January 14, 2009
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present except Mary Venske.
Mayor Bob Riitters, Jerry Carter & Rick Turner recited the Oath of Office, for new and re-elected officials.
Mayor Riitters welcomed Rick Turner to the council and also thanked Mary Venske for her years of service on the City Council.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented and after a couple questions on the bills to pay regarding a bill to replace sights that were damaged on the city’s rifle, a motion by Andres 2nd by Adamski was made to approve the bills. Motion carried
In old business, Jerry Peterschick reported that he spoke with city financial advisor, David Drown, regarding bond money for the CR#14 project. Drown stated that the bond market is looking favorable now and the city may be able to get bond money for around 4% interest. The city is anticipating the cost of the project to be lower than originally thought. Peterschick stated that he thinks the costs are going to be much cheaper this year than they may be in the future. At this time the total cost of the project is approx. $650,000.00, with the City of Randall’s portion being 33% of that.
Re-surfacing Superior Avenue from Hwy 115 to CR#104 was also discussed and the general feeling of the council was to seriously consider having this done while the equipment will be in town this summer. There will be more discussion on this project in the future.
The next item of old business was to discuss the EMERTS system for the Police Department. The council was presented with two sets of costs; one set was the total of the system if paid in full and the second set was a payment plan for either 3, 4 or 5 years. The general consensus of the council was to wait until the 2008 city audit is completed to see what the financial state of the city is.
Motion by Andres 2nd by Adamski to table the discussion of the EMERTS system until after the 2008 Audit is presented. Carried
Larry Venne, a resident who moved to Randall about a year ago, was present with concerns of his property taxes and utility bills. He asked the council why his taxes went up so much and how people are suppose to pay higher taxes and utility bills when they can’t pay their mortgage. The council informed Mr. Venne that the city cannot make any decisions on property taxes and that he will have to attend the Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting in April to express his concerns about his taxes. Venne also asked “why is the heating so high?” Jerry Peterschick informed him that the city locked in a portion of its gas back in July because projections were that the prices were going to be high this winter and no one expected them to drop as low as they have. This is something that the city has to decide every year and sometimes it’s the right thing to do and prices end up being higher and the people save money and sometimes it ends up like it did this year and we end up having to pay a higher price. Peterschick said that it has also been much colder this year than in previous years, which obviously makes the usage higher.
The Mayor presented his proposed 2009 city appointments to the council and a motion was made by Carter 2nd by Adamski to approve all appointments. Carried
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Andres to approve three dance permits for the Randall Cushing Little Elk Lions for dances to be held at the Randall V.F.W. on January 18th, February 22nd & March 22nd . Carried 4-1 Carter Abstained
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to accept the new Audit Services contract with Gary Paulson CPA for a period of three years, 2008, 2009, 2010. Carried
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to set the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting date for April 27, 2009 at the Randall Fire Hall meeting room at 9:00 a.m. Carried
Jerry Peterschick will inquire about training dates for these meetings for Councilmen Carter and Turner to attend.
The council was presented with two quotes for liquor liability insurance. The first quote from Founder’s Insurance is for $9,335.00 and the second from Capitol Specialty is for $6,119.30, however, Capitol Specialty is not a state licensed company, which means if the liquor store would have a claim after purchasing insurance from the company, payment of claims would not be guaranteed if the company goes bankrupt. Although there is approx $3,000.00 difference between the two companies, the council felt it to be the best interest of the city to go with the higher quote with Founder’s Insurance as it is a state licensed company.
Motion by Turner 2nd by Carter to retain Founder’s Insurance Company at a cost of $9,335.00 for Liquor Liability Insurance. Carried
The planning & Zoning committee did not have any permits to review this month but did change the September meeting to Tuesday September 8, 2009 due to the Labor Day Holiday. Mayor Riitters suggested that the Outdoor Furnace issue should be given to the Planning & Zoning committee to work on and bring a proposal to the council.
Dan Thilquist was not present but did give the council information on a free program called MnWARN(Minnesota’s Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network). MnWARN is a formal emergency response program in Minnesota. It is a mutual aid agreement to provide a program whereby water, wastewater and storm water utilities sustaining physical damage from natural or man-made disasters in the state of Minnesota can obtain emergency assistance, in the form of personnel, equipment and materials and other associated services necessary to protect the health and welfare of the utilities’ customers. The council directed Jerry Peterschick and Dan Thilquist to move forward with the process of entering into this agreement.
Wendell Schultz was not present but Jerry Peterschick informed the council that the city is still waiting to get the tractor back from Morrison County Tractor.
Chief Vanden Avond would like to increase the administrative fines from $75 to $85.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to increase the administrative fines to $85 after the council makes a decision on whether or not to purchase the EMERTS system. If the city does not purchase the system then the chief will order new ticket books with the new fine amounts. If the city does purchase the system, then the new price will be programmed into the system. Carried 4-1 Andres not in favor
Jerry Carter asked if the city has began depositing payments in a separate account for the police department and Jerry Peterschick stated that the bank will begin this month directly debiting $625.00 from the city’s checking account into a separate account.
The council was presented with the delinquent utility list for the month and there are some accounts that are three months past due. These accounts are not receiving energy assistance and are not on the cold weather rule payment plan. The council had mixed emotions when discussing the fact of having to disconnect these homes in this very cold weather, but also stated that the city has a policy and it needs to be followed. There are many people out there struggling to make ends meet but they still get their bills paid which makes it unfair to them when the others are not paying. The utility board is going to sit down with the office staff and go through the delinquent accounts. There will be certified letters sent out to the individuals with higher balances.
David Drown is preparing a letter to send to Roach Townhomes regarding TIF Taxes that are due to the city.
There has been no further action taken on the Aspen Ridge Development issue at this time.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.