September 14, 2005

September 14, 2005


            The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.  The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented and a motion by Adamski 2nd by Riitters was made to pay the bills.  Motion Carried

            Mary Burke was present to ask the council if the city has a noise ordinance.  She was also wondering if there is a possibility of adopting an ordinance for the number of animals a person can have in their home.  She stated that she has a problem with the dogs barking from the property directly next to her.  It was stated to Ms. Burke that the City is looking at the League of MN Cities Basic Code book and the possibility of adopting it.  By adopting the Minnesota Basic Code, the city’s current ordinance book would be obsolete and all ordinances within the city would be in the new book of codes, bringing the City ordinances up to current Minnesota standards.  The council however, could add additional ordinances if they so choose.  After the remainder of the council members review the book, they will discuss whether to adopt the Minnesota Basic Code or not.

            At this time, there is no ordinance for barking dogs or the number of animals a person can have in their home.  Therefore, there is not a quick fix to the current problem but Mayor Boone stated that the people need to work together and try to get along as best they can.  The City Attorney will be contacted to see if there is anything the City could do to enforce these problems right now.

            The police wages were the next item on the agenda, after some discussion about hourly wages and step raises and hours worked a motion by Riitters 2nd Adamski was made to set the starting salary for the police at $29,952.00 per year on a 48 hour work week.  This amount will be valid until January 1, 2006.  In the meantime, the personnel committee will discuss the police salary for next year.  Motion Carried

            Also agreed upon was the scheduling process of the police chief.  The chief will schedule himself for 40 hours per week and his call-outs will more than likely fill in the remaining 8 hours per week.

            The medical clinic was discussed and a survey of the clinic plot has been completed.  The hospital has been talking to contractors and Widseth, Smith & Nolting are currently working on plans for the sewer and water project.  The city has received a copy of the agreement stating the hospital would be liable for 25% of all city costs if they do not follow through with building the clinic.  Mayor Boone stated that he would like to have a representative from St. Gabriel’s Hospital attend the next regular council meeting on October 12th, and Jerry Peterschick stated that he would contact the hospital.  The question of the clinic needing three-phase power to operate an x-ray machine was asked and Peterschick will check with the hospital to see if that is what they want and this issue will be addressed at the next council meeting.

            A TIF agreement has been signed by Aspen River Builders in regards to the city’s utility project for the new development.  All the details have not been worked out as of yet but will be in time for the October 12th council meeting.

            At the last meeting, recycling at the liquor store was discussed and according to the price quote the city received from EEI in Little Falls, it would not be feasible at this time.

            The following building permits were submitted for approval:

            Brad Kanieski-Extension to his fence

            Ed Krystosek-8x10 yard shed

            Joel Fischer-Landing with stairs outside of house

            Steve Sherman-Replace windows, doors and siding on house

            Motion by Kestner 2nd Venske to approve the building permits. Carried


            It was mentioned that three people, Brad Olson, Joel Fischer and Deb Wippler would all be interested in serving on the Planning and Zoning Committee.  The council discussed again whether or not there is an attendance policy for the P&Z committee members and do they have to attend a certain amount of meetings?  Also discussed was whether the planning and zoning can run as is until the beginning of the year when the Mayor makes his appointments for 2006.  A motion was made by Adamski 2nd by Riitters to leave the Planning & Zoning Committee as is and re-evaluate the issue at the beginning of the year.  Carried

            September is the time when the city has to set its Tax Levy.  Jerry Peterschick informed the council that the taxes can be raised 5.0076% without having to set a Truth in Taxation meeting.  He also stated that he thinks the city should raise its taxes as there have been more houses added and more expenses and city projects coming up in the near future.  Taxes have remained at $82,000.00  for the last three years. 

            Motion by Kestner 2nd Riitters to set the Tax Levy for 2006 at $86,100.00.  Carried

            There will be no need to hold Truth in Taxation meetings in December.


            Jerry Peterschick reported that he has not received an update lately from MNDOT regarding the intersections on Highway 10.


            In regards to the Natural Gas Prices, there is a conference call this Friday with the city’s gas purchasing agent through US Energy.  The conference will discuss the future of prices and the city will probably be locking in some of its gas for winter at a proposed price of $12.50/mmbu which will make the prices for the residents nearly $1.50/ccf.

            Jerry Peterschick was instructed to check with other gas companies to see what they do with the schools and their natural gas when the temperature gets at a certain level.  The city will need to draft a letter to the school giving instructions on when they should switch from Natural Gas to fuel oil for heating purposes.


            Upon reviewing the employee reports, Mayor Boone questioned how Wendell’s comp. time and vacation time works.  Wendell stated that he uses vacation when he is out of town and unavailable to take any calls, and when he is for example working at the Laundromat or at home, during the work week, he uses his comp. time.  Wendell’s comp time is accumulated above and beyond his 40 hours per week.


            The Mayor received a letter from a “taxpayer” in town asking if Dan Thilquist is using the City lawn mowers to mow the Presbyterian Church lawn.  The letter stated if that was the case, than all the church lawns should be getting mowed by the city mower.  The lawn mower is Dan’s own mower from home. 


            Liquor inventory was set for September 26, 2005, at 6:00 p.m.


            Chief Vanden Avond asked the council about possibly ordering a new bullet-proof vest as they should be updated every 5 to 7 years and the vest that the Chief currently is using was made in 1988.  The cost of the vest is just under $750.00 and the state will pay ½ of that amount.  Motion by Riitters 2nd Venske to purchase a vest with ½ the cost being paid by the State.  Carried


            Vanden Avond also asked the council if he could approach the Randall-Cushing Lions club about purchasing a light for the shotgun that is property of the City.  He was granted permission by the Council to do so.

            The Chief has completed training in order to put in place a “Pit Policy during Vehicle Pursuit”, and asked if this policy could be added into the Police Policy Manual.  After some discussion it was decided to have Chief Vanden Avond do some more research of other departments policies and come to the next meeting with that information.  Discussion was tabled until the October meeting. 

            There is a training being offered by the Secret Service and Homeland Security regarding the safety in schools.  The training will cover items such as guns in school and violence among children and also how to identify a child having issues to hopefully prevent that child’s anger from escalating.  The training is October 3rd and 4th and Vanden Avond will find out what the cost is and notify all council members to find out if he could attend the training.

            Councilwoman Venske asked Vanden Avond if he has made an inventory list of all City property in his possession and in the squad car.  He stated he has not done so yet, but will draw up a spreadsheet, make the list and rate each item for its condition.  Also Venske asked if he addressed the dog running at large issue over Labor Day weekend.  Vanden Avond stated that he had spoken to the owners of the dog prior to that weekend.


            Each year the city signs an agreement with the Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association for the Gas Circuit Rider at the cost of $3,300.00/year.  A Motion by Riitters 2nd Venske was made to renew this agreement.  Carried


            There has been a big problem with kids destroying city property at the park buildings in Bingo Park.  It was stated that the city needs to start doing something about these kids who are causing the problems whether it be to transport them to juvenile detention when they are caught, take away their bikes or writing them a citation with a fairly high fine to pay.  This area will be monitored more closely.

            Councilwoman Venske stated that people just are not slowing down at all on 1st Street.  She asked for more coverage and noted that only 8 city citations were written in August and wondered if that number could be raised a little by ticketing more speed violators on 1st Street.  

            Mayor Boone mentioned that over all, he thinks things have gotten better within the City.


            There is an annual meeting in Cohasset, MN for Minnesota Power on September 28, 2005.  Members of the Council are invited to attend if they would like.  There will also be a tour of the Cohasset Power Plant that day.


            Riitters raised the question about the fire department’s checkbook and Boone stated that he spoke with Ann Guerken and what needs to be done is the Joint Powers Agreement needs to be revised so that the City will not be the governing body of the Fire Department and the Joint Powers will be in charge and liable for the Fire Departments checkbook. 

            Riitters reported that as a member of the Community Services board, he attended the meeting and they are going to open the swimming pool back up but was unsure about the hours.  Anyone interested in finding that out would have to call Community Services.


            Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.