February 18, 2009 - Public Hearing

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. with all members present except councilman Andres.


                Mayor Riitters briefly discussed the first project assessed in the city two years ago and also how the assessment process works.   The city established a policy in 2007 for all improvement projects to be assessed in the city, including County road project improvements.


                The meeting was handed over to David Reese of Widseth Smith Nolting, who explained the proposed improvements and estimated costs of improvements.

                The first project will be the reconstruction of CSAH 14 & CSAH 1, all blacktop will be removed and replaced with curb & gutter and storm sewer added, sewer & water utilities will be replaced and the road will be realigned at the railroad crossing.  The new crossing will be approx. 100 – 150 ft north of the existing crossing.

                The second project will be the milling and resurfacing of the entire length of Pacific Avenue and the third project will be the resurfacing of Superior Avenue from CR#104 to Highway 115. 

                Reese explained that the underground utility portion of the project will take approximately

3 to 4 weeks, there will be no sidewalk installed on the CSAH 14 & 1 portion, no sod will be installed but seeding will be done.  The costs of the three projects are as follows:  $790,000 – CSAH 14 & CSAH 1, $50,000 – Pacific Avenue, $85 -90,000 – Superior Avenue, the City of Randall’s portion of these projects is approx. $390,000.  Reese informed the public that residents should be aware of the fact that it doesn’t matter where you live within the city, if there is an improvement project on the street you live on, there will be assessments for those improvements.

                Steve Backowski, Morrison County Engineer stated that the CSAH 14 & 1 project is a small but expensive project due to the sewer & water utilities that run underneath the railroad tracks that have to be updated and that itself is approx. $50,000.

                Brian Noe, a property owner at 114 1st Street asked if it was necessary to have the parking area on this portion of the road as it will be right outside his window?  Reese explained that they are trying to stay consistent with the width of CR #14 to the West of Highway 10.

                Another question asked was why the city isn’t making improvements to Superior Avenue from CR #104 to CR#14 and it was stated that at this time, that portion of Superior Avenue seems to be in better condition.

                There will also be concrete medians installed on either side of the new railroad crossing which is a requirement by the railroad on all improved crossing areas to help prevent vehicles from going through the cross arms.

                With no further questions from the attending public, a motion was made by Carter 2nd by Adamski to close the public hearing.  Carried

                The meeting was then re-opened to review resolutions for approval.


                Motion by Turner 2nd by Adamski to approve the resolution ordering Improvements and Directing Preparation of Final Plans and Specifications, as presented by David Reese of Widseth, Smith Nolting.  Carried


                Morrison County will advertise for bids in the construction bulletin and local newspaper and publically open the bids on March 26, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. in meeting room 1 at the Morrison County Courthouse in Little Falls, MN.

                Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner to approve the Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids as presented by David Reese of Widseth, Smith Nolting.  Carried


Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.