April 19, 2006
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.
Motion by Venske 2nd by Riitters to pay the bills. Carried
Jerry Peterschick suggested to the Council that they should move forward with the reviewing and adoption of the Codification Book. This book would eliminate the City’s old ordinance book. It was the consensus of the Council to set a special meeting for
There were four building permits approved by the Planning and Zoning Committee and one permit turned in after the meeting that Jerry Peterschick received approval for by calling all Planning and Zoning members.
The permit turned in late was for Aspen River Builders to build a 28x36 home with an attached two stall garage.
Marilyn Mueller-Reside house
Jeff Czech-Yard Shed and Chain Link Fence
Peter Wippler-New siding, 8x8 deck and Cement Slab
Gary DeZurik-8x36 addition to home
Motion by Riitters 2nd Venske to approve the permits. Carried
Planning and Zoning also discussed the problem with residents beginning their work before being approved by the Planning and Zoning Committee. All permits must be applied for and approved before building can begin.
Motion by Riitters 2nd Adamski to purchase the new line truck from Ron Nornberg for $13,000.00. Carried
The city hall received a complaint about the Brian Noe property and getting it cleaned up. This issue will be addressed with the codification book but in the meantime, the city will contact Mr. Noe regarding this issue.
The excess property at the Antique store will be removed from city property within the next month and a half.
City Clean-up day will be held on
Motion by Adamski 2nd Riitters to accept the Annual Recycling grant, Annual Refuse Pickup grant and Annual Clean-Up Day grant from
The Morrison County Meth Task Force sent a letter asking for a donation toward advertising on billboards and in the movie theater. The cost for the billboards per month is $1200.00 and $1600 per year to have ads play at the theater. Peterschick stated that he would like to see any donation given directly for the ads at the movie theater.
Motion by Adamski 2nd Venske to donate $500.00 to the Meth Task Force towards the advertising at the theater. Carried
Dan Thilquist reminded the council of the problems one of the wells were having during hot weather last summer. Brian Peterson of Schwab, Vollhaber, Lubratt Service Corporation, was present to explain how a
Dan Thilquist stated he thinks this would be a good thing and has some benefits. The council would like to get some firm prices and then will make a decision at that time.
Dan reported that he has received three quotes for painting the water tower.
The lowest quote was from Tri-State Coating from Wadena for $12,000.00. This company could paint the tower in May. The tower would be out of service for approx. two days. The council would like to have a couple of references from this company as the city has never dealt with them before.
Motion by Riitters 2nd Venske to hire Tri-State Coating paint the tower this year for $12,000.00 contingent on references being acceptable. Carried
Dan also informed the council that there is a new law in effect since
Councilman Adamski and Dan Thilquist spoke with the MN Rural Water Assoc. and were informed that there are low interest loans for sewer and water projects. Ruth Hubbard of MN Rural Water Assoc. would be willing to attend a council meeting to explain the process. Dave Reese of Widseth, Smith & Nolting will have a cost estimate of the CR#104 project ready in May so the city would have an idea of what the project will cost.
Motion by Adamski 2nd Venske to contact Ruth Hubbard to see if she could attend the June meeting. Carried
Wendell Schultz informed the council that he has been crack filling
Venske mentioned of a piece of loose weather stripping on the outside of the Liquor Store, Wendell said he would get that taken care of.
Kenny Salber reported that the council will need to hire two part-time bartenders within the next month. Salber and Peterschick will place an ad in the Morrison County Record.
Gary DeZurik asked the council if there has been a Police Brutality lawsuit brought against the City. Mayor Boone stated he has not been informed of anything and Jerry Peterschick has not received anything at the city hall or been contacted by the City Attorney.
Motion by Venske 2nd by Riitters to accept Jim Kestner’s resignation from the Randall City Council as of
Motion by Adamski 2nd Riitters to adopt Resolution 2006-1 Declaring a City Council Vacancy and ordering a special election. Motion carried unanimously
Motion by Riitters 2nd Venske to post the council position from
Jerry Peterschick was notified by
Ken Salber and Donna Lundgren informed the council that the 4th of July committee will be having fireworks this year and they will cost $3,000.00 for a 15-18 minute show. They asked the council if the city would be willing to give the committee a donation for the celebration and also if the time for serving alcoholic beverages and the street dance could be extended from
Motion by Riitters 2nd Venske to give permission to keep the street dance and beer tent open until
Motion by Venske 2nd Adamski to give $2,000.00 to the 4th of July committee for promotion of the city. Carried
Mayor Boone received a letter from Jeff Jelinski, Homeland Security Officer at
The city received a request from
Motion by Venske 2nd Riitters to give $500.00 to the Darling/Green Prairie Park. Carried
Jim Kestner, Mary Venske and Bob Riitters attended the Truth in Taxation meeting on April 13th and there was property valuation lowered by
Motion by Riitters 2nd Adamski to accept Mary Venske as the
Meeting adjourned at