December 12, 2007

            The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.  The minutes of the November 14, 2008, regular council meeting and the November 29, 2008, special meeting were approved as presented.


            Jerry Peterschick presented the council with a request for payment from Tom Zak for reimbursement of the sewer line cleaning he had done in the past 3 years for a total of $480.00.  Peterschick stated that the city ordinance book states that the property owner is responsible for the sewer line from the house to the main.  The city repaired the sewer line last summer which turned out to be on Mr. Zak's side of the line, and did not charge Mr. Zak for any of the repairs.  The general consensus of the council was to handle the situation according to the ordinance in place.

            Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to deny payment of $480.00 for sewer line cleaning to Tom Zak.  Carried


            Crosby & Sons Construction submitted a bill to the city from work completed at Ron Struchen's residence.  The city ordered the work to be done on the water line with the understanding that Mr. Struchen would pay the bill if the problem was on his side of the line.  Mr. Struchen has not paid the bill and since the city ordered the work to be done by Crosby & Sons Construction, the council felt the city should pay the bill to Crosby's and send a bill to Mr. Struchen.

            Motion by Venske 2nd by Carter to pay all other bills presented.  Carried


            Minnesota Power has completed all issues found on the Thermography & Diagnostics report.


            Liquor Inventory was set for January 2, 2008 at 6 p.m.


            Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to approve the Police Declaration for the Public Employee Retirement Association for the part-time police officer.  Carried


            A member of the community submitted a request for the city to purchase a projection screen to be mounted in the community building to use for slide shows, power point presentations, etc.  The cost is $268.75.

            Motion by Venske 2nd by Andres to approve the request for a projection screen at the cost of $268.75 plus tax is applicable.  Carried


            Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to approve the annual payment of $4000.00 to community services for the program in Randall.  Carried


            Motion by Adamski 2nd by Venske to approve a building permit for Bob Hines to build a 48x60 pole building.  Carried


            Jerry Peterschick informed the council that with the increasing prices of beer and liquor he feels the drink prices should be increased in the liquor store also.  He recommended raising the prices of all drinks and bottle beer by .25 and keeping the tap beer at its current price.

            Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to approve the increase recommended by the City Manager.  Carried


            There will be a New Year's Eve party at the Liquor Store this year which will require the lounge to remain open until 1 a.m. 

            Motion by Andres 2nd by Venske to extend the business hours of the lounge to 1 a.m. on January 1, 2008.  Carried


            The squad car was damaged in the front when it hit an animal last week.  The city has received one repair estimate from Nelson Auto Body and it was decided to get one more estimate from another business.

            Motion by Riitters 2nd by Adamski to acquire one more estimate and Jerry Carter, Charley Andres and Jerry Peterschick will evaluate the estimates and choose which one will repair the car.  Carried


            Jerry Peterschick met with David Reese of WSN to review the preliminary assessment information for residents along CR#104.  The majority of the amounts had to be adjusted down.  Peterschick went on to state that the council needs to look at the residents that own large parcels and also property that is in an area where nothing can be built.  The next step is to get the final assessments together, send out letters to property owners and set a special meeting, which will probably be held in February.


            Wendell Schultz reported that the skating rink is now open.


            Chief Vanden Avond was present with prices of two different types of stun guns.  The Tazer is $809.95, and the Stinger is $499.00.  He informed the council that he has put in a request for a test model of the Stinger to confirm whether or not it will fit in the Tazer holster.  Vanden Avond would recommend purchasing the Stinger as it appears to be a better product.

            Councilman Adamski stated that he needs a better argument than just the inconvenience of switching back and forth from two different officers with two different holsters.

            The issue was tabled until it is found whether or not the Stinger fits in the current Tazer holster.


            The Chief also stated that he has put the need for another vest on hold for now but would like the M-16 A1 mounted inside the squad car.  For that to happen it would need a collapsible stock installed on it which would cost $219.00 and installation would be free.  Councilman Carter expressed some concern about really needing all this equipment and why the rifle can't be kept in the trunk.  Councilman Adamski is still not convinced this item is a necessity at this time.  Chief Vanden Avond mentioned that if he couldn't get the collapsible stock installed that he would at least like the light installed on the rifle.  The issue was table for further discussion.

            Councilman Carter inquired to the police chief why the car runs for such long periods of time and stated that he needs to be more conscious about leaving the car run with the high fuel prices.


            The personnel committee met and made the following recommendation:

            2.3% cost of living increase for wages only.  No increase on any benefits

            Increase would begin after the 90-day probation period for new hires.

            Increase would be effective January 1, 2008.





            Jerry Peterschick asked why there was not any increase in medical benefits and it was stated that it did not seem necessary at this time, but this may be something that would need to be adjusted in the future.

            Motion by Adamski 2nd by Venske to increase the wages only, by 2.3% cost of living, beginning with step two and will be effective January 1, 2008.  Carried


            Morrison County Public Works conducted an inspection of the bridges in the city and all are fine with the exception of one that just needs some gravel put on the shoulders of the bridge.

            The administrative assistant will send out utility shut-off notices to delinquent customers within the next week.


            Kurt Hanson of the Initiative Foundation will be present at the February meeting to give an overview of the foundation. 


            The Joint Advisory Fire Board will meet December 17, 2008 at 8pm at the fire hall meeting room.


            Jerry Peterschick will attend a meeting at Minnesota Power in Duluth regarding the possible future rate increase.


            The council discussed finding out what process it needs to take to have the ability to put delinquent utility bills on the customers' taxes. 

            There are no plans by the city of spend any funds on a no whistle zone at this time.


            Councilman Carter commended Chief Vanden Avond for applying for a program from the MN Dept of Public Safety for a new computer for the Police Department and being awarded one.