March 8, 2006


            The regular council meeting of the City of Randall was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Deputy Mayor Riitters.  Councilmembers Kestner and Adamski were also present and Mayor Boone and Councilwoman Venske were absent.

            The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as presented.

            Motion by Kestner 2nd Adamski to pay the bills.  Carried

            Jerry Peterschick informed the council that he has received a “Basic copy of the Codification Book”, the city will have the book for at least 60 days and councilmembers may review it.  Peterschick stated that he recommends moving forward with this process.  The City of Flensburg uses this process and it has been working very well for them.  The cost of the book is $880.00 and there is a CD to purchase at the cost of $200.00, which would be beneficial when the council needs to make any changes to the book.  The council will discuss this matter at the next meeting.

            The planning & zoning committee approved two permits this month. 

            Ken Salber-construct a 60x80 building for a Hardware Store

            Jerry Carter-to move a propane tank from River Rd. to the Innsbrook Motel

Motion by Adamski 2nd Kestner to approve the permits.  Carried


            Mary Backlund with Gary Paulson CPA, presented the City’s 2005 Financial Audit to the council.

            One of the findings of the auditor was the fact that the Joint Advisory Fire Board is using the City’s Federal ID Number on its checking account.  Mary stated that the State Auditor’s office strongly recommends that all accounts using the City’s Fed. ID # need to be combined with the other city funds and audited at the same time.  It was Mary Backlunds recommendation that the City has to get the Fire Board issues in order.  This needs to be taken care of. 

            Gary Gannon asked Mary if the Joint Fire Board gets their own Federal ID Number, will there be any way to know what is going on with that money.  Backlund stated that the Joint Fire Board members would have to request an audit to be performed.

            Motion by Kestner 2nd Adamski to approve the Annual Audit as presented by Mary Backlund from Gary Paulson CPA.  Carried


            The Board of Equalization meeting will be held on April 13, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. at the Fire Hall Meeting Room.  There will need to be at least three council members present at this meeting.

            Morrison County Public Health is holding a one hour meeting regarding Pandemic Flu.  The meeting is on March 14th from noon to 1:00 p.m. at the Jury Assembly room at the Morrison County Courthouse.  This meeting is for Mayors/Councilmembers and City Administrators.


            Ken & Tim Salber are purchasing land from the city to build a Hardware Store.  The cost of the land is $15, 000.00. 

            Motion by Adamski 2nd Riitters to approve the signing of a purchase agreement with Ken & Tim Salber for the purchase of the land at the price of $15,000.00 and also to give the Mayor and Clerk authority to sign the agreement.  Carried


            Dan Thilquist was not present tonight but he has been collecting prices for getting the water tower painted.

            Wendell Schultz did not attend the meeting either but did leave his concerns with Kestner regarding the Boom/Bucket truck.  The storage compartments on the truck are rusting through and tools are falling out of it.  There have also been problems with the clutch.  He would like to look into something smaller than what the City has now.  Jerry Peterschick and Wendell Schultz will check with Minnesota Power and other companies about used equipment.

            The new broom for the tractor is here but won’t be in use until this Spring.


            The Liquor Inventory will be held on April 3, 2006, at 6:00 p.m.

            The Liquor Store employees have decided to go with a t-shirt instead of polo type shirt to wear when they are working.  The t-shirts are half the price of the polo shirts and Ken Salber asked if the city would pay for two t-shirts instead of one polo shirt.  The price would be the same.  This has already been approved as long as the price hasn’t changed and it hasn’t.


            Chief VandenAvond would like to have the updated Police Policy Manual approved.  This would not include the Pit Policy, only the updated material from the P.O.S.T. board website.  Kestner stated that there needs to be a full council present and Riitters agreed that this is something the full council needs to discuss.  VandedAvond would like this to be approved at the next meeting if at all possible.


            Some of the city employees attend certain workshops and conferences throughout the year.  The loss control workshop and the Gas Conference are both coming up in April.

            Peterschick and Schultz would like to attend the Gas Conference and Thilquist and VandenAvond would like to attend the Loss Control Seminar.

            Motion by Adamski 2nd Riitters to send city staff to these worshops.  Carried   


            The annual information meeting for the Board of Review will be held on March 16, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at the courthouse.


            The Joint Advisory Fire Board will hold their meeting on March 21, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.  The Mayor would like to have all council members present at this meeting.  This is a public meeting and the location may have to be changed from the Fire Hall meeting room to the Community Building.  Peterschick will contact Herb Turner regarding the location of the meeting.


            There will be an informational meeting regarding the Crude Oil Pipeline held at the Community building on Wednesday March 15, 2006 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  The public is welcome.

            Council member Riitters congratulated the Little Falls Hockey Team, Wrestling Team, Girls Nordic Skiing and Knowledge Bowl for their success this year and also commended the local kids that are involved.


            Gary Gannon pointed out that the fire hydrant by his house is nearly on the tar and asked if this was going to be moved.  Jerry Peterschick stated that the plan is to move the hydrant this Spring sometime.


            Meeting Adjourned at 8:10 p.m.