December 14, 2005
Public Hearing on Conditional Use Permit for
The public hearing for a conditional use permit to construct a 190 foot communications tower by Verizon Wireless was called to order at
Motion by Venske 2nd by Adamski to approve the conditional use permit for the communications tower. Carried
Public hearing was adjourned at
Regular Council Meeting
The regular Randall city council meeting was called to order at
Upon reviewing the minutes of the last meeting the question was raised about whether or not a fireman on the council can actually vote on fire department issues. The understanding is that if the issue is not strictly benefiting the firemen on the Council than they can vote on those issues.
Motion by Kestner 2nd by Venske to pay the bills, including a bill to Johnson’s Garage and Towing that was submitted late. Carried
Jerry Peterschick is waiting for a response from the League of MN Cities regarding the Codification process.
The personnel committee will meet sometime between now and the end of the year to discuss employee wages and will bring a recommendation to the Inventory meeting.
Motion was made by Riitters 2nd Venske to discuss Employee wages at the inventory meeting. Carried
There were two building permits submitted by Scott Blake/Aspen River Builders to build a patio home and a rambler style home in the Aspen Ridge Development. The permits were submitted after the Planning and Zoning committee had already met.
Motion by Adamski 3nd Venske to approve both permits for Aspen River Builders. Carried
Jerry Peterschick reported that Ron Himley, owner of Pacific Avenue Pizza had contacted him and asked if the city would be interested in purchasing his building for a city hall. The price would be approximately 150,000-160,000.00 and Himley would remove all the restaurant equipment. It was decided that at this time, the city does not have the funds to purchase the building and it was also discussed that the city may be able to build a city hall less expensive than purchasing the Pizza building.
Boone mentioned that he met with some other mayors and John Halverson from Norm Colman’s office and Halverson stated that there is a bill that he is very confident will be going through regarding some funding for Sewer and Water projects. He stated that he anticipates the bill being passed by Christmas. The other question raised was whether or not there are grants for helping build a city hall? David Drown was present and stated that he hadn’t heard about any bill going through for sewer and water projects but will let us know as soon as he hears something. He will also check with some individuals that he knows who handle grants and ask them if there is anything out there for city halls.
Kestner asked if the city was finished working with Region 5 regarding the comprehensive plan and it was stated that the city received the finished plan some time ago.
Mayor Boone stated that he has had some calls and this is also a concern of his about the accountability regarding employee work schedules. Peterschick stated that the liquor store employees are scheduled by Kenny Salber, Wendell, Dan and Bill have their monthly reports with their hours worked reported on the them. Boone stated that his understanding was that Peterschick is to supervise these employees and make sure that when they say they are working they really are working and that the city is getting what it is paying for.
Dan Thilquist reported that both sewer and water projects are near completion. They will both be completed this Spring.
There is some concern about a hydrant that is close to the road along
There is also a portion of the water main along
Wendell was not present but Peterschick reported that he has been doing some research on new sweepers for the tractor. He did receive a bid from Evan’s Implement and in talking with Morrison County Tractor, they stated that Evan’s gave the city a good price on this sweeper. Wendell will come to a future meeting with more information.
The skating rink is open and the warming house is there. The rink is open daily and lights will turn on at
Inventory was set for
Chief Vanden Avond brought forward the Pit Policy issue again and stated that the Sheriff’s department is in the process of getting more officers trained in this maneuver. Boone stated that he spoke with Mike Pender, Little Falls Police Chief and Little Falls P.D. does not have the policy in place because they usually don’t have to worry about those problems and any issues are turned over to the county. Boone also spoke with Michel Wetzel and after speaking with both people stated that his opinion was that the city doesn’t need the pit policy in its police policy manual.
Riitters stated that he would like to learn more about the policy, Bill will make copies of the policy for each council member.
The next item of business for the police department was the discussion of a new light bar for the squad car. Vanden Avond has spoken with the Sheriff’s Department and they are purchasing new LED light bars from Streicher’s that have all red lights in the front. Vanden Avond mentioned that he would like red and blue lights in the front which would cost approx. $400 more. Kestner did some checking on his own and discovered that it would be more expensive to repair the old light bar than to purchase a new one. It was decided to discuss this issue further at the Inventory meeting on
David Drown, the city’s financial advisor was present to discuss TIF Bonds to help pay for the sewer and water projects that have been done. He recommended bonding for $205,000.00 to prevent further depleting the city’s cash revenues.
Motion was made by Riitters 2nd by Adamski to pass a resolution to authorize the sale of $205,000.00 in Tax Increment Bonds and accept the proposal from United Bankers Bank to purchase them. Carried
Mayor Boone then directed several questions toward Chief Vanden Avond. The first question or concern was why the squad car was at the middle school then there was a gun situation when he wasn’t requested by the Sheriff’s department to respond. Vanden Avond answered by saying he was just leaving Little Falls from dropping off paper work when he heard the call and thought he should turn around and assist in this situation. Boone stated that his point in asking this question was that Vanden Avond was not requested for assistance and the city does not want him to respond unless he is called. The next concern Boone had was why Vanden Avond pulled a car over with his personal vehicle. Vanden Avond stated that he was on his way back into town with his personal vehicle when he received a call from the Sheriff’s Dept. stating there was a suspicious vehicle driving past a house numerous times and they wanted him to check it out. Instead of running home to get the squad, Vanden Avond found the vehicle, called in the license plate and followed the vehicle downtown where he pulled it over. After speaking with the driver, Vanden Avond found that the person was looking for their son. Vanden Avond was then asked if while he assisted
Hubner then informed the council that he needs to order some supplies for the First Response that were approved months ago but has not been able to set up any accounts anywhere and does not know where bills should be sent to or who is taking care of the money. He was told that the Joint Advisory Fire Board is in control of the funds for the First Response and any bills should be sent to Amy Pugh. The First Response Team needs more members, they have not had an official meeting for more than three months, there are members out there that have first aid kits that should return them if they are not going to participate in the program. At this time Hubner said he is suppose to be Vice President as Gary DeZurik informed him several months ago that he wanted to take a leave of absence and did not want to be President any longer. Hubner would like to see some public input regarding the First Response and would like to get a solid team going again. It was mentioned of the possibility of setting up a meeting with the township elected officials, Joint Advisory Fire Board, City Council and the First Response members as well as the general public to sit down and talk about different ideas for the First Response, avenues to take to get more or new members etc. Herb Turner will be notified regarding this issue.
Mary Venske had been told that Vanden Avond attended a funeral in Brainerd with the squad car. Vanden Avond responded by stating he was on duty and was called by a friend who notified him that her grandfather had passed away and the funeral was that day. He notified city hall that he would be taking a few hours off to attend the funeral. He did not mention he was taking the squad. His personal car was being worked on at the time. Jim Kestner then interrupted and stated that he thought there was “micro-managing” going on and if there were questions for employees or regarding employees they should be brought to Jerry Peterschick and he could get them answered. Kestner stated he did not think all these questions should have to be asked at council meetings and put in the minutes. Venske stated she was not told of the process to take regarding questions for or about employees which is why she brings them to the meetings. Kestner stated that this was his opinion only and Boone stated that he thought this information should be recorded in the council minutes.
There have been some complaints about the excess property outside of the Antique Store and on the City’s property. Jerry Peterschick will contact Lavonne Robinson to have the items removed from the City’s property.
Kenny Salber, along with his brother, would like to build a hardware store in Randall. They are wishing to purchase approximately two acres from the city on the property next to the medical clinic. Jerry Peterschick did state that at the planning and zoning meeting Bill Johnson expressed concern that the city wasn’t saving the land by the clinic for Industrial use. The hardware store building would be
60x80 (4800 sq.ft) and would be set up for expansion if needed. The city would run the utilities to the property line.
After some discussion a motion was made by Venske 2nd Adamski to sell two acres of land to Kenny Salber and his brother for $15,000.00 contingent on their building a hardware store within one year. Carried
Motion by Kestner 2nd Adamski to approve the following licenses for 2006: Carried
Cigarettes-VFW, Petro Plus, Goschs, O.K. Tire
3.2 On-
3.2 Off-
Motion by Venske 2nd Adamski to pay Larson Excavating $72,702.54 for the work they have done on the Little Elk Sewer and Water project. Carried
Kestner expressed his concern about vehicles left on mainstreet when there is snow to be removed. He would like to see something done about this whether the city has to adopt an ordinance or put up signs. Peterschick will contact Little Falls City Hall to find out what their policy is.
Burlington Northern Santa Fe has not returned the city’s phone calls concerning the land along the railroad that the city maintains. The city will try to notify them again.
Bob Riitters reported that he attended the Community Services meeting and at this time has nothing to report. He also questioned how the fire department issues are being taken care of and stated that he just wants to make sure everything is in order and running legally. He then asked for permission to go talk with Mary Backlund regarding the fire department issues.
Mayor Boone spoke with Little Falls Mayor Brian Macinack at a recent meeting and Macinack mentioned that the City of
Meeting adjourned at