August 13, 2008
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present except councilman Carter.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.
Motion by Venske 2nd by Adamski to pay this months’ bills including a bill turned in late from One Call Concepts for $24.65 and adjusted bill for Mitch Tavares from $215.28 to $107.64 for mileage to training. Carried
Morrison County Commissioner Tom Wenzel was present to thank Police Chief Bill Vanden Avond for the help he gave at the courthouse on June 24th. Wenzel stated that Bill was a very intricate part of the team that day and he thanked the city for their cooperation also.
Elections are just around the corner and with that the council needed to approve the appointments for election judges. The following people will be this years’ elections judges: Marian Jones, Florence Jones, Pat Gaffke, Jackie Rens, Carol Saxton, Charley Andres, Pat Johnson, Gary Gannon and Jerry Peterschick as Head Judge. It was asked if Andres can be a judge as he is a councilmember and the council was informed that a councilperson can be a judge on an election that their term is no up.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Venske to approve the election judge appointments. Carried
There are two council seats (Mary Venske & Jerry Carter) and the mayor seat (Robert Riitters) up for election this year. Anyone interested in filing for a position may apply at Randall City Hall from 8:00 a.m. August 26th through 5:00 p.m. September 9th. There is a $2.00 filing fee.
The Mayor received from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency a Certificate of Commendation to the City of Randall and its wastewater treatment facility staff. The certificate will be presented to Dan Thilquist next month as he was not present this month.
The planning and zoning committee approved 15 of 17 permits this month. One permit was put on hold and the other permit did not need to be submitted.
Harry Miller – 4x4 privy (outhouse) was not approved as this is a permit that Morrison County must approve.
Bill Kuesel-re-roof garage-no action taken as a permit is not needed to reroof a building
Matt Pantzke-28x36 garage
Dean Hildebrant-replace siding with vinyl siding
Don & Becky Johnson – 10x12 garden shed
Harry Miller -10x12 shed
Sam Simon-8x16 deck with ramp
Graham Gustafson-expand existing deck
Brian Steffen-install chain link fence
Whispering Willow Estates LLC – change out sliding glass door to regular size door
Cathy Adamek-6x10 greenhouse kit
Tyler Leavell-remove part of exterior wall & install six foot door
Robert Bellin-install single glass patio door
Chris Magee – playhouse
Cheryl Tepley-siding and new back door
Jeff Wright – 30”x48” egress window & window well
Harlan Johnson-6’ high x 9’ long fence
The question was asked if the fence in Steffens yard will be in the front yard and they were informed that it will not go beyond the front of the house.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Andres to approve all permits except Harry Miller’s for the 4x4 privy and also to take no action on Bill Kuesel’s permit as it was not necessary. Carried
The planning and zoning briefly discussed a trail from Eagle Court Apartments to the clinic but no action was taken.
Mayor Riitters would like to see something put in place in case there was a situation where a building permit needed to be approved immediately. Further discussion will take place at a future meeting.
The council was informed that the Liquor Store will be having outdoor music on Saturday August 16th. The DJ will be playing out on the patio.
Mary Marano, from Crisis Line & Referral Services, would like to attend a council meeting to present the Crisis Line to the council. The city manager will contact Ms. Marano and invite her to the September meeting.
It was noted that Wendell Schultz will be on vacation until August 23rd.
The tall grass in some yards within the city is being taken care of in the very near future.
The city is still working with Trump Enterprises on getting a small piece of land turned over to the city as it is not buildable and the city has been maintaining the grass to help control the mosquitoes.
Jerry Peterschick, Mayor Riitters & Chief Vanden Avond attended an organizational meeting in regards to setting up an emergency operations center this week and there may be a drill set up for next fall.
Delinquent utilities were reviewed, shut off notices will be sent out on August 14th to nine households.
Jerry Peterschick informed the council that it looks as if the natural gas price may be locked in for a price of 93.5 cents per ccf putting the price out to the customer at 1.175/ccf. The city will be locking in 75% of last years usage and there may be times when some of the gas will have to be bought on the open market.
Gary Gannon has been working on getting prices for resurfacing the tennis courts in town. He has approached the mayor regarding any funding the city would be able to do and the mayor asked Gannon to get the prices and then the issue can be discussed further.
Angie Magee presented to the council the idea of building a skate park in the city. It would be a place for the skateboarders, rollerbladers, non-motorized skooter riders and bikes to go and not get yelled at for being there. Magee stated that there is no place for our kids to go without getting kicked out and most of the kids in question are getting too old for the playgrounds in town. This idea is in the initial stages and Magee is getting prices on equipment. A possible location for the park could be across CR#104 from Bingo Park. Magee informed the council that she has spoken to some of the parents and fundraisers have been mentioned. More information will be brought to a future meeting regarding this issue.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.