September 10, 2008

The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.  The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.

                Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to pay the bills.  Carried

                Mary Marana of Crisis Line & Referral Services out of the Brainerd/Baxter area was present to explain the program to the council.  The program has a “Mobile Crisis Outreach Team” which is a team that, when called, responds to emergency situations such as people in suicidal states or mental health issues and this in turn frees up the police officers so they can continue patrolling their city/area and not have to spend hours at the hospitals with these people in need when more qualified personnel can be there instead.  The team is made up of about 50 volunteers and is staffed 24 hours a day.  They provide service to six counties: Aitkin, Cass, Crow Wing, Morrison, Todd and Wadena and nearly every call is responded to within 30 minutes.  Crisis Line is celebrating its 20 year of service and has received over 50,000 calls which in turn has helped approximately 100,000 people in need.  Marana stated that she has been to townships and other cities requesting donations to help operate the program and is here tonight for the same reasons.  More information is available at city hall or by calling 218-828-4515.  The Help line number is 1-800-462-5525.

                Motion by Venske 2nd by Andres to give $250.00 to the Crisis Line and Referral Services.  Jerry Carter asked if the city could give $300.00.  The motion was opposed and a new Motion by Venske was made and 2nd by Andres to give $300 to the program.  Motion Carried

                State Representative Al Doty was in attendance to update the council on some changes in local government since the last session.  Items covered included changes in Annexations, Bid Limits and Transportation.  He also informed the council that the Local Government Aid for cities will receive an inflationary increase of 2% in 2011 and 4% in 2012. 

                Allen Doucette, a resident living on CR#104, was present to ask for more police presence along his road, he stated that his neighbors and himself are concerned for the safety of residents because of the speeding problem on the new road.  The council informed him that more patrolling will be done in that area.

                Currently the delinquent utility accounts are under control with three services disconnected.  The cold weather rule information has been sent out and interested residents are asked to return the forms to city hall be October 15th.  Mayor Riitters asked if Randall’s cold weather rule is the same as Minnesota Powers and that we should check theirs to see if the rules are similar.

                Last month the resurfacing of the tennis courts was briefly discussed and Gary Gannon was present this month to ask the council if, with the help of other organizations, the city would be willing to help pay for the project.  With the expressed interest in the project, Gannon will get a firmer price from McBroom Company and write letters to various organizations asking for more monetary assistance.  The courts were built in 1988 and nothing has ever been done with them since.  Another possibility would be to combine the tennis court project and skate park project together but more information needs to be collected before moving forward with either project.

                It is the time of year to set the 2009 preliminary tax levy and it was recommended to the city a 3.14% increase which would be $3,800.00 total.  Last year’s levy was $121,200.00 and this would make the 2009 levy at $125,000.00.

                Motion by Andres 2nd by Adamski to set the 2009 preliminary tax levy at $125,000.00, a 3.14% increase.  Carried

                The city was asked to participate in the Salvation Army’s HEATShare program again this year.  The city will send out brochures in the utility bills and the residents can donate money toward the program which will help people in the area who are having trouble paying their utility bills.  Motion by Venske 2nd by Carter to participate in the HEATShare Program with the Salvation Army.  Carried

                Last year, when the city entered into the refuse and recycling agreement with Long Prairie Sanitary service part of the agreement was that there will be a 3% increase in prices as of September 1st of each year.  This has now been done and the recommendation was made to increase the solid waste rates by 50 cents per service per month.

                Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to increase solid waste rates by 50 cents per service per month.  Carried

                Planning and Zoning permits:

                Krissandra Mielke-5x9 deck, Steve Wright-14x20 addition to garage, Terrie Wise-replace overhead door w/ service door.

                Motion by Venske 2nd by Adamski to approve the permits.  Carried

                Laureen Miller turned in a permit late to re-side her house from wood siding to vinyl.  Peterschick asked if the council would approve this permit because there was a misunderstanding between Peterschick and the contractor.

                Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to approve the permit for Laureen Miller.  Carried

                The Planning & Zoning committee also discussed again, a pathway between Eagle Court and the clinic.  Peterschick stated that the property between the two places is owned by four different entities and it would have to be approved by all four.  He will get a price on blacktop for the path.  The committee is also still concerned about the first parking spot in front of the VFW next on Main Street.  When people come up to the intersection it difficult to see any oncoming vehicles when someone has parked in that spot.  Jerry Peterschick spoke with the president of the bank this week and asked him to have his employees park someplace else rather than in that spot.

                The League of MN Cities will hold a regional meeting in Wadena on October 8th which is the same day as the regular council meeting therefore no one will be able to attend from the Randall Council.

                Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to set the Truth in Taxation hearing date for December 10, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. and the continuation meeting, if needed, for December 17, 2008, at 6:30 p.m.  Carried

                Jerry Peterschick prepared a proposed budget for the Revenue fund to be sent to Morrison County by September 15th .  This is only a proposed budget not a final.

                Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to submit the proposed budget for the Revenue account to Morrison County and ask the budget committee to prepare a final budget for 2009 by the December meeting.  Carried

                Every year the city enters into the Gas Circuit Rider Program with the Minnesota Municipal Utility Assoc. (MMUA).  The annual contract price is $4,400.00.  This cost covers random drug and alcohol testing, sending a liaison to oversee the annual gas inspection, training and any other needs that may arise.  Motion by Venske 2nd by Adamski to enter into the Gas Circuit Rider Program with the MMUA.  Carried

                Johnson Jet Line was in town today to inspect and jet some sewer lines.  There was a large amount of build up in the line running along River Rd, which was removed and they also televised one of the sewer lines on CR#104 that has a known bulge in it and there does not seem to be any change in the bulge so Dan Thilquist was not concerned about it.

                Chief Vanden Avond informed the council that he was spoke with a gentleman who has a mobile Civil Defense Siren system and he can bring it to the city to see where the best place for a siren would be.  Vanden Avond will contact the gentleman and invite him to bring his equipment for a demonstration.

                Councilman Carter asked if there was anything the city could do about the garbage cans that are left at the end of driveways all week long.  He believes people should bring them in at the end of the day.  He will make a list of the addresses that leave their garbage cans out all week and bring it to city hall so those people can be notified.

                Carter also stated that there are still vehicles parking on Eagle Drive in the Little Elk Addition and this problem needs to be taken care of. 

                Councilman Andres informed the council that there are a few areas in the city that need a little landscaping.  He would like to have the city put some rock in front of the liquor store patio area and in front of the fire hall.  There is need for some at the park building also but that can be done at a later time.  The general feeling of the council was that this was a maintenance issue and Jerry Peterschick should go ahead get the materials needed and have city staff do the projects.

                Gary Gannon asked when the Tax Increment Financing will be done in the Little Elk Addition and how much money will be coming back to the city through taxes?  This information will have to be looked up at city hall.

                Neither Mike Perry nor the city has heard anything from Scott Blake regarding the development of any land in Aspen Ridge.  The City will check to see if the property taxes are current.

                The regular October 8th meeting will only have three members present as Riitters and Andres will be gone at that time.

                Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.