October 11, 2006/Public Hearing
The meeting was called to order at
Mayor Boone then opened the Public Hearing to discuss the
David Drown gave an overview of how the assessment process is going to work. He stated that after construction is complete there will be another public hearing held to certify the assessments. This would be the time when property owners would be able to approach the council regarding any deferment possibilities on their assessment. It was explained to the public that the total cost per foot of frontage will be $10/sewer, $10/water and $20/road reconstruction. This equals $40 per foot of frontage unless property owners do not have sewer and water running in front of their property then the cost per foot would be $20. There will be a $250 fee for new water service and $250 fee for new sewer service in addition to the assessment. Property owners can get a close estimate of their assessment by taking either the $20 or $40 amount and multiplying it by the number of feet they own along CR#104.
Dave Reese of Widseth, Smith & Nolting was present to explain the feasibility study and explained the scope of the project. The entire CR# 104 project will run from Highway #10 to Highway #115. The County will be reconstructing the road to a 40 ft wide urban style, curb, gutter & storm sewer roadway. Curb and gutter will be installed on approx. ¾ of the project. It will not be installed on the far East end of CR#104. The sewer and water project will end in the same area as this is where the lines currently end.
There were a couple of questions from the public regarding the road reconstruction and it was decided to have Steve Backowski, Morrison County Engineer, attend the next council meeting to explain the project more in depth and answer any questions.
The question was asked about deferring church property and David Drown answered by saying most communities assess churches and governmental properties because they do not pay property taxes and this gives the opportunity for these organizations to help pay for projects.
The next question was if property owners are protected from rising fees if the project costs more than originally figured and Drown answered by stating the council can change the fees at any time if needed and property owners are not protected but said that he does not feel this council will do that because they did not want to have to go through an assessment process in the first place. Unfortunately, this is the only way the city can afford to do big projects like this one and this will set a precedent for future projects.
With no further questions the public hearing was closed.
A motion was made by Adamski 2nd by Carter to formally adopt the reconstruction assessment as written. Motion carried
A second motion was made by Carter 2nd by Venske to pass a resolution ordering the improvement of utilities on
Widseth, Smith & Nolting will draft a cost proposal for designing the sewer and water project.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
Motion by Venske 2nd by Riitters to approve all the bills as presented. Carried
Jerry Peterschick informed the council that the park building is going to be getting painted inside next week.
Minnesota Power will begin the project regarding the imbalance problem either at the end of October or beginning of November.
The following building permits were submitted this month:
Lenny Walderon-16x12 lean to
Jackie Magee-5x10 Chain Link dog kennel
David Peterson-replace front window on house
Brian Noe-24x36 post frame building
Clint Schuett-addition of house
Both Lenny Walderon and Brian Noe will have to have colored steel on the roofs of their buildings per Planning and Zoning Ordinance.
Motion by Riitters 2nd by Carter to approve building permits. Carried
The City of Randall is has been asked to help sponsor the Energy Awareness Expo held this year at the Little Falls VFW on November 1, 2006. There have been 33 homes approved to attend this expo and will be receiving an invitation.
Motion by Carter 2nd Venske to take part in the Annual Energy Awareness Expo. Carried
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to sign up with the League of MN Cities for online training for the Police Department. Carried
The council was informed that the ditch work by Aspen Ridge Development will be done next week
Jerry Carter inquired about the time when Scott Blake first approached the city about the development and that he stated he would be putting sod in the front yards of all the homes. This has not been done yet and Carter was wondering if this was still part of the agreement. Jerry Peterschick will look into this.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to sign the annual snowplowing contract with
Jerry Carter received a letter from a resident concerning the train whistles during the night and inquiring whether or not the city could do anything with a quiet zone during the overnight hours. It was discussed that the costs would be the same as discussed before. The council tabled the issue until a later date.
Gwynn and Troy Martinson are holding the 2nd Annual Parkinson’s Research Ride on
Motion by Venske 2nd Riitters to approve the requests for the 2007 Parkinson’s Research Ride. Carried
Meeting adjourned at