October 12, 2005
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Riitters to pay the bills including the eleven bills that did not make it into the financial report. Carried
Work has begun on the medical clinic site. Temporary power will be available to the site shortly and underground power will be installed as soon as possible. The bids for the sewer and water project to this site are due by
Jerry Peterschick will contact a representative from St. Gabriel’s Hospital to attend the next regular council meeting to discuss the medical clinic further.
Motion by Riitters 2nd Kestner to approve the following building permits. Motion Carried
Lois Olson-24x30 double garage
Steve Wright-New Siding, facia & soffet on home
Mary Burke-New windows in home
City of
St. Gabriel’s Hospital-Construct approx. 2500 sq. ft medical clinic building
Jerry Peterschick attended a meeting regarding assistive voting machines for individuals with disabilities and stated that a federal law was passed that every polling place will have to have one of these machines available. The cost of each machine is approx. $7,000.00. There is grant money available and there would be 35 precincts within
Motion by Kestner 2nd Riitters to keep the city’s polling place as is. Carried
Along the same subject, the county is also trying to get ballot counting machines in every precinct. There is grant money available for this also.
Motion by Adamski 2nd Boone to get a ballot counting machine if there is grant money available for it. Carried
There will be a special meeting of the Randall city council held on
Jerry Peterschick spoke with the city’s natural gas purchaser from US Energy Services. He does not recommend locking in any gas at this time. The prices have been going down and he believes they will continue to decline. However, if the council did want to lock in some of the natural gas, he would only recommend locking in a small percentage and not anything beyond January 2006.
The city received a donation request from Lutheran Social Services, regarding the cost of meals on wheels. After some discussion a motion was made by Adamski 2nd by Riitters to have Jerry Peterschick check to see if the City can donate to Lutheran Social Services and check with the Randall-Cushing Lions club about a donation. Carried
Dan Thilquist informed the council that he hauled out the sludge last week and also flushed the water and sewer mains.
Wendell has put most of the new street signs up within the City.
Kenny Salber mentioned to the council that there are two bartenders that will be leaving soon and he would like to hire an emergency bartender to fill in when needed. Motion by Venske 2nd Riitters to hire one emergency bartender. Carried
As with everything else, liquor prices have been rising. The Randall Liquor Store is competitive in our off-sale on prices but the lounge prices are lower than most other bars around the area. Kenny mentioned the possibility of raising the drink and beer prices and stated he would have more of an idea for this decision closer to the first of January.
Chief Vanden Avond reported that the State will not be paying for half of the bullet proof vest ordered because the vest he is currently wearing does not have Zylon in it. He stated that there is some grant money available to help cover the costs and he will look into this. Motion by Adamski 2nd by Kestner to pay the full cost of the vest, with Chief Vanden Avond pursuing the issue of available grant money. Boone asked if the city will own the vest and Vanden Avond stated that if he would leave, the vest would go with him as it is fitted for him and because of sweat transfer on to the vest it’s not usually given to another officer. Venske would like to have Vanden Avond look into the grant programs. Motion was carried 3-2 with Kestner, Adamski and Riitters in favor and Boone and Venske against.
Councilman Adamski mentioned that he contacted an individual that has a Data Safe which is a used safe. The inside dimensions of the safe are 20d, 34w, 63h and 4in thick for $1300.00. The
Chief Vanden Avond submitted to the council an inventory of all city owned police department items.
Councilman Kestner made the comment that the employees are doing a good job and there seems to be no problems.
The public hearing about the creation of TIF District #3 was opened
The portion of utilities that the city will be paying for will be approx. $61,000.00 and Drown stated that paying for that will be addressed at a later date as he believed the City has internal resources to pay for these costs without having to borrow any funds.
The public hearing was then closed
A Motion by Adamski 2nd by Riitters was made to enter into an agreement with
Ed Krystosek, a resident of Randall, submitted a letter to the council stating he would be interested in doing some snowplowing in the Little Elk Addition. It was the consensus of the council to not hire Mr. Krystosek for snowplowing as the City already contracts out to Sander’s Construction.
Councilman Kestner informed the council that he and Jerry Peterschick attended a meeting in Cohasset with Minnesota Power & Light. At the meeting it was stated that electric rates remain stable and wouldn’t be raised at least for the next year. Kestner stated that the meeting was very informative.
Councilman Riitters spoke about the road drag that sits in Bingo park that is owned by his family. He stated that he has been debating whether or not to remove the drag from the park. He will discuss more with the council at the next meeting.
Mayor Boone mentioned that Ann Guerkin of the League of MN Cities called him and mentioned that Mr. Riitters had called her and inquired about the Joint Powers agreement and if it was being worked on. Mayor Boone stated that he has been working on this and the attorney he is working with, Ellen Longfellow of the League of MN Cities, stated that she feels the Joint Advisory Fire Board is operating under a Joint Powers Agreement that is not legally written. If the changes are agreed upon, the City would no longer be the governing body of the Fire Department the Joint Advisory Fire Board would have that responsibility.
Meeting Adjourned at