March 14, 2007
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at
Upon reviewing the minutes of the previous meeting, Angie Magee informed the council of two amendments that had to be approved. The first was to add the word “present” to the end of Charley Andres’ recommendation for the personnel manual stating the selection or dismissal of any full-time employee would require a full council “present”.
The second was a typographical error changing the word “be” to “by” in the third to the last paragraph of page one.
The minutes were then approved as amended.
Motion by Venske 2nd by Carter to approve the bills as presented. Carried
Mary Backlund of Gary Paulson CPA presented the 2006 City Financial Audit to the council. She stated that this year there are actually two reports. One is for all the funds reporting on a cash basis and the second is for the enterprise funds reporting on an accrual basis. Backlund informed the council that the sewer and water fund needs to be looked at more closely as it has not done well for many years. The remainder of the enterprise funds are doing well, she reported. Mary also informed the council that the State Auditor’s office states that a Fire Department can not have control of their own checkbook any longer and she anticipates this being taken care of by year’s end.
Motion by Andres 2nd by Carter to accept the 2006 Annual Audit as presented by Mary Backlund. Carried
Jerry Peterschick informed the council that he would like to advertise the old lightbar at the same time the old squad car is advertised as it would be more cost effective.
Peterschick also needed the council to clarify when the new utility rates are to be effective by as nothing was stated at the last meeting. Jerry Carter asked if it would be possible to implement the new rates on a step program such as over a period of three months. After some discussion a motion was made by Andres 2nd by Riitters to make all rate increases effective on the March billing. Carried 3-1 with Carter against.
Peterschick contacted some surrounding cities regarding their policy for employee recognition and none of the cities contacted have a policy.
Carter recommended having something for employee recognition at 10 years and 20 years. It was also mentioned that any employee currently between the two amounts would be “grandfathered” in to receive a 10 year recognition. The personnel committee will work on getting this prepared.
Peterschick contacted Burlington Northern Santa Fe regarding the parking area that the city leases from the railroad. The gentleman in charge stated that this would be revisited as there is a new roadmaster now and he will look into this.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to approve the following building permits:
Harlan and Carol Johnson – Modular Home with separate garage
Matt Pantzke – tear down old garage and chicken coop
Motion carried.
Gary Gannon was present to ask the council if the city would be able to help improve the baseball field at the school. It needs new agra-lime and the school district does not have the funds for this improvement. The baseball teams would be willing to hold a raffle of some kind to raise money and would try to pay at least one-half of the amount back to the city. The approximate cost of the agra-lime would be about $4,200.00. Gannon stated that they would also go to surrounding community clubs to ask them for monetary donations.
Motion by Venske 2nd by Carter to help improve the ballpark with the amount not to exceed $4,500.00 with the understanding that the baseball organizations would pay at least half the amount back to the city when they raise the money. Carried
Lonnie Davis approached the council to ask them if there could be a policy implemented that if there would be a known power outage in the city that residents who are on any kind of life support could be informed prior to the outage so the people could plan accordingly. The consensus of the council was to go forward with this and to let the residents know that they should come in or call city hall to be put on a call list. There will also be something sent out in the next utility billing.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Riitters to purchase new inserts for the outside liquor store sign from Signtronix for the price of $1,325.00 installed. Carried
Wendell has been trying to open some culverts and may need to have some of them steamed open. He will also begin filling the cracks in the streets as soon as it can be done.
The police chief reported that the new defib is in the squad.
Clean – up day will be on
Motion by Andres 2nd by Carter to send Dan Thilquist and Bill Vanden Avond to the LMC Safety & Loss Conrol workshop in
Motion by Venske 2nd by Carter to send Wendell Schultz and Jerry Peterschick to the Annual Gas Conference at Breezy Point for a fee of $179.28 per person. This fee includes 2 nights lodging and all meals. Carried
Meeting adjourned at
Angela Magee
City Recorder