the celebration and discuss future celebrations. They will update the council at the next meeting.




New Business:

Due to the severe drought status of central MN the MN DNR is requiring public water suppliers to restrict water use immediately. Motioned by Wright and seconded by Venske to impose the following restrictions immediately:  The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has issued a severe drought warning and are issuing water restrictions to public water suppliers. The city of Randall will impose the following restrictions immediately.

  We will be dividing the town at the railroad tracks. Residents on the West side of the tracks will be allowed to water their lawns, gardens, etc. on ODD numbered calendar days, (1st,3rd ETC.).  Residents on the East side of the tracks will be allowed to water on EVEN Numbered calendar days (2nd,4thETC.).

 You may water between the hours of 8 P.M. and 8 A.M. rather than during the heat of the day. Any filling of outdoor pools, lawn, garden watering should be completed on your allowed days and in the allowed time frames. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Venske and seconded by Chyba to approve a beer permit for the Randall Cushing Lions for St James Parish festival August 8th, 2021. Motion Carried


Motioned by Wright and seconded by Venske to resume charging late fees on past due utility bills on the next billing cycle. Motion Carried.

Planning and Zoning Permits:


Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

Both walk in coolers at the liquor store were recently serviced and are now working much better. Anderson brothers were in Randall paving a driveway on hill drive, Pantzke contacted them and asked if they were able to patch a small area on hill drive. They had some extra asphalt and agreed to patch the area and send a bill to the city. Pantzke submitted the ARPA application for COVID infrastructure funding. The funds do not have to be spent until 2024 and can be used to pay for water and wastewater projects and planning. There will be another NEMMPA meeting in Grand Rapids on August 11, 2021. Chyba agreed to attend the meeting with Pantzke.

 Maintenance Supervisor Report:  Patrick has had to replace a few electric transformers in town, he will contact a recycler to dispose of the old ones.


Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  Another chemical feed pump at the water plant is failing. Keith will be looking into other options for better pumps.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss:  Pointed out that both Patrick and Matt have a large amount of PTO and would like to see them take some time off

Jim Chyba: None

Jeff Wright:  None

Carrie Turner: None

Mary Venske:  None


Next Meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting will be on August 18, 2021 at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 6:43pm


May 19,2021

May 19, 2021

Regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske and Carrie Turner, and Clerk Jim Chyba.

Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Wright to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on April 21, 2021 as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Chyba. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record, Dave Reese from Widseth, Diane Drew and Donna Lundgren from the Fourth of July committee.

Dave Reese presented the revised assessment policy for the council to review; the policy has not been updated since 2012. The version presented by Dave accurately reflects current construction costs. Council will review and take further action at the next meeting. Dave also discussed the possible development of the remaining Brummer property owned by the city. The council will discuss this further at a future meeting.

Donna and Diane talked about the 4th of July celebration. A request was made to have a 1-day event on Saturday July 3rd with a parade at 11:00, followed by live music in the pavilion. There is a band booked for a street dance in the evening. Fireworks are not planned due to the cost being nearly $10,000. The lions club is still not certain if they will be able to sell beer yet due to liquor liability insurance costs. The idea of having the band play at the VFW was brought up. Mayor Noss will be in contact with the VFW regarding the possibility. Following discussion Mayor Noss noted that $4500.00 was budgeted for the event. Chyba Motioned and Venske seconded to donate $4500.00 to the committee to help cover the cost of the event any remaining funds would be used for lights or street banners. Motion Carried


Motioned by turner and seconded to accept a $300.00 donation for the 4th of July Medallion Hunt from the Randall Cushing Lions. Motion Carried.

Old Business:

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Wright to approve resolution 5192021 regarding the sale of the city owned lots to Robert and Lidia Atkinson. Motion Carried

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Chyba to order new street signs at a cost of approximately $2600.00 from T&R signs. Motion Carried.

New Business: Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to accept the lowest bid of $3500.00 for a new Ricoh copier from Metro Sales at a cost of $3500.00. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to accept the bid of $4158.00 from Niesen Painting to repaint the exterior of the liquor store. Not included in the bid is the fee of time and material to mask off all the lettering on the front of the building. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to increase the fulltime bartender wages by $2.00 per hour due to the current demand for hospitality staff. Motion Carried.


Planning and Zoning Permits:

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve building permits for Donalee Butler to move in as storage shed, Peter Pfeffer to move in a storage shed, James Zellgert to build a deck, Rebecca Nelson to build a deck, and Nicole Schmidt to replace the wood siding on their garage with vinyl and rebuild their fence. Motion Carried.


Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

Staffing continues to be a challenge at the liquor store, business has been good though. CTC will be at the June meeting to discuss a franchise agreement with the city. MNDOT is planning to modify the HWY 10 crossings in 2024. They will be doing some public meetings soon.

Maintenance Supervisor Report:  Patrick has several electric projects he will be working on this summer.


Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  Keith will be doing hydrant and manhole flushing throughout the summer.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss:  reviewed the personnel manual and added a floating holiday for all city staff. Will be further discussed at a future meeting. Dan also would like to investigate the ordinance regarding a food truck permit for an interested party.

Jim Chyba: Asked when the Swanson property will be cleaned up. The ashes must sit for at least 30 days before they can be hauled to the landfill.

Jeff Wright:  None

Carrie Turner: None

Mary Venske:  Asked if there was any record of there being a garbage dump on Maplewood drive. No one had any information or record of it.


Next Meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting will be on June 16, 2021 at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 7:49 pm

April 21, 2021

April 21, 2021

Regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske and Carrie Turner, and Clerk Jim Chyba.

Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Wright to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on March 17, 2021 as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Venske. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record. Major Tim Gorecki from Camp Ripley

Major Gorecki gave the Council a report on the training and community support that Camp Ripley was involved in this past year. He also informed the council on the events and training activities that will be taking place this coming year.



Old Business:


New Business: Motioned by Venske and seconded by Chyba to accept the offer from Robert and Lidia Atkinson to purchase two vacant lots on Pacific Ave for $1500.00. Closing costs will be split 50/50 between the city and Atkinson’s. They will also be required to combine the 2 parcels into 1. Pantzke will have the city attorney draft a resolution authorizing the sale and bring it to the May 19,2021 meeting. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to trade the New Holland 3050 tractor and loader to Midwest Machinery for a John Deere 4720 tractor and loader at a cost of $13,000. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to have Ideal construction repave the entire parking are between Pacific Avenue and the Railroad tracks with a 1 ½’ layer of asphalt at a cost of $19,600.00. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Venske and seconded to lock in approximately 80% of our historical gas consumption beginning January 2029 through October of 2031. Motion Carried.


The Council discussed the city street sign condition. Most of them are faded and need to be replaced. Pantzke has contacted M&R sign out of Fergus Falls and has a ballpark figure of $2800.00 to replace them. All the signs currently have the Lions logo on them, Chyba will talk to the club and ask if they are interested in donating towards new signs with the logo on them. He will bring his findings back to the May meeting.


Several parties have expressed interest in building a home on the Brummer property owned by the City of Randall. The property is not plotted at this time and the city will need to decide if they want to act as the developer or contract with a developer. Councilmembers Turner and Wright volunteered to scout the property with Pantzke and bring information back to the May meeting.


The council discussed the 4th of July celebration. The committee is planning a street dance and a parade. It may be possible to have this all take place on 3rd of July with the parade at 11:00 AM, Randall Cubs baseball at 1:00, maybe some afternoon entertainment and the dance in the evening. More information will follow as the date gets closer.


Planning and Zoning Permits:

Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to approve building permits for Gerard Schumer to construct a new home at 113 Maplewood drive and for Steve Scherping to replace the shingles on his home with steel. Motion Carried.


Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

Randall city wide cleanup day will be on May 8th from 8-10 AM, a flyer will go out in the next utility bill. Pantzke will contact residents with unkept properties to remind them of the event. The Fire Department will be doing a training Fire on the home and garage between Evans implement and the car wash on May 7, 2021. Final cleanup will take place no sooner than 30 days after the fire to allow any remaining embers to burn out. MNOPS will be in next week to perform the annual natural gas inspection. We have hired a new part time bartender for the liquor store. Help has been VERY hard to find.

 Maintenance Supervisor Report:  Patrick has been working on potholes as time and weather permit.


Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  Keith passed his biosolids exam. Dan Thilquist has reported that he is very pleased with Keith’s performance and work ethic.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss:  Would like to add a floating holiday for all city staff.

Jim Chyba: Would like to contact a painter to have the outside of the liquor store painted. He knows of a local contractor that may be interested in the job.

Jeff Wright:  Dirt portion of the alley needs to be graded.

Carrie Turner: None

Mary Venske:  None


Next Meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting will be on May 19, 2021 at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 7:36 pm

March 17, 2021

March 17, 2021

Regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske and Carrir Turner, and Clerk Jim Chyba.

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Venske to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on January 20, 2021 as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Venske. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record. Jon Archer, Schlenner and Wenner, Resident Harry Miller


Jon Archer presented the 2020 financial audit report. The Audit process went very well with minimal issues, the back reconciliations were all done correctly. Overall, most fund balances saw an increase at the end of 2020. The lone recommendation for the city is to further breakdown revenue categories at the Liquor store.


Public comment and concern:

Resident Harry Miller was present to update the Council on the progress he has made on his home that he was issued a building permit for in 2015. He also would like the city to provide water, sewer, and natural gas to the home. City Staff will look into options for connection. Harry then requested the meeting be closed to discuss some concerns with Law enforcement. Mayor Noss Closed the meeting at 6:37 for a total of 18 Minutes to hear Harrys concerns. Mayor Noss and Councilmember Chyba will arrange a meeting with the Sheriffs office to share Harry’s concerns.


Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to donate $500.00 to Green Prairie park to help with maintenance costs. Motion Carried.

Old Business:

Patrick Kalis provided the council with 2 quotes to replace the electric reclosers. The first option at a total cost of $3626.70 was for reclosers that are equipped with controls on the recloser that would require an operator to use the bucket truck to operate them. The second option at a cost of $13,921.20 was for ground controlled reclosers that would not require the bucket truck to operate them. Patrick explained that due to the infrequency of having to control them that the lesser option was the best choice. The city could use the additional funds to purchase other equipment for the electric system and construct a small driveway to access the reclosers. Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to purchase the lower cost reclosers. Motion Carried.


Widseth provided a memo with an update on the progress made on the upcoming reconstruction projects.



New Business:


Motioned by Venske and seconded by Chyba to renew the mosquito spraying contract with Clarke for three more years at a cost of $6750.00 per year. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Venske and seconded by Wright to Approve resolution 03172021 supporting the city of Little Falls effort towards a local sales tax option to construct a community recreational facility. Motion Carried.


Pantzke make a recommendation to start a city of Randall Facebook page to share City related information. The council agreed that it would be another good way of sharing information. Jayna Reed will begin the process of establishing a page and will be maintaining it once it is running.


Local Board of Equalization will be a city hall at 11:00 on April 13th. Wright and Chyba are up to date on training. Training will be held again in July.


Planning and Zoning Permits:

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Chyba to appoint Julie Dezurik to the planning and zoning board. Motion Carried.



Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

City Staff has been busy wrapping up the audit, preparing annual reports for the gas and electric systems. Met with a contractor to look at the possibility of expanding the natural gas system on 95th avenue. Liquor store has been doing well.

Pat: Maintenance Supervisor Report:  Patrick completed his final exams for lineman program.


Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  Keith took his class D wastewater exam and has signed up for his biosolids exam which will be held in New Ulm MN this April.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss:  Informed the Council that Ron Kresha is helping to get Randall on the bonding bill.

Jim Chyba: Asked for an update on the tractor and the Fourth of July celebration. Wanting to recognize all the city staff for doing a great job.

Jeff Wright:  None.

Carrie Turner: None

Mary Venske:  None


Next Meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting will be on April 21, 2021 at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 7:41 pm

February 17, 2021

February 17, 2021

Regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske, and Clerk Jim Chyba.

Newly appointed councilmember Carrie Turner took the oath of office for her term

 on the City Council.

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Venske to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on January 20, 2021 as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Chyba and seconded by Wright. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record.


Public comment and concern:



Motioned by Venske and seconded Chyba to donate $4100.00 to Community Services for youth recreational activities in Randall. Motion Carried.

Old Business: Steve Backowski from Morrison County public works met with Pantzke to give an update on the CSAH 1 bridge replacement on the north end of Randall. Construction will begin on or soon after September 7th, 2021 and will take approximately 3 weeks. The new bridge will be wide enough to accommodate the recreational trail that is being planned along CSAH1.


New Business:

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Venske to set May 8th,2021 as Randall city wide cleanup day. Motion carried.


Motioned by Venske and seconded by Wright to accept the grant from Morrison County public works in the amount of $2788.40 to help cover the cost of cleanup day. Motion Carried.


Planning and Zoning Permits:

Michael Dalquist to move in a 12x24 portable shed

Tim Strack to move in 12 8’x20’ Boxwell portable storage containers.

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Wright to approve both permits. Motion Carried.

Review of delinquent utility accounts: Delinquent accounts have been notified.


Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

The new POS system went into operation on February 8th and is working well.

The audit was done virtually the last week of January. The auditors pointed out that they were very pleased with Kim Moffitt’s performance.

Pantzke informed the council that the current weather situation throughout the U.S. is going to have an impact on the price of natural gas this month. Pantzke will include information in the next newsletter.


Pat: Maintenance Supervisor Report:  Patrick will be taking his final tests for the lineman program


Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  Keith has completed his gas tests. He needed to order a new chemical feed pump for the water plant at a cost of about $1,200. The furnace at the WWTP stopped working last Sunday. Ballou’s were able to get it started again but had to order a few parts to finalize the repairs. Keith did get signed up to take his first wastewater test with the MPCA.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss:  Asked how the MN power contract is going.

Jim Chyba: None.

Jeff Wright:  None.

Carrie Turner:None

Mary Venske:  Thank you to Carrie for coming on board


Next Meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting will be on March 17, 2021 at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 6:41 pm

January 20, 2021

January 20, 2021

Regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske, and Clerk Jim Chyba.

Mayor Noss asked for a moment of silence in remembrance of Council member Rick Turner.

Mayor Dan Noss, Mary Venske and Jim Chyba took the oath of office for their new terms on the City Council.

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Wright to accept the Minutes for the regular council meeting on December 16, 2020 as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Chyba. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record and Dave Reese from Widseth engineering firm.

Dave Reese presented the Council with a proposal to complete a Preliminary Engineering report for the water, sewer and street reconstruction of Little Elk drive, East MN ave, Parkview drive, River Road, Valley drive, Hill drive, Gulf ave, Alantic ave, and West 2nd 3rd and 4th streets. The estimated cost of the report is $43,000. Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Venske to have Widseth prepare the report. Motion Carried.


Public comment and concern:




Old Business: Motioned by Wright and seconded by Chyba to not renew the 2021 agreement with the Morrison County Humane Society, but rather pay on a per animal basis. Motion Carried.


Still have not received all the information on replacing the reclosers.


New Business:

Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Venske to approve Resolution 1202021 regarding the rising cost of water and sewer. Motion carried.


Motioned by Wright and seconded by Venske to approve the purchase and installation of a new wireless access point from G&L industries at a cost of $640.60. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Venske and seconded by Wright to approve the 2021 fee schedule. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Wright to approve the 2021 committee appointments. Motion Carried



Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Wright to appoint Carrie Turner to fill Rick Turners seat through the 2022 election. Motion carried


Pantzke shared some that Morrison County is planning to replace the CSAH 1 bridge on the north end on Randall this fall. The project will take approximately three weeks and will begin sometime after Labor Day.  Pantzke was also contacted by MNDOT and was informed that they are planning on installing Reduced Conflict Intersections at the CSAH 14 and HWY 115 crossings in 2024. They also plan to close the CSAH 104/6th street and Willow lane crossings in the median. They will be bringing some information packets to distribute to area residents.


Planning and Zoning Permits:


Review of delinquent utility accounts: Delinquent accounts have been notified.


Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

Pantzke informed the council that Schlenner Wenner will be conducting the financial audit next week. The new POS system will be going live on February 1, 2021.

Pat: Maintenance Supervisor Report:  The Tractor was brought to Modern Farm Pierz for some repairs. Pat and Keith have been trimming trees around utility lines.


Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  Keith has been in contact with MRWA to attend any classes and testing to obtain his licenses.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss:  None.

Jim Chyba: Would like to see the City have a parade this year.

Jeff Wright:  Asked if we could look into changing or removing the last parking space on the north side of the VFW to improve visibility for traffic coming off of 4th street.

Rick Turner:

Mary Venske:  None


Next Meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting will be on February 17, 2021 at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 6:55 pm


December 16,2020

December 16, 2020

Regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm by Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright.

Council present were Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Mary Venske, and Jim Chyba. Council member Rick Turner and Mayor Dan Noss by Zoom.

Minutes for the regular council meeting on November 18, 2020 were accepted as presented.

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Noss and seconded by Venske. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Zach Hacker from MC Record

Public comment and concern:


Donations: Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to accept a $250.00 donation from the Randall VFW for the food pantry. Motion Carried

Old Business: Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Venske to accept Widseth Engineering Firm as the engineer for the upcoming water, wastewater, and street projects. Widseth was the only firm to submit a response to the RFQ posted in the MC Record. Motion Carried

New Business:

Motioned by Noss and seconded by Turner to set the 2021 tax levy at $164,471, a 1% increase from 2020’s levy of $162,843. Motion carried.


Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Venske to approve the 2021 budget. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Venske to approve the 2021 employee wage scale. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Venske and seconded by Chyba to increase the wastewater base fee from $17.50 to 19.50 per month effective 1/1/2021. Motion Carried


The Council discussed the purchasing new reclosers that can be put into “one shot” mode while line workers are doing work on the electric system in Randall. The current reclosers reenergize 3 times before tripping. MN Power must be asked to switch their reclosers on Ginger Road before any work can be done on our system. Pantzke was directed to solicit quotes for ground controlled reclosers. Discussion was tabled until the January meeting.


Motioned by Venske and seconded by Noss to approve resolution 12162020-2 decertifying Tif-3 effective 12/16/2020 and return the excess funds to Morrison County for redistribution. Motion carried


Motioned by Turner and Seconded by Venske to choose not to waive the tort liability limits for 2021. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to approve resolution 12162020 designating the Bingo Park community building as the polling place for Randall. Motion Carried

The council reviewed the annual impound contract/agreement from the Morrison County Humane Society. Pantzke was directed to inquire about how many animals were brought in during the 2020 calendar year and bring that information to the January meeting.


Motioned by Venske and seconded by Noss to open all regular council meetings at 6:00pm beginning January 2021. Motion Carried.



Planning and Zoning Permits:


Review of delinquent utility accounts: Delinquent accounts have been notified.


Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

Pantzke informed the council that wholesale electric rates are expected to go up in 2021. The liquor store off-sale has doing well. Not sure when Governor Walz will allow business inside the bar to resume.

Pat: Maintenance Supervisor Report:  Patrick replaced a couple of transformers with the assistance of the Instructor.


Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  The wastewater influent sampler has been sent out for repair.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss:.  Thank you to City staff and council for everything they do.

Jim Chyba: None

Jeff Wright:  None

Rick Turner: None

Mary Venske:  Thank you to the Council for welcoming her back.


Next Meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting will be on January 20, 2021 at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 8:01 pm


November 18, 2020

November 18, 2020

Regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council member Mary Venske, and Council members Rick Turner and Jim Chyba by Zoom.

Minutes for the regular council meeting on October 21st, 2020 were accepted as presented.

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner. Motion carried.

Guest (s): None

Public comment and concern:


Donations: None

Old Business: None

New Business:

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to accept the results of the election. Motion carried.


The Council discussed the use if the Bingo Park building during the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic. They all agreed that the building should not be used for any events during the month of December. Pantzke was directed to notify the parties that had it rented and offer them a refund or choose another later date.


The POS system in the liquor store needs to be replaced as the software will no longer be supported after July 2021. TRS and RITE submitted quotes for completely new systems. The TRS quote was $11649.98 and the Quote from Rite was $5343.00. Following a short discussion Turner motioned and Wright seconded to purchase the new system from RITE. Motion Carried.


The council set a special meeting for December 10th at 9:30 am to discuss the 2021 Budget and to meet with the fulltime City of Randall staff members. This meeting may need to be held VIA Zoom due to COVID 19.


Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske to post a Request for Qualifications in the legal section of the MC Record. Interested parties will have until December 3rd, 2020 to submit their information. The street committee will review them prior to the next regular meeting.


 Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Wright to increase all liquor store employees wages $2.00 per hour until the COVID 19 restrictions are lifted. Motion Carried


Planning and Zoning Permits:

A permit was submitted by Edward and Tracy Kjeldergaard to construct a 6-foot-tall fence in their yard. The City of Randall ordinance only allows fences with a maximum height of 4 feet. Kjeldergaards requested a variance to allow them to construct a 6-foot fence since they have a special needs child that could elope from the property which would pose a significant risk of harm. City Attorney Peter Vogel spoke with City Manager Pantzke and suggested the City offer a variance due to the hardship.  Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske to approve the permit and variance. Motion carried.


Review of delinquent utility accounts: Delinquent accounts have been notified.


Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store:  Pantzke reminded the council of the Truth in Taxation hearing which will be held at 7:00 PM on December 16, 2020 the regular council meeting will follow. Pantzke is in the process of completing the preliminary 2021 budget. The Budget committee will review the budget prior to the December 10th meeting. Pantzke attended the MN power and NEMMPA annual meetings via webex. The MN Power rep will be in contact with Pantzke regarding any electric rate increases. Pantzke also noted that Holly day has been cancelled due to COVID 19. The Randall area Business group opted to donate $750 to Dr Knight School to purchase Christmas treats for the students and staff. They also set up a account with Boones market and contributed $750 to purchase grocery’s for the community pantry located at Bingo Park.


Pat: Maintenance Supervisor Report:  Patrick will be doing onsite training in December due to the Transformer school being cancelled. He will be replacing a couple of transformers with the assistance of the Instructor. He will be replacing a few transformers in 2021 that have tested high in PCB’s


Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  The digester has been pumped out and land applied by Greg Adamek. The influent sampler is malfunctioning, Keith has been in contact with tech support to try and resolve the issue. We may need to purchase a new one if it cannot be repaired. Keith will not be able to attend the December Wastewater conference and take his class D wastewater test until a later date also due to COVID 19.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss:. He also wanted to again thank City staff for doing a great job on snow cleanup.

Jim Chyba: None

Jeff Wright:  None

Rick Turner: None

Mary Venske:  None


Next Meeting:Regularly scheduled meeting will be on December 16, 2020 at 7:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 7:46 pm

October 21, 2020

October 21, 2020

Regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council member Mary Venske, and Council member Rick Turner by Zoom.

Council member Chyba was absent

Minutes for the regular council meeting on September 16th, 2020 were accepted as presented.

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Venske and seconded by Wright. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Amanda Rasinski from MC Record via Zoom

Public comment and concern:


Donations: None

Old Business:

The City received seven Covid 19 business assistance grant applications back from City of Randall businesses.  Six met all the criteria and were approved by Schlenner and Wenner for the requested grant of $2000 each. The remaining application from the Randall VFW was not approved because they are a non-profit business, and the application stated the business must be for-profit. Nonprofit businesses are still eligible for grants from the Covid fund if they were affected by the shutdown.

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Noss to make a $2000 donation to the Randall VFW from the Covid fund. Motion carried.


City Staff has completed the gas meter replacement project. All residential meters installed in the mid 90’s have been replaced with new or rebuilt meters and had AMI readers installed. The only meters not replaced were in the Brummer and Little Elk additions and a few others that were installed or replaced in recent years.  City Staff will be reading water meters in the middle of the month rather than the end of the month starting in November. This will allow for some flexibility in the event of a storm or something else that may prevent them from reading meters during the end of month billing process. Electric and gas meters will be read electronically 2 or 3 days before the end of each month.

New Business:

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to renew the Randall VFW’s liquor license and Casey’s general stores tobacco license for the 2021 calendar year. Motion carried.


Motioned by Venske and seconded by Wright to renew the prosecution agreement with the Morrison County Attorney’s office for three additional years. The contract terms are like prior years. Motion carried.


The Council next discussed the Election Judges wages. For several years, the judges have been paid $10.00 per hour. This year with the potential exposure to Covid 19 from voters the state has given additional funds to polling places for protective measures and increased wages for poll workers. Morrison County has supplied the City with most of the supplies needed for cleaning and disinfecting already. Pantzke recommended giving a wage increase to the poll workers due to the circumstances of the upcoming election. Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske to increase the hourly pay to $13.00 per hour. Motion carried.


Pantzke informed the Council that the City would not be able to canvass the election results until November 12th or 13th since the County must accept ballots through the 10th of November if they are postmarked by Election day. Wright was asked to participate in canvassing this year as he is not on the ballot.


Planning and Zoning Permits:

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Noss  to approve Richard Lausen’s permit for a overhead garage door and a service door, Randall Bjerkness’s permit to install steel on the roof of his home and garage, Matt Pantzke’s permit to install new windows and steel on his barn and James Crosby’s permit to construct a 14’X40” addition on the west side of his shop. Motion carried.

Review of delinquent utility accounts: Delinquent accounts have been notified.


Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store:  Pantzke has had some additional meetings with Widseth to discuss funding for infrastructure projects. He also had a meeting with Electric consultant Dave Berg to discuss options for wholesale electricity. The wholesale contract the City has with MN Power ends in 2024 but requires a three-year notice to opt out, meaning the City would have to give notice in 2021. Pantzke will keep the Council posted as things develop. Liquor store business has remained solid. It is currently approximately $ 9,000.00 in the black following all the updates made this year. Venske commented that she had been in there recently add likes the remodel. She also suggested that we look into getting rid of the rest of the older paneling.


Pat: Maintenance Supervisor Report:  Patrick completed some improvements to the electric system with the assistance of James from MMUA and Brainerd public utilities which sent one of their staff members which is also MMUA’s training program. He and Keith also got the City equipment ready in short notice for the early snow.


Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  Keith has been in contact with Adamek farms to haul out the sludge from the digester in the coming weeks. He will have to add lime again this year due to the field conditions.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss: Mentioned how well the IPADS work and this is the first paperless meeting. He also wanted to thank City staff for doing a great job on snow cleanup.

Jim Chyba: Absent

Jeff Wright:  None

Rick Turner: None

Mary Venske:  None


Next Meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting will be on November 18th, 2020 at 7:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

September 16, 2020

September 16, 2020

Regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Clerk Jim Chyba Council member Mary Venske, and Council member Rick Turner by Zoom.

Minutes for the regular council meeting on August 19th, 2020 were accepted as presented.

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Chyba. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Judy Walter and Dennis Hollerman

Public comment and concern: Judy and Dennis were present to voice their concern over her neighbor’s geese, peacock, and dogs. The geese make noise at all hours of the day and are very disruptive. The Council informed her that the birds are not permitted, and the owners have been directed to find a new home for them asap. They also brought up that their dogs are frequently running loose. Pantzke asked them to get pictures with dates and times and he will forward them to the Sheriff. Judy also asked what she can do with the brush from the 10 or 12 trees she had cut down. The council asked her if she hired someone to cut them down and why they did not take care of the brush. She said she did hire someone but got a lower price if she would take care of the brush herself.  Due to the volume of brush she is not allowed to bring it to the city pile. It is intended for small amounts of brush not clearing an entire lot. Judy was told she could either rent a brush chipper, haul it to the county pile or get a burning permit and burn it herself.

Donations: None

Old Business:

Wastewater PLC has been installed and is working great.


Ipads have arrived, Pantzke asked each councilmember to set up an appointment with him within the next two weeks and they will be issued their Ipad. Wi-Fi installation has also been completed in City Hall. Noss asked if a guest account has been created? Pantzke will ask G&L if they can set one up.


The Camera installation at City Hall and Bingo Park has been completed. Pantzke gave a demonstration to the Council prior to the start of the meeting.


New Business:

Motion by Venske and seconded by Chyba to approve the contract with Schlenner and Wenner to review the Covid 19 applications at a cost of $1800.00 which can be expensed to the grant the City received from the State on MN. Motion carried.


Motioned by Turner and seconded by Wright to set the 2021 preliminary tax levy at $170,985 which is a 5% increase. Motion Carried.


Pantzke gave an update on the meetings with the Widseth regarding the future water/sewer and street projects in Randall. Widseth Engineer Dave Reese and Funding Specialist Gail Leverson met with Pantzke to discuss funding options and project costs for replacing the water and sewer lines and paving all the streets between Superior avenue and Highway 10 as well as Parkview Drive, Little Elk Drive and River Road. (The alley) Pantzke will bring in additional information as it becomes available.


Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Wright to renew the contract with the Morrison County Sheriff for law enforcement in Randall for the 2021 calendar year. The contract terms will remain the same as prior years. Motion carried.


Planning and Zoning Permits:


Review of delinquent utility accounts: Delinquent accounts have been notified.


Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store:  Jayna and Kim have both been doing a great job at City Hall. Matt has been busy continuing to train them and completing the above-mentioned projects.


Pat: Maintenance Supervisor Report:  Patrick is currently attending overhead lineman school in Marshall. He is in the final year of the program and has 3 more trips to Marshall for underground, transformer, and meter school prior to completion of the program. He and Keith have also been busy installing the remaining gas meters.


Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  Keith will be scheduling with Superior Jetting to jet out the sewer line in the alley. Widseth has requested that we televise the alley again to have video record of the problems with the pipe.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss: None

Jim Chyba: Where do the people with the Geese live?

Jeff Wright:  None

Rick Turner: None

Mary Venske:  None


Next Meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting will be on October 21st, 2020 at 7:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 7:55 pm


August 19, 2020

August 19, 2020

Regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Clerk Jim Chyba, and Rick Turner by Zoom. Council member Mary Venske was absent.

Minutes for the regular council meeting on July 15th, 2020 were accepted as presented.

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Rick Turner and seconded by Jim Chyba. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Eva Eckman was present to request the Chicken ordinance be amended to include geese. After discussion, the council all agreed it was in the cities best interest to not include geese. Mayor Noss thanked Miss Eckman for bringing forward her request.

Public comment and concern: None

Donations: None

Old Business:

Wastewater PLC will be arriving soon.


Jayna Reed has been hired to fill the part time administrative assistant position.


Installation of the new Boiler and Odorizer at the TBS has been completed.


Ideal construction from Staples MN submitted the lowest bid to patch and the frost damaged areas of pavement in Randall. Work should be done in early September.


The Primary election was held on August 11. 46 voters turned out for the election. There were several changes made to the process to assist in social distancing and sanitation to help protect the voters and Election Judges.

New Business:

Motion to approve Ordinance 8192020 establishing a new mixed-use zoning district on Main Street (Pacific Avenue) beginning at East Third Street and continuing north to County Road 1 by Jeff Wright and seconded by Jim Chyba. Motion carried.


Mayor Noss and City Manager Pantzke drafted a Covid-19 business assistance application. Businesses will be able to apply for a grant up to $2,000.00 to help cover the expenses they incurred during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Their submitted applications will be reviewed by Schlenner and Wenner accounting firm for approval. The Funds for this program will come from the funds the city received from the CARES act. Motion to approve the COVID- 19 Business Assistance program application was made by Chyba and seconded by Turner. Motion Carried.


 Motion by Turner and seconded by Wright to have GL industries install Wi-Fi in City Hall at a cost of $250.00. Motion Carried.


Motion by Turner and seconded by Chyba to purchase six Ipads with cases from Design Electronics at a cost of $2,459.88. These will allow the City Council to work remote and through ZOOM during the Covid Pandemic. Ipads will be expensed to COVID-19 funding. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Wright and seconded by Chyba to have GL Industries install a camera system and 10 cameras in City Hall and the Bingo Park buildings at a cost of $6,872.03. The system can add 22 more cameras if needed. Motion Carried.


Motion by Turner and seconded by Wright to approve Resolution 8192020 allowing the city to receive $532.21 from Morrison County to assist with covering the extra expenses of the November election due to COVID-19. Motion Carried.



Planning and Zoning Permits:


Review of delinquent utility accounts: Delinquent accounts have been notified.


Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store:  Matt has been busy training in Kim and Jayna at City Hall. Preparing for the Primary Election also took some extra time. Liquor Store has been doing well. It is now in the black nearly $11,000.00 dollars year to date even after covering the remodel expenses.


Pat: Maintenance Supervisor Report:  Pat has been busy with the projects at the TBS and the gas meter replacement/AMI project. He also had STS come up with the woodchipper to clean up the brush from 3 trees at the cemetery that had to be removed due to storm damage. He also had them clean up some brush at the property on the corner of 104 and Superior avenue. The property owner is submitting a application to the State of MN Petro Fund to have the old fuel tanks removed from the property.


Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  Keith has repainted nearly everything at the Wastewater plant that could be painted.


Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss: would like to investigate to determine which homes in Randall have sump pumps discharging into the sewer system.

Jim Chyba: None

Jeff Wright:  None

Rick Turner: None

Mary Venske:  Absent


Next Meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting will be on September 16th, 2020 at 7:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 7:46 pm


July 15th 2020

July 15, 2020

Regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Clerk Jim Chyba, and council members Mary Venske and Rick Turner by Zoom.

Minutes for the regular council meeting on June 17th, 2020 were accepted as presented.

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Jeff Wright and seconded by Jim Chyba. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Amanda from the Morrison County Record.

Public comment and concern: None


Acceptance of a $2000 donation from the Randall VFW for the Randall Cubs Baseball team was motioned by Rick Turner and seconded by Mary Venske.

Acceptance of a $6000 donation from the Randall Cushing Area Lions for improvements to the Bingo Park was motioned by Mary Venske and seconded by Jim Chyba. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Wastewater PLC ($8642) – The controller for the wastewater system as been ordered from Primex. It has an 8-week build time and will get it shipped ASAP. 

Administrative Assistant Position – an advertisement has been put in the Morrison County Record for a part-time receptionist position with the City of Randall. This employee’s role would include light administrative duties, assisting customers with utility payments and other duties as assigned. Kim from the Randall Muni will be adjusting her time for 50% at City Hall and 50% at the Liquor store. Her primary duties at City Hall will be handling the accounting related tasks. The City Council Personnel board members Mary Venske and Dan Noss along with City Manager Pantzke will interview and hire for the part-time position.

TBS Boiler and Oderizer – there has been a lot of activity at the TBS Station on Hwy 115. Work was started last week to remove the old boiler and the new one has been installed. The oderizer will be here in about a week. The City of Randall is currently trying to find a hazardous waste company that will take the old equipment. It is going to be very expensive to get rid of the old equipment. Projects are coming along and should be wrapped up soon.

New Business:

Motion to approve the transfer of the $4700 for the Bucket Truck to the equipment savings account was motioned by Jeff Wright and seconded by Jim Chyba. Motion carried.

City street repairs and patching – Matt has three different contractors coming in to give quotes on patching and repair some streets in the city. Parkview Drive, W Mn Avenue, area between Superior Ave and the Randall Café that is city owned and sixth street between Hwy 10 and County Road 1.Also, MN Dot will be proceeding with their plan of installing the reduced conflict intersections at County Road 14 and Hwy 10 and at Hwy 10 and Cty 115. The cross over at between E and W 6th Street will likely be removed.

Covid-19 Preparedness Plan – All cities around Randall have a plan in place.  A memo came out by Governor Walz explaining funding to cities that have the plan. The Mayor expressed his concern and discussed the meeting that was held with Matt allowing Matt to accept the Preparedness Plan on June 30th, 2020. There was one established at the Randall Municipal and a slightly different one for the City of Randall. The preparedness plan is specific to the City of Randall employees, and visitors.

Primary Election Tuesday August 11th – Election filings are open from July 28th through August 11th for the following Randall offices:

Mayor – 2-year term

City Clerk – 2-year term

2 -Council Member seats – 4-year term

The primary election will be held August 11th at the Bingo Park in Randall. Matt has been in some discussion with Morrison County on some ideas for safe distancing due to the Covid. Matt is not sure if masks will be required but there will be plexiglass screens and masks for election judges and there will be one way traffic through the building entering on the west side of the building and exiting on the south side of the building.

Planning and Zoning Permits:

Motion was made by Mary Venske and seconded by Rick Turner to approve the following building permits:

CTC – 111 Pacific Avenue - To install a hip roof with steel roofing on top of the existing flat roof.

Robert Atkinson – 119 Pacific Avenue – to install a 4’ tall chain link fence on the north side of the building.

Darrell Bostrom – 205 E 4th Street – To construct an 8’x16’ addition to their deck.

Following the discussion of the building permits, discussion took place as to the rezoning of the north end of Pacific Avenue in Randall. Matt was in discussion with the city attorney and it was agreed to rezone the properties North of the funeral home to a dual class; residential/commercial class. This will allow homes to conduct business out of it if desired and for a business to be zoned residential if needed. Motion was made by Jim Chyba and seconded by Mary Venske to have the city attorney draft a city ordinance stating the rezoning and have it brought to the council at the August meeting to be approved.

Review of delinquent utility accounts: Delinquent accounts have been notified.

Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store: On the city side, Kim has been cross training with Sue learning the accounting system. Sue will remain employed on an as needed basis during the training period. They have worked through most things so far and Kim is coming along good.

There have been several projects going on around the city this month. Utilities were installed at the end of MN Ave. Gas was installed at a residential home in the city. Projects are being completed at the TBS Station and we continue to work on replacing and installing the gas meters. Matt has been in contact with Widseth discussing the project coming up in 2022. Business at the liquor store has been solid with the Covid and remains strong.

Pat: Maintenance Supervisor Report:  Pat continues to work on a couple projects around the city. He has MMUA training for the line worker program coming up next month. Hopefully, all gas meters will be installed by the end of summer, cutting down reading time from 6 hours to 3.

Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  Keith continues to train and work with Dan Thilquist. They have been working on a couple projects flushing hydrants due to some resident concern of discoloration in the water and it is smelling like chlorine. Kurt from MN Rural Water came out and did some adjustments. Keith and Dan learned how to pull and replace pumps at the wastewater plant. Keith is very eager to learn and is doing a great job.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss: CTC was up in Eagle Drive because someone cut the fiber optics cable coming from the box. CTC had to come and replace the fiber. Jim Chandler and Tom Jacobson are still doing the 2020 Census so if they come to your door, you will know what it is for. We also have a new business in town. Lydia Atkinson started a daycare in Randall call Lydias Little Tykes 2. Mayor Noss welcomed Lydia and her business to Randall.

Jim Chyba: None

Jeff Wright:  None

Rick Turner: Fire hydrants look great. Matt stated that STS was in today and maybe tomorrow to repaint all the fire hydrants in the city.

Mary Venske:  Mary also commented that the fire hydrants look nice.

Next Meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting will be on August 19th, 2020 at 7:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 7:48 pm


June 17, 2020

June 17, 2020

Regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Clerk Jim Chyba, Councilmembers Rick Turner (by phone), Mary Venske. Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright absent.

Acceptance of the minutes for the regular council meeting on May 20th, 2020 was motioned by Jim Chyba and seconded by Mary Venske. Motion carried.

Payment of Bills: Payment of bills as presented was motioned by Mary Venske and seconded by Jim Chyba. Motion carried.

Guests:            Lt Cromwell from Camp Ripley

                        Kim and Wendell Schultz

Lt Cromwell was here to give the 2020 Camp Ripley Update to the council. The update included Camp Ripley’s mission, leadership, Economic Impact for 2019 and 2020, Covid 19 efforts, new projects at Camp Ripley and others.

Wendell and Kim Schultz were present to ask why Kim’s on Pacific could not be turned into a residential dwelling. After some debate between them and the council, the vote was tabled. Matt plans on looking into the situation and it will be voted on at next month’s council meeting.

Donations: Initiative Foundation has requested a donation for $750.00 for year 2021. Motioned by Mary Venske and seconded by Jim Chyba. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Trailer Park Electric:  CME completed the conversion from the old service to the new services. All old services have been disconnected.

Truck Auction – Truck auction goes through 6/23/2020. City of Randall has a reserve of $5000.00 and current bid is around 2250.

New Business:

Wastewater PLC - The PLC at the wastewater plant is basically the brains of the operation. Without it, someone would have to turn the control every 300 minutes. Discussion took place on finding a replacement. Motion for Matt to find a replacement and get it taken care of was given by Rick Turner and seconded by Mary Venske. Motion carried.

Extra water charge – This one-time fee for the City of Randall residents will be increasing from $6.36 to $9.72. Every resident will be charged this one time for the year 2020. It is a fee that is passed down from the MN Health Dept and passed on to the residents.

Mosquito Spray – Discussion took place regarding the spraying of the city for mosquitos.  A concerned resident feels it is harmful and would like it stopped. Request died for lack of motion.

City Wide Cleanup - Discussion took place as to when we could hold the city-wide cleanup for Randall. Mayor Dan Noss stated that if we were going to have a city-wide cleanup, then we were going to have a treasure day as well. Motion to have the city-wide cleanup on September 19th, 2020 was motioned by Mary Venske and seconded by Rick Turner. Motion carried.


Late fees/Disconnect notice – Matt contacted the regulation committee for the State of MN, and they stated that we cannot charge late fees to the residents during peace time with the Covid. They did state however, that if residents are not paying their bill due to issues other than lack of work due to Covid, we can disconnect their services.

Administrative Assistant position – Sue Klooster has given her notice to leave the City of Randall on July 27th. She has agreed to extend her time on a part-time, temporary basis to help train any new offices employees hired for that position. Kim Moffitt has showed interest in working between the City Hall and the Randall Municipal as bar manager. Melissa Reinitz will be hired full time along with other part-time bar help. The city would need to hire a part-time receptionist to cover the days that Kim will be working at the bar. Motion for these changes was given by Jim Chyba and seconded by Mary Venske. Motion carried.

Recorder for city meetings:  Discussion took place as to replacing the current recorder for council meetings with something different such as an iPad. This iPad could then be used in other areas as well with the electric and gas. Matt is going to contact Ben at GL Industries to get his opinion on the situation.

Planning and Zoning:  The following building permits were approved by motion of Rick Turner and seconded by Jim Chyba. Motion carried.

Joshua Maleski: (105 Pacific Ave) Replace existing siding with new vinyl siding.

Marilyn Mueller: (114 East 4th Street) Replace existing deck with a new 16x12’ deck with composite decking.

William Nutz: (140 East 6th Street) Install new windows in garage that are different dimensions than the current windows and install a small deck on the east side of their home.

Dan Noss: (203 Elk River Court) Add a small addition to their existing deck.

Review Delinquent Accounts: Delinquent accounts have been notified.

Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store:  Discussion took place about blighted properties within the City of Randall. Residents have been notified to get their yards cleaned up. Matt had to leave one hard copy of an ordinance violation on one door. The city also has some other projects going on such as reopening the bar, replacing some electrical components, new property in town and another resident who wanted to upgrade to electric. Bar has been doing good and looking at hiring some part-time bar tenders. Sue from the city will be cross training Kim for her new position at the City Hall.

Pat: Maintenance Supervisor – Pat has been busy with utility projects and mowing. Granite works was at the cemetery to relevel stones and it is looking really nice. Flowers from Memorial Day were cleaned up and all headstones were trimmed. Discussion will take place in time about replacing some trees have were damaged and now gone.

Keith: Water/Wastewater Operator:  Keith continues to train under Dan Thilquist. He is operating the plant on his own but needs Dan’s approval because of the license. He will be learning how-to pull-out pumps, clean them and reinstall them in the upcoming weeks.

Council member concerns:

Dan Noss:  None

Jim Chyba: None

Jeff Wright: Not present

Rick Turner: None

Mary Venske: None

Next Meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting will be on July 15th, 2020 at 7 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 8:43 pm

May 20, 2020

May 20, 2020

Regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Clerk Jim Chyba, Council member Mary Venske and Rick Turner by virtual Zoom meeting.Regular council minutes from April 15, 2020 were presented and accepted.

 Payment of Bills: Payment of bills as presented was motioned by Jeff Wright and seconded by Mary Venske. Motion carried.

 Guests: None

Public Comment and Concern: None

 Donation: Discussion took place to donate to the Little Falls Fishing Museum to assist in the cost of operations. Mayor Noss called for a motion but the motion died due to lack of motion.

 Old Business:

City Buildings roof replacement – Randall Roofing has began replacing the roof on each of the 4 city buildings damaged by hail in 2019. League of MN Cities will be paying for the parts and labor but will not be paying for the dumpster charge. Randall Roofing has agreed to absorb the charge for that.

Trailer Park Electric replacement – This project was to be completed last year was halted due to the large amount of rainfall, but CME will be here tomorrow to start installing the new service points in the park.

Gas Meter Project – We have received the rest of the refurbished meters. We are hoping to have them all installed by the end of June.

Discussion on the 4th of July Celebration – Due to Covid-19, Randall Fourth of July Celebration has been cancelled. The celebration will resume next year with a parade. Motion to cancel the festivity with the prior approval of the committee by Jim Chyba and seconded by Jeff Wright. Motion carried. 

New Business:

Approve Resolution 05202020 – This resolution is to urge Governor Walz to allow businesses to reopen and drawn up Mayor Dan Noss, a member of the Mayors Forum. Motion to pass the resolution by Jim Chyba and seconded by Jeff Wright. Motion carried.

Approve selling the old bucket truck – The old bucket truck will be placed on MN Bid next week with a reserve price of $5000.00. Motion by Mary Venske and seconded by Jim Chyba. Motion carried.

Approve hiring Little Falls Granite works for City Cemetery – Matt explained that there are many headstones in the old part of the cemetery that are either leaning or have fallen. There is not a lot of traffic to this area but to make sure all visitors are safe; Little Falls Granite works will be coming in to reposition them and make them safe. Bid for the work is $1000.00. Motion to hire Little Falls Granite works for a max amount of $1000.00 motioned by Mary Venske and seconded by Jim Chyba. Motion carried.

Approve the purchase of a metal detector/locator from Locators and Supplies Inc. – Rycom makes one that is a metal detector and locator for the price of $1193.00. This would serve as a backup to the locator we have for locating underground utilities. Motion to purchase the is equipment at a max of $1200.00 by Rick Turner and seconded by Jeff Wright. Motion carried.

Reopening of City Hall – City Hall for Randall MN will reopen on Tuesday May 26, 2020. The city plans to go to the necessary measures to keep all employees and staff safe along with any visitors that come in the office. We plan to keep it well sanitized with the necessary precaution

Planning and Zoning permits:

Motion was made by Mary Venske and seconded by Jim Chyba to approve the following building permits along with a conditional use permit. Motion carried.

Umalee Janousek: Construct a 14x24 foot deck with a 6x15 foot additional portion on one side of the house.

Mike Drew: Move in a 14 x28 foot shed.

Sheldon Eckman: Construct a fence in their back yard.

Justin Loven: Replace shingles with steel on his home.

Mike Hoheisel: Build a 12x12 foot lean to on their workshop.

Kelsey Stavish: Replace shingles on their house and garage with steel.

Shane Zarns: Move in a garden shed in the back yard.

Marge Peterson. Randall Café permit to allow outdoor dining until the restrictions are lifted.

 Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store:

City Hall has been closed for a few weeks and residents are using the drop box and phone for communication. The liquor store has been on going with their project and have worked hard to re-open at the deadline. Matt and Kim plan to put together a Business Preparedness Plan and put in some restrictions as to re-opening. There has been question as to if anyone can use the restrooms, etc. Plaque cards have been ordered for the Randall Muni and the Randall Bingo Park stating maximum occupancy in the need to follow protocol and specific guidelines. Matt stated that the liquor store has been doing ok with just off sale being open.

Pat: Maintenance Supervisor:  Improvements to the electric system are being made within the city including new fuses in specific areas and installing covers on the transformers to safeguard against the squirrels.

Keith: Water/Wastewater Supervisor: Keith had been working hard with Dan Thilquist. They installed a new water line this week and replaced a curb stop. Keith continues to learn well.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Dan Noss: None

Jim Chyba:           None

Jeff Wright:           Jeff asked for Susan at the Randall Bldg. Supply about the property located between the alley and the river that they use for supplies. Matt is going to check into it.

Rick Turner:          None

Mary Venske:       None

Next Meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting will be on June 17th, 2020 at 7:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 8:10 pm

April 15, 2020

April 15th, 2020

Regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Mayor Dan Noss by a virtual meeting on Zoom.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Clerk Jim Chyba and council member Rick Turner.

Regular council minutes from March 18, 2020 were presented and accepted.

Payment of Bills: Payment of bills as presented were motioned by Jeff Wright and seconded by Rick Turner. Motion carried.

Guest: (s) Resident Mary Venske and Amanda Rasinksi from the Morrison County Record.

Public Comment and Concern: None

Donations: None

Old Business:

G & L Industries will be installing new computers in City Hall on Friday April 17, 2020.

Garage sale days and city wide cleanup day will be postponed due to Covid-19. Garage Sales Days are yet TBD. Long Prairie Sanitation recommended that the city wide cleanup happen at a later date; most likely sometime this fall.


New Business: 

Mary Venske accepted the request to fill the seat of Gerald Adamski until the election in November. Motioned by Jeff Wright and seconded by Jim Chyba to appoint Mary. Motion carried.

Resolution 04062020 declaring the Covid-19 emergency with the City of Randall was motioned by Mary Venske and seconded by Rick Turner. Motion carried.

Discussion took place on the bid for the odorizer for the TBS. The City of Randall is looking at purchasing an YZ odorizer as the old system is outdated and not operating correctly. This odorizer is required by law and there have been numerous complaints of smells in the area due to the system leaking odorant. Cost of the odorizer and installation is $20,980. Motioned by Jeff Wright and seconded by Jim Chyba to purchase the new odorizer. Motion carried.

Discussion took place for the construction project that is taking place at the Randall Municipal Liquor. The bar portion of the municipal has been closed since March 17, 2020 and the staff there have been working in the off sale and cleaning up to include; washing ceilings, light fixtures, walls, etc. An issue was found of a possible mold contamination under one of the panels on the walls. Bids were placed to take down the paneling, rewire the building including phones and internet and then put up sheet rock. The low bid was from Salbers Construction for the amount of $12,100. Once the sheet rock is up and taped, the bartenders will be doing the priming and painting. Motion to approve the construction was made by Jim Chyba and seconded by Rick Turner. Motion carried.

Discussion took place regarding frost damage on the city streets of Randal. Dan drove around and found some areas to be really bad such as Park View Drive, West MN Avenue, Little Elk Drive and others. We will have to do some patching on the streets this spring. Matt has a meeting with Dave from Widseth to discuss the final project on the street inventory and discuss what the final steps will be. Matt informed Mary Venske (new to the council) that the city street, water and sewer replacement will be approximately $10 million dollars. Matt and Pat will continue to work with the engineers from Widseth.

Planning and Zoning Permits:

Brad Pearson to replace shingles on his roof with steel on the house and garage.

Jeff Borash will be installing new windows and vinyl siding.

Glenda Davis will be moving in a 30x56 manufactured home and constructing a 30x30 garage.

Motion was made by Mary Venske and seconded by Jeff Wright to approve the permits. Motion carried.

Review delinquent accounts: Delinquent accounts have been notified.

Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store

Talk was made again on the construction project at the liquor store. Matt and Jeff Wright took a lot of time planning the project and soliciting contractors. Matt feels this will be a good change for the bar. The City Hall has had the door locked to the public with payments and concerns taking place by phone, mail or drop box. There has been in increase in the use of the Payment System Network (PSN).

Pat: Maintenance Supervisor

Pat and Keith filled a lot of pot holes around the city. Streets are in a lot better shape. Patrick, Keith and Kim from the liquor store will be doing cleanup of areas that were affected by the snow plow this last season. Jim Petershick had decided that he will not be back to mow lawns this summer. The City of Randall found an interested party, Robert Meacham, who will be taking the place of Jim. The axle on the dump trailer went back but Matt and Pat were able to re-fabricate it and get it back to working order. Right now all equipment is working properly.

Keith: Water/Waste Water Supervisor:

Keith continues to work with Dan Thilquist on training for the water plant. Matt feels we are in a good position with Keith. He is doing great job training and working the plants. He is eligible to take his Class D license in the fall.

Council Member Concerns:

Mayor Noss: We got a thank you card from the Darling Green Prairie Park thanking us for our donation.

Jim Chyba: Jim stated that he has been checking on the bar and stated that it looks really nice and smells really good. The staff at the bar has been busy.

Jeff Wright: In addition to the pot holes around the city, Jeff is concerned with the alley way by the Randall Building store. Matt had made comment that we will most likely bring in some gravel or crushed concrete. Jeff also made comment that the Randall Fire Department has been delivery meals to the elderly since the pandemic, on Monday, Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 5. They have to live within the townships served by the Randall FD. He mentioned that if we know of anyone, to let him or Scott Hughson know.

Rick Turner: Thank you to the city staff for the cleaning up the resident next to the car wash. He feels it looks 100% better. The city has been using the dumpsters that normally would be used for the city park and liquor store. Matt feels that since we have to pay for them, we might as well use them. Matt has spoken with the property owner, Carly Wincher and he said he will be meeting with Matt in the days to come.

Mary Venske: Not at this time.

Matt gave a big Thank you to Scott Hughson and the Randall Fire Hall for letting us use their Zoom account to conduct the meeting.

Next meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting with take e place on May 20th, 2020 at 7:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment at 7:35 pm.

Submitted by Susan Klooster - City Recorder

March 18, 2020

March 18, 2020

Regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 2 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright and council member Jim Chyba. Council member Rick Turner was absent. Mayor Dan Noss asked for a moment of silence as Clerk Gerald Adamski had passed away on Monday, March 16, 2020.

Regular council minutes from February 19, 2020 were approved as presented.

PAYMENT OF BILLS: Approval of the payment of bills as presented was motioned by Jeff Wright and seconded by Jim Chyba. Motion Carried.

GUEST (S): Dave Reese with Widseth and Amanda Rasinski from the Morrison County Record.


Dave Reese with WSN was present to do a presentation for the inventory of the streets, sanitary and water distribution systems in the city. A map was provided by WSN showing the segments of the city by street to street, length of roadways, sanitary sewer and water lines. The map and proposal will need to reviewed and modified a bit. Matt Pantzke stated that there are some areas in the city that are fairly new and will not need to be repaired at this time. By deleting these areas from the map, the total cost will drop. Dave Reece gave some information as to potential funding and how the funding process takes place.

DONATIONS: Green Prairie Park is requesting their annual donation of $500 to help with park repairs and maintenance. Motion to approve the $500 donation was made by Jim Chyba and seconded by Jeff Wright. Motion carried.

OLD BUSINESS: Offsite backup with G & L Industries was discussed. Ben came back with a revised quote which included the backup of Matt and Sue’s computers in the office. The offsite backup server is located at Ben’s residence with an additional offsite at a second location. The bid would be the cost of $75.00 per month for both computers. Motion to approve the bid was made by Mayor Dan Noss and seconded by Jeff Wright. Motion carried.

NEW BUSINESS: Resolution 03182020 was discussed to vacate the seat for Gerald Adamski due to his passing and appoint an interim City Clerk. City Attorney Peter Vogel discussed a special election with the County Auditor’s office to fill the seat and it was determined the vacancy would not need to have a special election and that an interim Council member needs to be appointed by the City Council reside until November. An election would then be held to elect a Council member to fill the remaining two years of Adamski’s term.  Council member Jim Chyba accepted the position as Clerk until the election in November. Motion to pass the resolution by Mayor Dan Noss and seconded by Jeff Wright. Motion carried.

The Council discussed a new line heater for the TBS station. Matt told the council that the line heater and the odorizer would both need to be replaced soon. The odorizer would be around $17,000 to replace and is a relatively simple installation. Pantzke will get a quote for the actual cost. The line heater is a little more complicated as it is difficult to repair/replace. The city would have to hire another company in to install it. Matt mentioned that there were only a couple of manufacturers out there that build line heaters. CWT makes a gas line that uses steam to heat the gas and comes highly recommended from other natural gas operators in the area. The cost of the line heater would be $33,393.00 plus $17,763.12 for labor to install it. They are about sixteen weeks out so Matt asked the council for approval of to get it ordered and on their list. In order to cover the cost, Matt mentioned that we have about $120,000.00 in a CD that was revenue from the gas fund that we could cash in to cover the expenses. Motion to approve the purchase the line heater by Jeff Wright and seconded by Jim Chyba. Motion carried.

The Local Board of Appeals and Equalization will be meeting on April 14th, 2020 at the Randall Fire Hall. We are in need of three council members to attend. Everyone is up to date on their training. It is at 11 am and should last about 20 minutes.

City Council appointed Matt Pantzke and Keith Evans as co-managers of the wellhead protection plan. Motion to approve them as co-managers approved by Jim Chyba and seconded by Jeff Wright.

PLANNING AND ZONING PERMITS:  Discussion took place regarding the Café owned by Wendell and Kim Schultz in turning their building from commercial to residential. It was brought to the planning and zoning committee in March and their committee decided to keep it commercially zoned. Decision stands.

REVIEW DELINQUENT UTILITY ACCOUNTS:  Delinquent accounts have been notified.


Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store:

The city has been busy with the COVID-19 closures and planning. We are through the heart of the billing period for the month so Matt didn’t feel the need to close the doors to the public. Matt will be putting a monthly newsletter together with Aprils billing to promote online billing, mailing their payment through the mail or dropping it off in our drop box.  Due date will be extended to the 13th of the month instead of the 10th to allow residents more time to pay their bill.

The liquor store will be closed but the off sale will remain open to allow for staff to maintain some hours and do a variety of cleanup in the bar and off sale areas.

We have also received the next round of AMI modules; liquor store staff will be helping Pat and Keith install them.

Pat- Maintenance Supervisor Report:  Pat has replaced about 60 gas meters to date and has about 100 to go. We should have the AMI project finished up by next fall.

Keith – Water/Waste Water Supervisor: Keith attended the water conference in St Cloud and tested out for his Class E licensure. He will be taking his Class D test this fall which will be a step increase.


Mayor Noss:  In April, Melissa Birch will be joining us at the council meeting to discuss the green step program. Mayor Noss has also invited the Little Falls Fishing Museum to do a presentation on the museum in May.

Jeff Wright: None

Jim Chyba: Jim asked if we were going to do anything for the passing of Gerald Adamski, Clerk for the City of Randall. Matt stated that the city cannot legally order flowers or give money but we could all do it as a personnel donation.

Rick Turner: Not present

NEXT MEETING: Regularly scheduled meeting will be on April 15th, 2020 at 7:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 3:07 pm

Submitted by Susan Klooster - City Recorder

February 18, 2020

February 19, 2020

Regularly scheduled City Council Meeting was called to order at 7 PM by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Clerk Gerald Adamski, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council Member James Chyba. Council members Rick Turner were absent.

Regular council minutes from January 15, 2020 were approved as presented.

Payment of bills:  Approval of the payment of bills was motioned by Wright and seconded by Chyba. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Accountant Jon Archer, 4th of July committee members Donna Lundgren and Mike Drew, Public Works employees Kalis and Evans, Amanda Rasinski from MC Record, and Resident Brian Zilka

Public comment and concern: None


Old Business: City Council continued the discussion about the contract with the Morrison County Humane Society. Following the discussion Wright motioned and Adamski seconded to enter into a contract with them to take in any stray dogs or cats for the 2020 calendar year at a cost of $558.00. Motion Carried.

New Business: Jon Archer from Schlenner and Wenner Accountants presented the 2019 financial audit results.  The 2019 audit process went well; the problems they have encountered with the coding in the past have been resolved. Overall the City of Randall’s finances have remained steady with increases in the most of the Enterprise funds. The Liquor store did very well in 2019 and was able to transfer $29,000 to assist with the sewer fund. Mayor Noss asked if the cost would be lower than it had been in the past. Jon Archer stated that they hadn’t finalized all of their time yet, but thought it should be lower due to the decrease in time they spent making corrections. Chyba Motioned and Adamski seconded to accept the audit as presented. Motion Carried.

Donna Lundgren and Mike Drew shared the events they are working on for the Fourth of July Celebration. There will be a Street Dance on July Third, Fireworks are still being researched. The Pyrotechnics they have used in the past have increased their costs beyond what the City is willing to spend. There are some other Pyro’s that Pantzke will contact to see if they are available and at what cost. They are planning a parade on the Fourth; Donna is trying to get a Marching Band along with some other attractions to make the parade even better. They are also looking into some additional attractions to keep the crowd in Randall following the Parade.

Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Chyba to accept the grant from Morrison County in the amount of $2788.40 to help cover the cost of City wide cleanup day which will be held on May 9Th 2020 from 8-10AM at the Fire Hall parking lot. Motion Carried.

The City received bids from G&L industries and CTC IT to replace the computers and monitors in City Hall and transfer the programs and data from the old computers to the new ones. Both companies offered comparable equipment. G&L had the lower bid at $2202.30 vs $2381.98 from CTC IT. G&L also offered Office 365, Virus protection and PC IT support at a rate of $80.00 per month as well as offsite server hosting and backup at a cost of $150.00 per month. CTC IT offered Office as a perpetual license at a onetime cost of $500.00 or a monthly cost of $16.50. We would still have to purchase Virus protection and any IT issues would be billed as we go. Following discussion Wright Motioned and Adamski seconded to accept the $2202.30 bid from G&L for the computers and the $80.00 monthly fee for Office, Anti- Virus and PC management. Motion Carried. The council requested that we get some additional options for backing up data.

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Chyba to have Central MN Electric replace the 50 fluorescent lamps at the Bingo Park Building with LED bulbs at a cost of $12.00 per bulb plus installation labor. Motion Carried.

Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Adamski to purchase 22 new Bar Stools from East Coast Chair and Barstool at a total cost of $4051.78 and to have the armrests at the Bar be recovered at a cost of $900.00 to $1100.00. Motion Carried.

The Council next discussed what should be done with the 1999 Ford Bucket Truck now that it has been replaced with the newer Bucket Truck. Adamski Motioned and Chyba seconded to put the truck up for auction on MINNBID with a reserve of $5000.00. Motion Carried.

The Presidential Primary Election will be held in March 3rd 2020 at Bingo Park. Pantzke will submit any costs to the State for potential reimbursement.

Planning and Zoning permits: Wendell and Kim Schultz sent a letter to the City of Randall requesting that the former Kim’s Café building be rezoned to residential. They would like to remodel the building into a house due to the fact they haven’t been able to sell it. The Council briefly discussed the fact that they have denied similar requests in the past and would like the commercial properties on Main Street to stay that way. Following the discussion Pantzke was instructed to take the request to the next Planning and Zoning Meeting and have them make a recommendation.

Review of delinquent accounts: Delinquent accounts have been notified.

Committee Reports:

City Manager/Liquor Store:

City staff has been busy completing the City Hall renovation as well as the Financial Audit. The Lions club has approved bringing E-Tabs into the Municipal Liquor Store. The Muni will handle all the operation of the E-Tabs and will receive 15% of the net profits for doing so.

Pat - Maintenance Supervisor Report: Pat and Keith have been trimming and removing some trees that have been interfering with the power lines in town. Carr’s tree service has completed their trimming on the taller trees that were hanging over the wires as well.

Keith – Water/Waste Water Report:  Keith will be attending the MRWA water conference in St. Cloud in March and possibly a conference in Mankato in April to obtain his Bio-solids license. He has also been working with Dan Thilquist to continue learning the operation of the Water/Wastewater systems.

Council Member Concerns:

MAYOR DAN NOSS: Dan stated that he has been in contact with the Mayor of Darfur MN about the old Christmas lights the city has. They have also been in contact with City Staff to get some pictures of the lights and make a determination if they want them.

GERALD ADAMSKI:  Gerald asked if everyone was aware of the recent issues with the tractor, and thinks it may be time to look at a different one.


JIM CHYBA:  Wanted to emphasize how well the liquor store has been doing these past few years.

JEFF WRIGHT:Wanted to make sure we are still keeping a look out for a Plow truck for the City.

Next meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting will take place on March 18, 2020 at 7 PM.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 8:38 pm

Submitted by Susan Klooster - City Recorder

January 15, 2020

JANUARY 15, 2020

Regularly scheduled City Council Meeting was called to order at 7 pm. by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Clerk Gerald Adamski, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, council member Rick Turner. Council member Jim Chyba was absent.

Regular council minutes from December 18, 2019 were approved as presented. Motion by Rick Turner and seconded by Gerald Adamski. Motion Carried.

Payment of bills:  Approval of the payment of bills was motioned by Rick Turner and seconded by Gerald Adamski. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Brian Zilka

Public comment and concern: None

Donations: Little Falls Community Services is requesting a donation of $4100.00 to help offset the costs of positive youth recreational activities for youth in the Randall area. Approval of the donation was motioned by Jeff Wright and seconded by Gerald Adamski. Motion carried.

Old Business: None

New Business:

Discussion took place in regards to Mike Hubner requesting a pay increase for his consulting fees each month on the water system. He is requesting an increase of $325.00 for a total of $725.00 for the consultation fee of just the water. Dan Thilquist carries the license and does consulting for the waste water and said that he would do it all for an increase of $200 per month; totaling $800.00. Matt stated that Widseth would come in and do some more training on the treatment plant with Dan and Keith if the city chose not to renew Mike’s contract. Approval to cancel Mike Hubner’s contract and consult with Dan Thilquist beginning February 1 2020was motioned by Gerald Adamski and seconded by Rick Turner. Motion carried.

Approval to have Randall State Bank as the official depository for the City of Randall was motioned by Rick Turner and seconded by Gerald Adamski. Motion carried.

Approval to have the Morrison County Record as the official newspaper for legal publications for the City of Randall was motioned by Jeff Wright and seconded by Rick Turner. Motion carried.

Approval of the 2020 committee appointments was motioned by Gerald Adamski and seconded by Jeff Wright. Motion carried.

Approval of Jeff Wright as acting mayor in the absence of Dan Noss was motioned by Gerald Adamski and seconded by Rick Turner. Motion carried.

Approval for the Randall City Hall as the official meeting place for the City Councils meetings which will be held every third Wednesday of each month at 7 pm starting in February, was motioned by Jeff Wright and seconded by Rick Turner. Notice will be hung at the Randall City Hall, Randall State Bank and the Randall Post Office. The city will also hang notice on the door of the Randall Fire Hall for two months.

Planning and Zoning permits: None

Review of delinquent accounts: Delinquent accounts have been notified.

Committee Reports:

City Manager/Liquor Store: Matt Pantzke commented that the move of offices at the city hall has been completed and that we have received numerous comments in favor of the office. The city will continue to get the old office area ready for the council meetings beginning in February. Matt Pantzke stated he is confident that it will be ready. Discussion took place for the purchase of new chairs for the council members. Cost of these chairs will be anywhere between $200 and $400 per chair. Matt asked if anyone would be interested in taking a trip to look at the chairs when the time came. Dan Noss and Rick Turner stated that they would.

Liquor store is showing impressive numbers. These are all unaudited numbers but the total revenue has been showing an increase each year. The total revenue beat out our anticipated estimate by $104,000.00. The city has also made improvements to the lighting, doors, furnace and air conditioning. Matt stated that we continue to improve the facility and pulling down revenue. He commends the manager and staff at the liquor store for their hard work and dedication.

Matt Pantzke also brought up a letter that was received from the Humane Society in partnering with them for stray animals. If we partner with them, they will not charge the citizens of Randall to bring in and drop off stray animals. If it is a pet of their own, they will charge $35 per cat and $50 per dog. The charge for contracting with them would be $558.00 for the year. If we do not contract with them, the fee to drop off any cat or dog, whether stray or not, would be $50 per cat and $75 per dog. They would also be able to deny taking any animals as they are not obligated to do so. The fee for the year would be to house, feed and give shots to the animals that were brought in. Matt stated that the fee used to be around $1000 so it has gone down. Dan Noss asked when we need to let them know. It has been tabled for now so Matt can get some more questions answered.

Pat - Maintenance Supervisor Report: Discussion took place with maintenance in Randall. Snowfall has been down lately but we are expecting 6-8 inches of snow this week. The city plow truck had an issue with the wire harness and control, there was a new harness and control installed and it works great now. Matt stated that the sander also works great. Matt stated that Carr Tree Service will be here late January to early February to cut/trim the trees in the City of Randall. The STS Crew was scheduled to come and do some clean up in the area but the weather hasn’t been cooperating. Once the weather gets a little warmer, than plan to come and work on the cleanup and possibly shovel around the fire hydrants in town.

Matt stated that we got the first gas read on the new AMI’s in December and it all worked really well.

Keith – Water/Waste Water Report:  Keith has been picking up at a good pace. He has been working with Dan a couple times a week and with Mike Hubner a couple times a week. He has some classes coming up in March and April. Matt is hoping to get him his bio solids testing in Mankato; otherwise he will have to wait until September.

Council Member Concerns:

MAYOR DAN NOSS:  Commented job well done for Matt and the city employees to the new city hall offices.

GERALD ADAMSKI:  Talked about the snow coming in and that we might want to call someone with some horsepower to move the snow. Matt stated that we have already been in contact with Sanders.

RICK TURNER:  Rick commented that Morrison County was purchasing three new plow trucks and asked Matt if we could get in contact with Steve Bartkowitz about any trucks coming up for sale. The city is looking at possible getting a single axle as a bigger truck might be too much to move around in the city. Patrick has been over to the county garage and is doing some checking.

Rick also asked about new computers for the city hall offices and the camera system. Matt has been in contact with Amber Lowe to set up an appointment with Ben Lowe in regards to the new computers/software. Matt also stated that the auditors were coming at the end of the month so once they were completed the annual audit, we would be looking more heavily into the computers and camera equipment.

JIM CHYBA:  Not present


Next meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting will take place on February 19, 2020 at 7 PM.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 7:41 pm

Submitted by Susan Klooster - City Recorder

December 18, 2019

December 18, 2019

Truth and Taxation meeting was called to order at 6:38 pm. Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Jerry Adamski , Jim Chyba and Jeff Wright.

No citizens were present. Meeting adjourned at 6:43 pm.

Regularly scheduled City Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor Dan Noss at 7 pm.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Clerk Jerry Adamski, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, council members Jim Chyba and Rick Turner.

Regular council minutes from November 20, 2019 were approved along with the special meeting minutes from December 10, 2019.

Payment of bills: Approval of the payment of bills motioned by Jeff Wright and seconded by Jerry Adamski. Motion carried.

Guests: Brian Zilka

Public comment and concern:  None

 Old Business: None

 New Business:

Tax levy for 2020 was discussed. City Manager Matt Pantzke told the council that the 2019 levy was set at $158,100. The preliminary levy that was set back in September was set at a 5% increase which would have been $166,005. At the special meeting there was discussion about what the levy should be. A 2% increase would be a $3162.00; 2.5% would be $3952.00 increase and a 3% would be a $4743.00 increase. Mayor Dan Noss said that he felt that to meet the requirements of the budget, the city council would need to have a 2.5% to 3% increase on the tax levy. Motion was made to set the tax levy at 3% by Jerry Adamski, seconded by Rick Turner. Motion carried.

Discussion was made to approve the 2020 budget. Because the budget was done at a 2% tax levy, the City Manager Matt Pantzke said it would need to be revised to meet the approved tax levy of 3%. Motion to approve the budget with the tax levy increase of 3% was motioned by Jeff Wright, seconded by Jim Chyba. Motion carried.

Discussion was made to approve the 2020 wage scale. Motion was made by Rick Turner and seconded by Jim Chyba. Motion carried.

Discussion was made in regards to the Tort Liability Limits. Choice to waive the insurance would increase premiums. Motion was made to NOT to waive the liability insurance by Jeff Wright and seconded by Rick Turner. Motion Carried.

Discussion was made as to what events the city would cover for 2020. The events that the city has traditionally covered include events during the Fourth of July Celebration as well as Holly Day. Motion was made by Rick Turner and seconded by Jeff Wright to cover: The fourth of July parade, Beds Races, Duck Races, Street dance and the Randall Holly Day. Motion carried. If The City elects to have fireworks this year a separate policy will need to be taken out.

Mayor Dan Noss, Jim Chyba and Matt Pantzke reviewed the utilities and rate charges. The City of Randall is meeting all of their financial needs except for the sewer fund. The recommendation is to increase the sewer base fee by $1.00 per month and consolidate the natural gas service charge base fee with the gas consumption.  Doing so will streamline the billing process. Motion was made to accept the $1.00 increase for sewer and to consolidate the gas service fee and usage by Jeff Wright, seconded by Jerry Adamski. Motion carried.

Planning and Zoning Permits: None

Review of Delinquent Accounts: Review was made and late notices will be sent out.

Committee Reports:

Matt:  The liquor store had all the light fixtures replaced aside from the ones in the coolers. Matt Pantzke stated that they have money in the budget for 2020 to replace and/or add to the coolers. The electric furnace project was completed. The back door in the stock room will be replaced because the door and frame rusted out.  Structure wise, the building is in good condition. Mayor Dan Noss asked if there were any comments being made on products that the Municipal did not supply. Matt Pantzke stated that there is always something but we try and get the biggest sellers each year. Matt said that business has been solid and is not expecting any big repairs next year. Matt said it is nice to see it going in the right direction.


City Hall has been making progress. Furniture was ordered and hoping to be here next week. We are hoping to be in there around the 1st of the New Year. We will then start to demo the old office area for the city council meetings. We are hoping to have the first one at City Hall in February. We are also working on the process for the annual audit.


AMI Gas meters will start to be installed tomorrow. MN Power staff from Duluth will be there to assist Pat Kalis and Keith Evans. The city is looking to replace the meters on Hwy 115, the Little Elk and Brummer additions and a few on sixth street. Jerry Adamski asked if the residents have been notified of this project so they know who is walking it and out of their yards. Matt Pantzke said that there will be three people on the project; one going to each door to let them know and two replacing the meters. Jerry Adamski asked how many were on the first wave and Matt told him 89. There will be three waves of installation with hopes of having it completed by this time next year.

Matt said Sanders has been plowing and due to the ground not being frozen, we will have some clean up in the spring. There is nothing that we can right now.

Keith Evans took over at the beginning of the month as the Water/Waste Water Operator and is picking up the job rapidly. He has been working with Dan Thilquist and training with Patrick Kalis a couple hours each week. Mayor Dan Noss noted that he would like to add that Matt got a visit from the MN Dept. of Health this last month and the City of Randall was awarded  the 2019 Aquarius Recognition award for the improvements made to the city water for Nitrate and Arsenic.  Mayor Noss said that there were only 15 cities in the entire United States that was given this award and the city should be very proud. Mayor Noss is working with the Morrison County Record to show this proud achievement.

Council Members Concerns:

Mayor Noss: Dan said that they were over in Eagle Court and there are some lights burnt out. Matt explained that these were owned by Eagle Court and that Pat went over and took the bulbs out. They came over to get the bulbs so they can purchase some new ones and Pat will help to install them when they arrive.

Jerry Adamski: asked how the snow equipment was holding up? Matt stated that the tractor was back. The drive shaft had to be replaced and should be covered under warranty. The controller for the plow on the plow truck had to be replaced.

Rick Tuner: None

Jim Chyba:  None

Jeff Wright: None

Next Meeting:  Regularly scheduled meeting will be held on January 15, 2020 at 7:00 pm.

Location: Randall Fire Hall

Adjournment at 7:34

Submitted by Susan Klooster - City Recorder


September 18th, 2019

September 18, 2019       

Regularly scheduled City Council Meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Clerk Gerald Adamski, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, council members Jim Chyba and Rick Turner. Also present were Patrick Kalis from the City of Randall, Susan Roberts from the Randall Business Association and Tyler with the Morrison County Record.

Regular council minutes from August 21, 2019 were approved as presented. Motion by Rick Turner and seconded by Jeff Wright. Motion carried.

Payment of bills: Approval of the payment of bills motioned by Jerry Adamski and seconded by Jim Chyba.  Motion carried.

GUEST: Susan Roberts from the Randall Business Association.

Public comment and concerns: Susan came to address and give an update on the Camp Ripley/Veterans State Trail. Susan discussed the hub that connects the trail which combines the communities of Baxter, Brainerd, Pillager, Randall and Fort Ripley.  The trail between Pillager and Randall are being discussed. Camp Ripley is willing to move their fence line back and give 10 feet to the trail. Other segments have been completed so progress is being made.

Susan also brought up discussion of Holly Days in Randall. She asked the council if the date of December 5th, 2019 would work for the city and if the Randall Business Association could use the Bingo Park building for the trolley start and stop point. Among the things that will be there for Holly Days are: Santa will be at the Randall VFW giving out candy and the opportunity to have a picture taken with Santa; VFW will be giving out hotdog and chips; VFW will also be accepting canned food for a food shelve donation ; Santa workshop with crafts at the VFW; bonfire at the corner of Pacific and E 6th Street by the Randall Fire hall; cookies and hot chocolate at the Bingo Park during the trolley rides along with instrumental music provided by members of the Randall Presbyterian Church. Susan stated that she will be in contact with Sue Kliber to play holiday music at the VFW during the event.  Randall Fire Hall will be out and about with the fire trucks. City council approved to cover the Bingo Park with the city liability insurance and approved December 5th, 2019 as Holly Days in Randall. Motion by Jim Chyba and seconded by Rick Turner. Motion carried.


Discussion took place on the project with WSN for the plan to map the city’s water and sewer lines. This includes hydrants, valves, manholes, depths and street conditions. The cost would be $19,500 with an additional $5000 to have them do all the dimensions of the manholes which consists of 80-90 manholes; the city could also choose to have city staff conduct manhole inventory. They will be putting this project into electronic version. This past year, $18,000 was allocated to go to the infrastructure fund. Matt stated that there was also $20,000 set aside in a contingency fund. Rick Turner questioned how long the plan would take and Matt responded with approximately 60 days.  Motion to have the plan put in place by WSN and have city staff inventory the manholes by Jeff Wright and seconded by Rick Turner. Motion carried.

Discussion also took place on the storm damage to the City of Randall buildings from the July 19, 2019 storm. Matt indicated that that the insurance adjustor was here to evaluate the buildings owned by the City of Randall. They stated that the roofs on the Bingo Park and the Erwin Wise Building would be replaced. Rick Turner stated that he would like to see the roof of the City Hall Building changed and to put some money in replacing the sides of the building. Matt will be contacting the insurance and checking into the rest of the building to determine if they would be covered and at what costs.

New Business:

Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Turner to set the preliminary tax levy increase at 5% (166,005) for 2020.Motion Carried.

City council briefly discussed the contract with Morrison County Sheriff for law enforcement in the City of Randall. The Sheriff submitted their contract for the 2020 calendar year with the same terms as the 2019 contract. Motion by Jim Chyba and seconded by Jeff Wright to renew the contract for 2020. Motion Carried.

Discussion was brought up on the property located at 524 Superior Avenue as it is a real ‘eye sore’ for the city and community of Randall. Matt has been in discussions with the owner in regards to cleaning it up. The owner has asked for the city to provide a dumpster for the garbage that needs to be disposed of. Discussions continue between Matt and the owner.

Planning & Zoning permits:

Motioned by Jerry Adamski and seconded by Jeff Wright to approve the permits for Rick Turner to install a steel roof and steel siding on his house along with installing a three season porch on deck area; Mike and Eileen Hoheisel to replace a 12’ garage door with a 16’ garage door along with placing a 13’ x 8’ storage shed on their property; Joe Strack to place a 10 x 12 shed; Matt and Tonya Andres to install a colored steel roof to their home; and Judy Walter to replace the shingles on her home with colored steel.

Review delinquent utility accounts:

Discussion was held in review of delinquent accounts and shut off notices were mailed out.

Committee Reports:

City Manager/Liquor Store:

Matt discussed installing LED lights within the city buildings. The lights that we currently have, burn out the ballast frequently which takes time and money to replace and the bulbs cost $1 each to dispose of at the Morrison County Landfill. Randall City Council stated to have all buildings replaced with LED lighting.

Discussion took place as to contracting with MN Power to have them provide and read the AMI devices on the Gas meters owned and operated by the City of Randall. They already have the licensure and equipment to read the gas meters and it will cost the City of Randall $2.00 per month for each AMI device. Matt will be in contact with MN Power to provide more information and cost at the next council meeting.

Maintenance Supervisor Report – Pat: City approved to purchase a 7’ snow bucket at no more than $1500.00 Council also asked Matt to get bids for a new sander for the city pickup truck for winter.

Water and Sewer – Mike: Jetting of the alley behind City Hall was done this past month. Bio solids will be hauled out again this year by Adamek’s. 

Council Member’s concerns:

Ernie (Jeff) – Jeff brought up the alley way from Randall Building to the corner to see if there was any grading that was going to be done. Matt stated that they have been in talks with Sanders to plow again this year and to grade that area. Discussions are still being made of the possibility of paving the alley all the way to the corner.

Jim – Jim brought up Boone’s Market and if there was a date of opening yet. Matt commented that progress is being made and it should be open soon.

Rick – Rick would like to donate to the Randall Business Association for the Randall Holley Day. Dan also mentioned that they do work hard and there are now businesses from Cushing and Little Falls that have and others continue to want to join the Randall Business Association.

Dan – Asked how the tractor has been working.

Jerry – Jerry brought up the topic of spending. He wants the council to consider the amount of the tax levy because of the money that we have needed to spend this year and the money that still needs to be spent for city cleanup and other projects.

Next meeting: Regularly scheduled city council meeting Wednesday October 16, 2019 at 7pm

Location: Randall Fire Hall

Adjourned 8:45 p.m.

Susan Klooster

City Recorder

November 20, 2019

November 20, 2019

Regularly scheduled City Council Meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Clerk Gerald Adamski, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, council members Jim Chyba and Rick Turner.

Regular council minutes were approved from the October 16th and October 30th meetings.

Payment of Bills: Approval of the bills was motioned by Jeff Wright and seconded by Jerry Adamski. Motion carried.

Guests present were: Pat Kalis from the City of Randall, Brian Zilka, resident of the City of Randall and Tyler Jensen from the Morrison County record.

Public comment and concern: Tyler informed the council tonight that this would be his last night attending the city council meetings as he has taken a new position and will be moving. Mayor Dan Noss thanked Tyler for his contributions to the City and wished him the best of luck with his new adventure.

Donations: None

Old Business:

Storm damage to the buildings. Matt informed the council that we got a bid for the cold storage building to replace the roof in the amount of $7390. Questions whether to replace the roof or just leave it were brought up. Council agreed to replace the roof since it was within the $1000 insurance deductible. Matt stated that no repairs will be made until spring of 2020.

New business:

The Randall Bingo Park was designated as the polling place for 2020 elections. Mayor Dan Noss signed a resolution 11202019 stating Randall Bingo Park as the official polling place for 2020 elections. Approval motioned by Rick Turner and seconded by Jerry Adamski. Motion carried.

Approval of the Randall VFW Liquor License was motioned by Jim Chyba and seconded by Rick Turned. Motion carried.

Approval of the Randall Municipal Liquor Store to stay open until 1 am on December 31st/January 1st motioned by Jim Chyba and seconded by Jeff Wright. Motion carried.

Discussion took place about new office fixtures for the City Hall. Matt requested a new file cabinet to store all of our pertinent files, a storage cabinet, a new desk for Sue and a new desk for Matt. Approval for $2500 to be spent for office fixtures was motioned by Jerry Adamski and seconded by Rick Turner. Motion carried.

Discussion took place for utilities and utility rates. PFA funding for the water plant requires that we discuss the water rates on an annual basis. Mayor Dan Noss, Jim Chyba and Matt Pantzke will be meeting to discuss the rate increase for 2020 and will bring it to the December meeting.

Matt Pantzke also discussed the gas service charge and recommended combining it with the gas consumption as we do with the other utilities. Will continue to discuss at the December meeting.

Planning and zoning permits: Approval for Jon Garlock to replace shingles on his home with colored steel and Renee and Darrell Hegg to build a 40’x56’ shed with 12’ sidewalls motioned by Jerry Adamski and seconded by Rick Turner. Motion carried.

Review Delinquent Accounts: Discussion took place on delinquent accounts and Matt stated that pink slips have been sent.

Committee Reports:

Matt: City liquor store garage sale is next Tuesday November 26th from 3 -7 to sell extra stuff. First come, first serve basis. The liquor store had an outstanding deer hunting season with a lot of patronage. Matt stated that they have nearly hit the budgeted revenue amount for 2019.

It has been a busy month for City employees with the resignation of Mike Hubner. We have been shorthanded a bit but Friday November 22, 2019; the city council will be conducting interviews at noon.

Pat has been getting the city ready for winter. All brackets are installed for the Christmas lights to go up next week. The City had to replace the lights on the water tower due to the storm in July. The city is continuing work with the AMI gas meter project. The 1st wave of installation will take place the week of December 16th (weather permitting). The bucket truck is ready for deliver from Brainerd Public utilities. We are looking at delivery the first week of December. The tractor is now in Pierz getting some mechanical work done to it. STS has finished cleanup of the trees along the BNSF Railway.

Bio solids will have the lime added to it on Friday and hauled by Greg Adamek on Saturday. The bio solids will be spread on Jim Skoogs farm north of Randall.

Council member concerns:

Mayor Noss: Wished everyone a Happy and safe Thanksgiving Holiday.

Jerry Adamski: None

Rick Turner: None

Jeff Wright: None

Jim Chyba: None

Next meeting: Truth and taxation hearing will take place on September 18th at 6:30 pm with the regularly meeting taking place at 7 p.m. at the Randall Fire Hall.


Submitted by Susan Klooster - City Recorder

October 16, 2019

October 16, 2019

 Regularly scheduled City Council Meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Clerk Gerald Adamski, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, and council member Jim Chyba. Council member Rick Turner was absent. Also present was Tyler with the Morrison County Record.

Regular council minutes from September 18th, 2019 were approved as presented. Acceptance of the council minutes was motioned by Jim Chyba and seconded by Jeff Wright. Motion Carried.

There were no public comments or concerns.

Donations: The Randall Vision Fund has a remaining balance of $1192.33 from the Initiative Foundation grant they received in 2014. One example of a project that the grant was used for was installing the Frisbee golf that is located in the bingo park. The Vision Randall group is no longer active so the remaining funds need to be disbursed to some type of project in the City of Randall. Motion was made to donate the $1192.33 to the Randall Area Business Group for them to use for events that they sponsor. Motion was made by Jeff Wright and seconded by Jerry Adamski. Motion Carried.


Damage to the city buildings from the July 19th storm: Matt Pantzke presented the review from the League of MN Cities to the council. The coverage is for replacement of the roofs on the Bingo Park Storage and Park Shelter, Community Building, and City Hall. It would also repair the roof top units of the air conditioners at the Randall Municipal Liquor Store. Jerry Adamski had commented about the two dents seen on the water treatment plant. Matt Pantzke stated he feels the water treatment plant looks good and we don’t need to do anything with that. It is cosmetic damage and the steel on that roof is heavier gauged steel. The City of Randall carries a $1000 deductible. League of MN Cities approved the bids provided by Randall Roofing Company. Motion was made to have the roofs of the three city buildings in town replaced matching the color to each building. Motion was made by Jerry Adamski and seconded by Jim Chyba. Motion Carried.

There was also discuss to have a bid drawn up to replace the front of the City Hall with the same color steel as the roofs of the other buildings. Matt Pantzke will be working on getting this bid for the next council meeting in November.

Street sander options:  Matt Pantzke and Pat Kalis researched different models and styles of sanders since the last council meeting. It was determined that the best solution was to purchase a street sander from Konrad Materials Sales out of North Branch MN. The amount of the sander would be $3567.71 plus a freight charge of $215.00. Motion was made by Jeff Wright to purchase the sander up to the amount of $4000.00, seconded by Jerry Adamski. Motion carried.

NEW BUSINESS: Discussion took place to trim trees and possibly remove some trees within the city that are starting to cut in or drape over the power lines in the city. The removal of some trees has been discussed between Matt Pantzke and the property owners concluding that it would be better to remove the trees than hiring a company to come in and trim them every couple years. The risks involved of leaving the trees could result in power outages, trees falling and taking the power lines down which could in turn cause a fire. Motion was made to spend up to $5000 with a third party contractor to come in and tree/remove the trees. The contractor would need to be licensed and insured to work with power lines and have the necessary equipment. Motion was made by Jim Chyba and seconded by Jerry Adamski. Motion carried.

PLANNING AND ZONING PERMITS:  Motion made to approve the permits for Matt and Tonya Anders to move in a 8x16 storage shed; Judy Walter to tear down her old garage and build a 32X48 garage in its place; Charles Madden to build a 12x16 storage shed; Jim Chyba to replace the shingles on his home with colored steel and Jeff Turner to replace the shingles on his home with colored steel. Motion was made to approve the building permits by Jerry Adamski and seconded by Jim Chyba. Motion carried.

REVIEW OF DELINUENT UTILITY ACCOUNTS: Discussion was made on all delinquent accounts and shut off notices were sent out.


City Manager/Liquor Store:  Matt Pantzke stated that he has been in contact with MN Power and gave them a list of Natural gas accounts to insall AMI meters. They are working on the proposal for the first wave of about 107 meters. Matt will continue to discuss with MN Power.

The speed sign that was purchased came in. Matt Pantzke got a permit from Morrison County that will put up the speed sign. It will be installed just west of County Road 1 by the County Shop on County Road 14. This will be a permanent spot.

The liquor store business continues to remain solid; Matt Pantzke feels it will surpass the projected budget. The Liquor Store Board consisting of Matt Pantzke, Jim Chyba and Kim Moffitt will be discussing raising prices on some items effective November 1st, 2019. Matt Pantzke already spoke with the VFW Manager Chris Stavish as the VFW follows the Randall Municipal for pricing.

Maintenance:  Patrick Kalis is down in Marshall MN for overhead school for electric training.

All equipment is ready for winter. Spreader has been installed and the plow is attached on the truck. Christmas light brackets will start to be installed.

STS Crew from Morrison County has been rescheduled to continue cleanup along the railroad tracks on Monday October 21st weather permitting.

Jim Chyba asked when we were expected to get our new bucket truck from MN Power. Matt stated that Pat has training in November and would guess that they would bring the truck at that time. Discussion took place as to what the City of Randall would do with the old truck. Matt stated that they were discussing keeping the old truck, taking out the electrical components and using it for a service truck. There are some areas that Matt feels will be too tight to enter with the new truck. The issue is still being discussed.

Water and Sewer: Due to the wet conditions, the city staff will need to add lime to the bio-solids. With adding lime to the bio-solids, there will be no immediate need to incorporate it into the ground. City staff will be watching conditions as to when they can spread the bio-solids.


Mayor Dan Noss: Dan asked if we have heard when the POS Systems will be delivered to Boone’s Market in Randall. Matt stated that the last he had heard from Adam Boone is that they were looking at delivery on October 21st. Adam was working on getting them faster if possible.

Jerry Adamski:Jerry had asked what the status is with the Roach Lots. Matt said he spoke with Terry Roach last Tuesday and being they had some family setbacks and the ground has been too wet to install the driveways, it was a slow process. Terry was going to contact Crosby and Sons in Randall to inquire about getting them done yet this year.

Jim Chyba:  None

Jeff Wright:  None

NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING: Regularly scheduled meeting will be on November 20th, 2019 at 7 pm.

Location: Randall Fire Hall

Adjournment: 7:54 pm

Submitted by Susan Klooster

City Recorder

August 21 2019

Regularly scheduled City Council meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, council members Jim Chyba, Jeff wright, Clerk Gerald Adamski and Councilman Rick Turner. Also present were Tyler Jensen from the MC Record and resident Brian Zilka.

Council accepted the minutes of the July 17th, 2019 regular council meeting as presented.

Payment of the bills – Motioned by Jim Chyba and seconded by Jerry Adamski to pay all bills as presented. Motion carried.

Public comment and concern: Brian Zilka asked why the Clarke Mosquito Sprayers were coming so late at night to spray. He stated that they are coming anywhere between 10:30 and 11:00 and feels that that is a ridiculous time. Brian said it used to be around 8:30. Rick turner stated that it has always been around 10:30. Matt said he would call them and check into it.

Donations: None.

Old business:

1. Council talked about Constellation Energy aligning with the City of Randall to lock in natural gas until 2028. Matt presented a graph showing what the usage has been for the past 10 years and the margin that Constellation Energy would be offering with a long term fixed price of $3.05. The second option would be a hedged volume only for the winter months of November 2021 – March 2025. The third option would be to have usage from May 2021 to October 2025 at $2.99. The fourth option would be another hedged volume only for winter from November 2021 to March 2028 at $3.11. Randall is currently contracted with Kinect Energy until April 2021. If the City chose to switch we would be saving approximately $1200 in energy management fees per year by switching to Constellation Energy. Matt contacted Corey Koenig, field rep for Constellation Energy in Minnesota so the council could ask any questions that pertained to the move. Jerry Adamski asked if he could get some background information on the company with Corey offering that they serve 11 other municipal companies since 1994. Seven of those municipals are on the same pipe line as Randall would be. Questions were brought up as to whether the turkey barns by the TBS would be using Natural Gas and whether the Dr SG Knight School in Randall would be. At this time, the turkey barns will not be using and when the school remodeling last year; they got rid of their second option for heat which was oil and went completely to natural gas. The school system will be using the gas and Randall would have enough if the turkey barns decide that they want to come on board. Mayor Dan Noss asked to take it to a vote. Motioned by Jeff Wright and seconded by Rick Turner to approve the natural gas contract with Consolation Energy. Motion carried.

 2. Council spoke of the Widseth, Smith and Nolting’s infrastructure regarding the water/sewer lines and the roads in the City of Randall. Mayor Dan Noss, Matt Pantzke and Councilman Jim Chyba met with WSN and went over the situation with them. WSN will be grading the water/sewer lines and the roads in the City of Randall and putting together a plan to address what the City of Randall needs to take care of first and are also looking for funding opportunities. Within discussion, every street in town is in a condition that mandates that they are in need of repair. Discussion was presented regarding Hill Drive, it will cost $8,000 to $12,000 to resurface with 1 ½” overlay and it may only last a year. Complete reconstruction to include new water and sewer and new pavement will cost approximately $108,000 to fix one block. The alley behind the City Hall, Boones Market, Randall Muni and Lumber Yard would be the first to get fixed due to the potential backup problems with the sewer lines. City of Randall will be waiting for the report from WSN and responding from there.

 New business:

  1. Matt contacted the League of MN Cities and they came out to look at the city buildings from the storm damage that occurred on July 19th. The two adjusters that came out were unable to fully look at the damage to the buildings. They have now contracted with another firm to assess the damage. They will be coming out Friday August 23rd to assess the damage. Mayor Dan Noss asked what the cities deductible is for the repair and Matt Pantzke stated that he believed it to be around $1000.00. Matt will let the council know what he finds out.

  2. Motioned by Jim Chyba and seconded by Jerry Adamski to approve the bid from Bollig Brothers Construction in the amount of $2,000 to replace the overhead door on the cold storage building with a sliding door for the new bucket truck the City of Randall is purchasing. Matt also stated that he is going to be contacting Morrison County to see if there is room for us to park the truck in their building on 230th Street during the winter months. The truck does come with a heater box. Matt will let us know what the county states. Motion carried.

Planning and Zoning Permits:

Motioned by Jerry Adamski and seconded by Ricky Turner to approve building permits for Clair Huseth to replace the steel roof with shingles on their home; Tim Strack to add a 50’X104’ storage shed; Johnathon Scheerle to put colored steel on his roof; Mike and Eileen Hoheisel to attach a 40”x64” enclosed porch; Brett Lausen to attach a 20’x24’ deck and replace their shed which may be the same size or larger – 10x12 vs 12x14. Motion Carried.

Review delinquent accounts: Reviewed delinquent accounts and some disconnect notices were sent out.

Committee reports:

City Manager/Liquor store – Matt reminded the council that next month will be the preliminary tax levy. One dynamic that will be changing is the payment on the city hall building. The last payment was made this year which allows an extra $18,000 for the general fund.  Matt also talked of a camera system for the park buildings and behind the Randall Muni. There was a lot of discussion as to whether we should go with wireless internet systems or not. Mayor Dan and Matt Pantzke took a ride to the City of Motley to view their camera system. Current cost for a system without internet would be around $1000 for the system. Each system would come with 4 wide angle cameras that are high definition.  If the City of Randall were to go wireless, the system would cost around $2000 to $3000 and a $50 internet fee. The City of Motley stated that they have not had vandalism since installing the cameras. Matt said they would put it in the budget for 2020.

Matt also stated that liquor sales remained strong. Matt has been meeting with Kim the bar manager and some prices have changed accordingly. Personnel issues are up and down with part time help as Matt feels it always will be.

Electric/ Pat – Pat has been working on a couple projects. He has the new meter sockets for the Randall trailer park and is building the posts to put them on. Central MN electric will be here next month to install them. Patrick and Mike will begin the Gas meter replacement along Hwy 115 later this month.

Water and Sewer/Mike – Mike and Pat have also been working on patching some holes around the city. Discussion came up about the mess that BNSF left along the tracks in Randall. There were some trees and branches taken down and BNSF left a big mess for the city to deal with. They stated they don’t have the manpower or time to clean it up. Mayor Dan also got in touch with BNSF to ask them about clean up. They stated they would but it hasn’t happened yet. Matt stated that Plan B would be to reach out to the STS Crew for Morrison County to see if they could send out a team with their wood chipper. Council agreed that was a good idea.  Water and Sewer systems are both working well. We are still waiting for bids for the lift station repairs to reduce the flooding problem during the spring snow melt at the water treatment plant. Matt will let the council know when that comes in.

Council member concerns:

Ernie – None    

Jim – asked if all roofs that need repair from the storm will need building permits. Matt stated that if they are changing the material from shingles to steel, then they will. He stated that there are a couple people in town that he needs to visit.

Rick – None

Jerry –Asked if there is going to be a protective cover built over the A/C unit at City Hall?

Mayor Dan Noss – Dan brought up discussion on the ball field that the city sold to the school district for $1. He stated that this year the lawn has looked good as far as mowing and trimming but the fence is in need of repair or paint. He stated that the Cub Ball Team comes to play there and feels the field is representing the City of Randall. Dan has been talking with Steve at the school and will continue discussions with him.

Next Meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting Wednesday September 18th, 2019 at 7pm.

Location: Fire Hall

Adjournment 8:06 PM

Submitted by Susan Klooster

City Recorder

July 17, 2019

July 17, 2019

Regularly scheduled City Council meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, council members Jim Chyba, Jeff wright, Clerk Gerald Adamski. Councilman Rick Turner was absent. Also present were Tyler Jensen from the MC Record, resident Brian Zilka and Street /Utility supervisor Patrick Kalis.

Council accepted the minutes of the June 17, 2019 regular council meeting as presented.

Payment of the bills – Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Wright to pay all bills as presented to include the bills from Ecm publishers, Kingsway cleaning, MMUA and UC labs that were submitted after the financial packets were printed . Motion carried.

Public comment and concern: None

Donations: Motion by Adamski and seconded by Wright to approve the annual donation of $750.00 to the Initiative Foundation for the 2020 calendar year.  Motion carried.

Old business:

1. Motioned by Wright and seconded by Chyba to approve Central MN Electric to install 3 new electric service points in the Whispering Willows mobile home park at a cost of $5480.00. These new services will replace the existing services that no longer fit for service. The park owners will be responsible for the wiring from the service points to the homes. Motion Carried.

2. Utility board members Noss, Chyba and Pantzke met with Constellation Energy regarding their Energy Management services and long term contracting of Natural Gas. They offer the same services we currently have with Kinect Energy for approximately $1200.00 less per year. They are also offering to lock in Natural Gas at today’s prices out to 2028. The Council is interested in locking in up to 80% of our historical consumption through 2028. They asked Pantzke to contact them and bring their proposal to the August 2019 council meeting.

3. Pantzke informed the council that Patrick has been investigating the momentary electric outages we have been experiencing in the city for years. There are at least 12 transformers in our system that is not fused. When a squirrel, tree branch or something else contacts an exposed portion of these transformers it trips the re-closers at the beginning of our system causing wide spread temporary outages rather than blowing a fuse and isolating the affected customers. To correct the problem we will need to add fusing to each of these transformers which will cost approximately $200.00 for the components and 2 hours labor per site. Council has directed City Staff to proceed with the upgrades once Patrick is qualified to complete them.

New business:

  1. City Manager Pantzke has been monitoring the cash and CD investments that the city has at the Randall State Bank. Beginning in December of 2018, we have moved 300,000 out of checking and into 3 CD’s which are now earning 2.25% interest. Some of the other CD’s have been consolidated and are also at the same rate. The remaining CD’s are all earning a minimum of 1.25% interest. The next recommendation he has for the Council is to change our checking account from a Super Now account to a Premier Checking which will increase the interest from .15 percent to 1.25 percent. Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Chyba to change to Premier checking. Motion Carried.

  2. Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Chyba to accept the matching grant in the amount of $1987.17 from Sourcewell that Mayor Noss applied for to purchase a solar powered radar speed sign. Motion Carried.

  3. Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Chyba to approve purchasing the Radar speed sign from Grainger, a Sourcewell approved vendor, in the amount of $4001.56. Motion Carried.

  4. Motioned by Wright and seconded by Adamski to approve purchasing a new Utility Locator with A-Frame from Locators and Supplies in the amount of $4813.00. Motion Carried.

  5. Motioned by Wright and seconded by Chyba to purchase 20 refurbished Natural gas Meters from EEI in the amount of $1827.56 plus shipping to not exceed $2000.00. These meters will be installed on the gas services the city has on HWY 115. The existing meters will then be sent to EEI for refurbishing and will then be put back into service. We will continue this process until all meters in the system are current. We will then begin adding AMI or AMR devices to the meters to expedite the monthly meter reading process. Motion Carried.

Planning and Zoning Permits:

Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Wright to approve building permits for Amber Strange to construct a 16x16 wood deck on her home; John Nicholson to construct a 9x9 and a 10x10 wooden deck on their home;  Jim Kestner to install a steel roof on their home and to move in a 10x16 storage shed. Rick Turner to add a handicap ramp to their home. Motion Carried.

Review delinquent accounts: No questions at this point.

Committee reports:

City Manager/Liquor store – The storm on the evening of July 14th caused a few problems in the City, to include a downed power line, some trees and branches down throughout the City and a few problems at the Wastewater plant due to the significant rainfall in a short amount of time. City staff worked well into the night to correct the issues that needed immediate attention and finished cleaning the remaining damage by Wednesday afternoon. The Liquor store sales were strong through the July Fourth Holiday. We have 2 new staff members that are doing a great job. We did have some recurring issues with another employee and she was terminated.

Maintenance Supervisor Report: Patrick will be working with MMUA his coming Monday and Tuesday on the Electric system in town. He will also be contacting some contractors to repair some asphalt on the City streets in Randall.

Water and Sewer/Mike –Lift Station had an electric component fail during the storm, CME came out and replaced the part which will be covered under warranty.

Council member concerns:

Ernie – None     Jim – None         Rick – Not present         

Jerry –None     Mayor Dan Noss – Wanted to make everyone aware that there is a DAV motorcycle this Saturday beginning at 9 AM and ending at 9 Pm at the Randall VFW. They will be blocking off part of the parking area by the VFW but it will not affect any other businesses.

Next Meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting Wednesday August 21, 2019 at 7pm.

Location: Fire Hall


Submitted by Matt Pantzke

City Manager

June 19, 2019

June 19, 2019

Regularly scheduled City Council meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Mayor Dan Noss.

Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, council members Jim Chyba and Rick Turner. Clerk Gerald Adamski joined the meeting at 7:16 p.m. Also present were Tyler Jensen from the MC Record and resident Brian Zilka.

Council accepted the minutes of the Regular council meeting on May 15, 2019 and special meeting on May 29, 2019 as presented.

Payment of the bills – Motioned by Jim Chyba and seconded by Rick Turner to pay all bills as presented. Motion carried.

Public comment and concern:  Brian Zilka, resident of Randall, had concerns about the electrical outages in town. Matt explained that he contacted MN Power about a couple the lines coming up to Randall. Two were animal related and the other is in regards to the City of Randall having a small issue with tree squirrels that crawl up the poles and get electrocuted on the unfused lines, which will cause a momentary outage because the re-closure will trip up. City of Randall has ordered the component to add a fuse for prevention. MN Power has been patrolling the lines to prevent this in the future.

Donations: Motion by Rick Turner and seconded by Jim Chyba to accept a $300 donation from the Randall/Cushing Area Lions Club Association to the City of Randall for the purpose of the medallion hunt this year. Check will be written to the Randall Area Business Group.  Motion carried.

Old business: None

New business:

  1. Capital improvement plan for the streets and infrastructure in the City of Randall. Discussion was given in regards to the Capital Improvement Plan to look at a five year plan with engineers from Widseth, Smith and Nolting. Discussion will be regarding the streets, water and sewer. They will help to make an informed decision as far as what should be fixed first and suggested payment of the plan. IUP will be coming due next June. Motion made by Rick Turner, seconded by Jim Chyba for a meeting with Widseth, Smith and Nolting to meet with the road committee. Motion carried.
  2. Approve Resolution of the 6192019 resolution. This policy was developed with City of Randall Electric Company and the residents of Randall who are going to be producing energy in Randall. Ms. Judy Walter will be adding solar panels to the roof of her home and will need this policy to regulate what she produces, how we purchase energy from her and how she purchases from the City of Randall. Matt added that the City of Randall ordinance does allow solar panels and the MN Public Utility Commission and the Department of Energy say we cannot deny her to purchase and use these solar panels.  Motion made by Jim Chyba, seconded by Rick turner to approve the Resolution 6192019. Motion carried.
  3. Strong Beer permits for the Randall/Cushing Area Lions Club Association for the July 3rd street dance and the August 11th St James Perish Festival. Motion made by Ricky Turner, seconded by Jim Chyba to give beer permits for these two festivities. Motion carried.
  4. Natural gas long term hedging.  Discussion was made in regards to Constellation Energy out of Cloquet MN to become our natural gas broker. They provide energy to seven other small municipal gas companies. We could hedge out through 2028 at today’s prices.  The current gas company, Kinect Energy has not approached us once. We would become locked in with Constellation Energy, locking in 80% of our gas. Matt suggested meeting with them to see what they have to say. Management fees would be $1200 less per year on what we are paying now. Rick Turner stated that he wants to meet with them.  The utility board of Jim Chyba, Dan Noss and Matt Pantzke will meet with them.
  5. Flooring at city hall.  Vinyl planking was suggested at the council meeting and a bid was presented by Wiczek’s Floors and More of $2171.00. The vinyl planking is easy to clean and easy to fix. Eggplant grey was the color chosen at the meeting for the color of the vinyl planking. The current wood trim will be used for trim. Motion made by Rick Turner, seconded by Jerry Adamski to approve the bid from Wiczek’s Floors and More for the bid of $2171.00. Motion carried.
  6. Trailer park electric. Discussions were made in the past about the trailer park needing some upgrades. The owners talked about sub metering but decided they didn’t want to. Matt suggested installing a couple new service points and then gives them a deadline to connect. Pat and Mike are researching a plan and it will be discussed at the next council meeting on July 17th, 2019.
  7. Cement at the liquor store. Discussion was made as to the brown rock along the smoking area of the liquor store. Employees could get together and take the rock out and replace it with concrete, eliminating the grass growth and mess it that area for a cost of $500. Motion was made by Rick Turner, seconded by Jerry Adamski to approve the $500 in cement repair. Motion carried.
  8. Personnel manual. Matt pointed out the change of vacation and sick leave to PTO policy. A lot of it was legal compliance to make sure the City of Randall is covered as well as employees. It covers the area of what is expected of employees and employee conduct. It was reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. Mayor Dan Noss stated that two addendums need to be made in regards to confidentiality outside the office and a computer usage addendum made as to what employees can and cannot use the computers for. Motion made by Ricky Turner, seconded by Jim Chyba to accept the personnel manual. Motion carried.

Review delinquent accounts:  Discussion was made in regards to the delinquent accounts. Pink slips will be going out on June 20, 2019.

Committee reports:

City Manager/Liquor store – Susan Klooster joined the City of Randall on June 17, 2019 and Angie Magee will be coming in to train on the Asyst Program. Matt has been talking with water and sewer along with other daily tasks. Jim Peterchick is mowing grass 15-18 hours per week. Matt is working on developing a plan to swap out gas meters. Liquor store has a new employee with another starting next week. Discussion was made to clean carpet in the Liquor Store and repeating it every six months.

Maintenance Supervisor Report: Pat has been researching natural gas meters. Two have been sent out to refurbish at EDI in Dodge Center MN.  MMUA is coming in late July for two days to help Pat work on the electric systems. He will be getting the natural gas situation in the trailer park cleaned up.

Water and Sewer/Mike –Things have been operating pretty smooth. Lift station is up and running. Did have an issue with water a few weeks back. MN Dot had come in and purchased some water out of the fire hydrant by Casey’s. Employee from MN Dot opened the value rapidly and shut it off rapidly causing a water hammer causing a water hose in Subway to blow off. That water line needed to be repaired and did loosen up some sediment in the pipes. This caused some rusty water for a day or two. Matt reached out to Subway and they were happy he did. In the future, customers purchasing water will use the hydrant by the fire station. Did have a flood issue at the water plant during snow melt. Engineers were out to look at it and the first recommendation was to dig a runaway ditch but didn’t feel that was the best remedy. Engineers are now working on a proposal to add manhole risers so it won’t run into the tanks and won’t have a ditch to deal with.

Council member concerns:

Ernie – Not present         Jim – None          Rick – None       

Jerry – Greater MN gas is possibly interested in partnering on a new boiler for the TBS station in 2020. The odor tank has about two years left. It is hazardous waste and the only way to get rid of it is to use it. Obtained a quote to put in a new supply system which would cost approximately $17,000 but if we put it in we would be stuck with the hazardous waste. The boiler that we could possibly share with Greater MN Gas would cost between $60,000 and $80,000. They are coming up next week to look at it.

Mayor Dan Noss – City of Randall decided on buying a laptop for use in the office. Pat and Mike will be using it during the month for their work and Sue will use it once a month for the monthly council meetings. Cost for the computer is $385 and the software for Microsoft Office is $99.00. Motion made by Rick Turner, seconded by Jim Chyba to spend $385 on a laptop and $99 on software. Motion carried.

Next Meeting: Regularly scheduled meeting Wednesday July 17, 2018 at 7pm.

Location: Fire Hall


Submitted by Matt Pantzke

May 15, 2019

May 15, 2019


Regularly scheduled City Council Meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Mayor Dan Noss.

All council present Mayor Dan Noss, Clerk Gerald Adamski, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, council members Jim Chyba and Rick Turner. Also present were CW4 Scott Bjerke from Camp Ripley, Tyler Jensen from MC Record and resident Brian Zilka

Council accepted the minutes of the Regular council meeting on April 17, 2019 and special meeting on April 24 2019 as presented

Payment of the bills – Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Wright to pay the bills as presented. Motion Carried.

Donations: None

Guests(s): CW 4 Scott Bjerke gave a presentation on Camp Ripley’s training schedule, their economic impact on the community and a summary of the events that took place in 2018.

Old Business:

Matt has been in contact with Kinect energy and has locked in 80% of the 2019/20 natural gas at $3.13

Matt Gave an update on the City Hall project, it is now ready for sheetrock to be installed and then taped and painted. Turner Motioned to hire Jerry Konen Drywall to hang and tape the drywall at a cost of $600.00, seconded by Adamski. Motion Carried.

Randall City held the City Wide Cleanup day this past Saturday May 11; many residents took advantage of the opportunity to get rid of unwanted items. There are several property owners that did not cleanup their yards at all and there have been many complaints about their property. City Council agreed that it is time to send them an ordinance violation notice directing them to clean up their property or be issued an Administrative Ticket.

New Business: The City received 20 applicants by the 12:00 deadline for the Administrative position at City Hall. The City Council set Wednesday May 29, 2019 beginning at 5:00PM as the date and time for the interviews. Each Council member will review all the resumes and select 8 or 9 applicants by May 22 2019 that they would like to interview. Each applicant that has at least 2 council members interested in interviewing them will be contacted by the City manager to schedule an interview.


Planning & Zoning permits: Greg Salber, 412 Parkview Drive. Replace all windows in the home, some of the sizes will change, and install new vinyl siding on the entire home.                                                                                                        Jennifer Peterschick-Hand, 226 Eagle Drive. Remove 1 window, replace another window with a sliding glass door, remove a portion of the existing chain-link fence and replace and extend it with a 6 foot tall privacy fence and replace siding on the entire home with the bottom being stone.                                                                                                                 Bill and Jessica Nutz, 140 E 6th St. Move door from the east side to the south side and construct a 48’ wheel chair ramp.  Dale and Kathy Dalquist, Address to be determined on Dove road. Move in a new 28’x52’ manufactured home from Anderson Homes in Sebeka MN. . Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Turner to approve all of the permits as presented. Motion Carried.

Review delinquent utility accounts:

Committee Reports:

City Manager/Liquor Store: Angie Magee has been coming in after hours to complete the financial related tasks. Due to Rudi Turners interest in the full time position at City Hall Matt contacted her and advised it was best if she did not come in on a temporary basis if she would be applying for the permanent position.

Maintenance Supervisor Report – Pat: Patrick is attending MMUA underground electric school this week. MNOPS conducted their annual field and records inspection last week and there were no violations reported. Patrick and Mike did some pothole filling on the streets around the water tower, they will be picking up another load of cold patch and continue filling holes around town.

Water and Sewer – Mike: The new pump has been installed and the electric repairs/improvements have been made at the Main Lift Station and are working well. There are a couple of curb stops that are in need of repair; Mike will be contacting Crosby’s to make the repairs.

Council Member’s concerns:

Ernie (Jeff) – Glad to see Kim’s café is open.         Jim –Has personally seen the benefits of J turn intersection.                 Rick – Would like to see the blighted properties in town cleaned up.

Jerry – Asked for an update on the grocery store and stated that we need to keep looking at options to get the streets repaired.

Dan –Dan shared that he received an award for being DAV Chapter Commander of the year.

Next meeting: Regularly scheduled city council meeting will be Wednesday June 19, 2019 at 7pm

Location:  Randall Fire Hall

Adjourned 8:08 p.m.

Matt Pantzke

City Manager



Mayor______________________          Clerk________________________________

April 17, 2019

April 17, 2019


Regularly scheduled City Council Meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Mayor Dan Noss.

 All council present Mayor Dan Noss, Clerk Gerald Adamski, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, council members Jim Chyba and Rick Turner. Also present were Donna Lundgren and Mike Drew from the Randall Fourth of July Committee.

Council accepted the minutes of the Regular council meeting on March20, 2019 as presented

Payment of the bills – Motioned by Turner and seconded by Wright to pay the bills as presented. Motion Carried.

Donations: Motion by Turner and seconded by Chyba to accept a donation of $100 from the RABG for use of the City Signs. Motion Carried

Guests(s): Mike Drew and Donna Lundgren were present to request a donation to help with the expenses of the Fourth of July Celebration. Donna informed the council that the cost of fireworks has been increasing. They typically spend $3,500 on Fireworks each year and the show keeps getting shorter. This year the display would only last 11 minutes vs 13 minutes last year. She also suggested the City look into new Holiday decorations as the current ones are in poor condition and also would like to see some improvements made to the City playground. After discussion Turned Motioned and Chyba seconded to donate $1,000 towards the Street Dance on July 3rd and $3,500 towards the purchase of new Holiday decorations. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Matt has been in contact with Kinect energy and has approved locking in 80% of the 2019/20 natural gas at no more than $3.25

Local Board of Appeal and Equalization will be held at the Fire Hall Meeting room on April 24th 2019. Councilmen Adamski, Chyba and Mayor Noss will be present.

New Business: Water/Waste water operator Mike Hubner along with City Manager Pantzke informed the council of an issue with the Main Lift Station that nearly resulted in sewer backups. After discussion a Motion was made by Wright and seconded by Chyba to approve the purchase of a new Flight pump from Electric Pump at a cost of $11,696 rather than an Abs pump from MN Pump Works at a cost of $7,784 due to the fact that the Flight pumps we have in service have yet to clog. Motion Carried.

 Motion by Adamski and seconded by Turner to have CME upgrade the wiring at the Lift station at a cost of $568. Motion Carried.

Motion by Adamski and seconded by Turner to approve the bid from Ballou Plumbing and Heating to replace the damaged Air Conditioner at City Hall and the Utility/Bathroom HVAC at the Liquor Store at a cost of $8,418. Motion Carried.

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to approve ordinance 04052019 relating to Public Right of way and Small cell wireless. Motion Carried.

Motioned by Turner and seconded by Wright to approve ordinance 04172019 adopting the latest complete version of the MN basic book of code and leaving the above ordinance along with the poultry ordinance, any established fee schedules and Resolution 09192018 authorizing administrative penalties in effect. Motion carried

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to approve Resolution dated 4/17/2019 requesting comprehensive road and transit funding. Motion Carried.

Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Adamski to approve hiring a part time seasonal employee for Lawn mowing and other duties at the rate of $12 per hour for up to 20 hours per week. Motion Carried.

Planning & Zoning permits: Randall Bjerkness 110 Hill Drive, Move existing garage to a new foundation two feet from the house and add a breezeway connecting the garage to the house. They are also requesting a permit to install a chain link fence on the east, west and north sides of the property.  Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Turner to approve the permit. Motion Carried

Review delinquent utility accounts:

Committee Reports:

City Manager/Liquor Store:

Snowplowing equipment has been put away for the season! The city needs to continue planning for sewer/water and street repairs. Matt will be in contact with WSN to discuss planning and funding.

Maintenance Supervisor Report – Pat:

Patrick and Matt attended the Natural Gas conference last week and learned about some possible improvements for the Natural Gas system. Patrick will continue researching. He will also have Lineman training with MMUA in Randall 2 days next week they will be looking at some system maintenance. We also have a resident that is looking into solar panels for her home; he will be researching that project as well.

Water and Sewer – Mike:

Mike made the Council aware of some drainage issues at the Water Plant. He will be getting some estimates to have the problem resolved.

Council Member’s concerns:

Ernie (Jeff) – None at this time                    Jim –None at this time                   Rick – None at this time

Jerry – None at this time

Dan –Mayor Noss asked to recess the regular meeting at approximately 8:09. Mayor Noss asked Jody Lausen if she wanted the meeting to be left open for the discussion.  She stated that she wished to have the meeting closed.  Mayor Noss than opened the closed meeting to discuss job performance issues with Administrative Assistant Jody Lausen. Mayor Noss than reopened the regular meeting at 8:12 and stated  that during the closed portion she was informed that she has not shown satisfactory job performance improvement since her last performance review in December of 2018. She was given the opportunity to resign without further discussion and declined. Following a brief discussion in the open meeting a Motion was made by Adamski and seconded by Chyba to terminate Jody Lausen from her position with the city of Randall effective immediately. Motion Carried.  Mayor Noss requested that Jody Lausen immediately turn in her keys.  Mayor Noss said that two individuals would accompany Jody Lausen to City Hall to pick up her personal belongings.

Next meeting: Regularly scheduled city council meeting  will be Wednesday May 15, 2019 at 7pm

Location: Randall Fire Hall

Adjourned 8:17 p.m.

Matt Pantzke

City Manager

Mayor___________________________________              Clerk________________________________