November 11, 2009
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present except councilman Turner. The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and approved as presented.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to pay the bills for the month. Carried
City resident Brian Zilka was present to ask if he could cut up some fallen trees behind his property. The property is currently owned by the Aspen River Builders dba/Breckenridge Developers, therefore the city does not have the authority to grant him permission to cut up the trees. He stated that he has been trapping gophers on that property also, to aid in the prevention of the gophers entering his property and the council informed him that, again, they do not have any control over him trapping on that property.
The city received a proposal from Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) regarding the lease of the park and parking lot along mainstreet. The proposed agreement states that the annual lease payment paid by the city has been reduced to $1200.00 per annum effective July 16, 2010. This annual payment will be in effect for five years ending July 15, 2015. The lease payment will then increase at the rate of 3% each year. The lease reduction takes into consideration BNSF’s use of City property only to access their propane tank and trackage at no cost. Also BNSF will not be responsible for the recent street assessment of $10,000.00. The city council, being satisfied with the proposal, accepted the agreement as presented. A motion was made by Andres 2nd by Carter to accept the lease agreement as proposed by Burlington Northern Santa Fe. Carried
Jerry Carter and Jerry Peterschick discussed the outdoor furnace ordinance and will have a proposal at the December meeting.
City staff sent out letters to all residents in the Aspen Ridge Development regarding the placement of an additional street light. The city received a response from one resident and that resident was not in favor of a light being placed in his yard. This matter was tabled until next Spring.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Andres to approve a 2010 liquor license for the Randall V.F.W. Post 9073. Carried
Motion by Andres 2nd by Adamski to approve a gambling license for the period of 12-1-09 through 11-30-10 and also approve the booth area rental in the Liquor Store. Carried 3-1, Carter abstained
The planning and zoning had no permits to approve this month but did briefly discuss the matter of an individual wanting to put used cars for sale on the Hardware Store property. Upon reviewing the ordinance, it was found that there would not be a problem with this request.
It is anticipated that the move from the old city hall to the new will happen before Christmas. There is some flooring, electrical and duct work that has to be finished yet but things are progressing well. The lettering was installed this week on the outside of the building and the sheetrock, mud and taping, and painting is all finished.
The area representative for the MN State Lottery approached the city manager with the idea of selling the lottery in the liquor store. He stated that if the council decided to approve this, he would only want to sell them in the off-sale. He will get more information from the representative and bring it to the December meeting.
Motion by Riitters 2nd by Carter to purchase a computer for Angie Magee as her existing one has to remain in the liquor store building as a server for the POS system.
Randall area businesses have been meeting for some time now and have begun the process of forming a business group. Any business in the Randall area that would like to participate in this group is welcome. The meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Kim’s on Pacific Avenue at 10 a.m. At the last meeting Jerry Carter asked if any business would be interested in advertising in the Little Falls Visitor’s guide for 2010. The cost would be $249.00 which includes the set up fee for the ad. Motion by Adamski 2nd by Andres to purchase a 1/8 page ad in the 2010 Little Falls Visitor’s Guide for a total cost of $249.00. Carried
City Manager informed the council that a submersible pump at one of the city wells may need to be replaced and the cost is anticipated to be in excess of $5000.00.
Councilman Carter expressed his concern regarding city staff caring for the police chief’s children when he has an emergency call. It was noted that this has not happened very often and has only been when there is a First Response call not a general police matter. The feeling of the rest of the council was to leave things as they are and unless it would become a problem, city staff could continue to help out in these emergency cases.
Jerry Adamski was approached by a concerned citizen about regarding the status of the skatepark. The individual is wondering if the cement pad could be poured, in the Spring, and then funds could be raised for equipment to place on the pad. This individual would also check into getting concrete donated or getting it for a very low price and also all labor would be donated. More information will be brought to future meetings regarding the status of the concrete prices.
As they are every month, the delinquent utilities were reviewed and the council instructed Jerry Peterschick to disconnect all accounts that have not made any payments since last month on Monday November 16, 2009, and do not reconnect until account is paid in full. The council also instructed city staff to disconnect one account immediately without notice per the payment agreement they signed recently with the city and have not paid. Councilman Carter stated again that these people are taking advantage of the cities good will and need to be disconnected!
Angie Magee informed the council of her meeting with Mike Conlin, a gentleman traveling the entire length of the Jefferson Highway. The Jefferson Highway begins in Winnipeg and ends in New Orleans. Conlin is attempting to travel as much of the original Highway as possible and stopping to visit with individuals along the way. The highway was in its prime between 1916 and 1929. Anyone wanting to learn more about the Jefferson Highway can visit the website at
Meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m.