When is city hall open

Monday through Friday, 8:00am-4:00pm.  City Hall will be closed for federal holidays and weather emergencies.

 How do I find my polling place

If you are unsure of your precinct location, check the Secretary of State Elections & Voting page. After a few questions to obtain your home address, it will provide the precinct number and location where you will go to vote as well as list which district elections within the state you are able to vote in.

 Where do I apply for a dog license

Dog licenses obtained at the City Hall office.  All dogs 6 months and older need a license which is good for that animal's life.  Cats do not require a license.  License fee is $5.00 


 When do you declare a snow emergency

A snow emergency is declared after a snowfall of more than three inches. Plowing starts on the snow emergency routes first and then go to side streets.

 When is recycling picked up

Refuse collection is every Monday and Recycling is every other Monday.

Please see the Utility Information Tab to obtain a Refuse and Recycling Calendar, either click on the link or stop by City Hall.