February 14, 2007


            The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Riitters with members Adamski, Carter and Andres present.  Councilmember Venske was absent.


            Upon reviewing the minutes of the January 10th and 24th meetings, councilman Adamski stated that Charley Andres and Jerry Peterschick were going to get electric rates from surrounding communities not companies.  It was agreed to make that change.

            The minutes of both meetings were approved as amended.


            Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to pay the bills as presented.  Carried


            Councilmen Carter and Adamski presented the council with their recommendations for a Salary/Step progam.  Carter stated that they would like to bring some of the positions up to be comparable to surrounding communities.  Each full-time employee would receive annual incremental increases that would not necessarily be merit based but based on a step plan.  All the amounts presented on the proposed step plan are based on a 40 hour work week excluding the Police Chief which is based on a 48 hour work week.  Carter also informed the council that the personnel committee has invested over 40 hours in preparing this recommendation and would like a decision made at this meeting.

            It would be the responsibility of the City Manager to make the decision to advance an employee to the next step when their hiring anniversary date comes due.  Upon reviewing the program, Jerry Peterschick stated that he only has issues with two of the positions, the City Manager and Secretary.  He also mentioned that the City Manager, City Maintenance and Secretary positions are unique to Randall as there is more involved to those positions in this City compared to other cities.  He would like to discuss the two positions he has issues with before a definite decision is made.

            Motion by Andres 2nd by Riitters to accept the proposed salary/step program for 2007 as presented by the personnel committee and to revisit the two positions in question and bring the information to the next meeting.  Carried


            The next order of business was the issue of purchasing a new squad car.  The police chief has compiled the adequate information needed to assist the council in making a decision.  Councilman Adamski asked if there was any information on the safety features of the Dodge and the Chief responded with information he received from discussing the features with Motley’s Police Department.  Adamksi also mentioned that he did inquire about the Impala with the Morrison County Sheriff’s Dept. and Councilman Carter stated that the council made the decision at the last meeting not to go with the Impala at all.

            Adamski then made a motion to purchase the Dodge Charger with the elimination of the 5.7 liter V8 HEMI engine and having the standard 250hp V6 engine.  The motion died for lack of a second.

            Carter expressed his concern about the high performance engine stating he doesn’t want to see the car flying halfway to Motley chasing down a speeder.  The police chief responded by stating the this V8 HEMI is able to accelerate faster which would reduce the time it takes to catch up to a vehicle.  He also mentioned that this engine would save fuel as it runs on 4 cylinders while idling around town. 

            Jerry Peterschick stated that he does not have a problem with the bigger engine and if there is an issue with the officers driving then that should be handled separately and not be purchasing a less powerful vehicle.

            Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to purchase a Dodge Charger as presented on the original quote from Elk River Dodge excluding the purchase of the extended warranty.  The total cost of the car is $22,180.76 and the cost of equipment, transferring equipment and wiring will be $3,324.00 for a total cost of $25,504.76.  Motion carried 3-1, Riitters, Carter, Andres in favor, Adamski against.


            Jerry Peterschick and Charley Andres compiled utility rate information from surrounding areas and presented the council with a couple different proposals for Electric, Sewer and Water increases.  It was stated that even if the rates were increased to the higher of the two proposals, the city’s rates would still be lower than some surrounding areas.

            The utility rates should have been looked at annually and there should have been some budgeting done to help these funds out.  It was stated that there needs to be a budget in place for these funds.

            It was noted that there has not been an increase in the electric rates for at least a decade.

            Motion by Carter 2nd by Riitters to increase the electric rates base from $5.22 to $7.00 and increase the cost by 10% after 400kw, which would be a rate of .067 per kw.  Carried


            Sewer rates where discussed next and it was stated that the State of Minnesota standards are based on the usage of 1500gal. of water per person per month.   The City takes the average water usage for January, February and March for residential to get the sewer rate which remains the same all year.  The old sewer rates were $10.00 base and $3.50 per 1000 gal. used.

            Motion by Riitters 2nd by Carter to increase the base sewer rate by $2.00 which will now be $12.00 and 7.5% on service.  Carried


            Motion by Carter 2nd by Riitters to increase the base water rate by $2.00 which will now be $10.00, with a 7.5% increase on usage.  Carried


            Effective date of the rate increases will be determined at the March 14, 2007 meeting.


            The Liquor Store is working on some nightly promotional prices and presented the council with a rough draft of some ideas.  The specials will begin the first week in March.


            The planning and zoning committee did not have any permits to approve this month but did have some concerns regarding an individual living in a camper within the city.  It was discussed that the ordinance should be looked at and an implementation made stating restrictions on recreational vehicles and their usage.  The question was asked how long can a person temporarily reside in a recreational vehicle.  Jerry Peterschick will check with Little Falls to see what their ordinances are.

            The planning and zoning committee also discussed the possibility of the city advertising the five acre industrial area the city owns to bring in low impact industry.  Carter and Andres would be against industrial coming into that area because of the heavy residential but would invite some commercial business.  Jerry Peterschick will check to see if that area is still zoned industrial.


            The city has an individual interested in the old light bar off the squad car and was wondering if it was going to be put up for bids.  It was mentioned of placing the light bar on the county auction but after discussion the council decided to check with the legalities of advertising and do what legally can be done.


            Morrison County would like the city to pass a resolution approving county project within municipal corporate limits and also a resolution for parallel parking only on CR#104.


            Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to approve the County Road #104 Project Plans Within Municipal Corporate Limits.  Carried

            Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to approve the Resolution for Parallel Parking Only along County Road #104.  Carried


            Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to accept the recycling agreement for the city grant program and the clean up day grant program with Morrison County.  The grant total is $1,768.00.  Carried


            Green Prairie and Darling Townships sent a letter requesting a donation to help maintain the city beach area on Green Prairie Fish Lake. 

            Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to give 500.00 to Darling Green Prairie Park.  Carried


            Dan Thilquist’s Land Application certification expires this year and the renewal class is to be held in St. Cloud in mid May.  It is a two day course and Dan would drive back and forth from the class. 

            Motion by Andres 2nd by Adamski to send Dan Thilquist to this class.  Carried


            It was mentioned that Dan Thilquist and Wendell Schultz have been spending a lot of time taking tests for gas technician certification.  They should be finished soon.


            The Police Chief had ordered a new battery for the Defibulator and upon installing the battery the unit still did not work.  This unit cannot be programmed to comply with new CPR standards and it is his recommendation that the city purchase a new unit. 

            It was discussed to possibly ask the First Response if the City could use their new machine if needed, but was decided it would be better to have one in the squad at all times.

            Motion by Carter 2nd by Riitters to purchase a new defibulator.  Carried

            Jerry Peterschick and the Police Chief will look into any grant programs for this unit.


            The council reviewed the new fee schedule from the Morrison County Humane Society.


            The council decided not to make a donation to the Morrison County Ag. Society.


            Mary Backlund of Gary Paulson CPA, sent a letter to George Stavish requesting the Fire Department information so she could finish the audit.


            Jerry Carter asked if the minutes on the website could be put in some order.  Angie will work on getting this done.

            Charley Andres made a recommendation for the personnel manual stating the selection or dismissal of any full-time employee would require a full council.


            The emergency notification system was discussed briefly and will be discussed again at a later date.

            Jerry Adamski inquired about the progress, if any, of the railroad land that the city leases.  Peterschick will try and contact them again.


            Nothing was done regarding the employee recognition issue as Peterschick did not know what the council’s wishes were.  He will check with other cities to see if they do anything for their employees.


            Meeting adjourned at 9:22 p.m.