June 11, 2008
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present. The minutes of the May 14th and May 21st meetings were approved as presented.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to pay all the bills presented. Carried
Brian and Tammy Steffen were present to express their concerns about an administrative ticket they received for their dog running at large. Last month when Wendell was reading meters, he was walking on the street by Steffen’s property and the dog ran after him and came in contact with the back of Wendell’s leg leaving a red mark and scratch. The dog then came after Wendell again and that’s when he hit the dog on the head with his clip board to defend himself. Mr. Steffen stated that he and Wendell haven’t got along since Wendell was his bus driver years ago and he believes he got the fine because Wendell doesn’t like him. Steffen’s would like to request that Wendell not walk through their yard anymore when reading the meters.
Steffen was asked if the dog is licensed and he stated “no” and that he didn’t know they had to be. The council informed the Steffens that the fine had to be paid but that they will talk with Wendell about using an alternate route when reading their meters. Steffens will pay the fine by the end of the month.
Steffens also asked about the tall grass on the two properties across the street from them. The homes are currently unoccupied and Mr. Steffen did mow the one lawn already. The city did send a letter to the other property owners stating they have until June 25th to take care of the tall grass or a fine will be charged.
It was clarified that the safe and sober program that the police department is entering into will require the city’s squad car and it will be used within the city for the program.
After hearing from the public at the assessment hearing, a few properties were looked into further and it was recommended to the council that four property assessment be reduced. The properties in question are Dan Myrum, Ruth Loberg, Steve Butler and Jackie Magee. The reduction will be for the land that is not buildable.
Motion by Andres 2nd by Carter to accept the proposed lowered assessments on the properties that have land that is not buildable. Carried
The Liquor Store will be opening after the parade on July 4th. The patio is in the process of being expanded and will be done next week.
The planning and zoning committee approved four permits this month:
Lois Olson-re-side house
Joan Olson-20x23 unattached deck
Denise Richter-25x8 deck on North side of house
Pat Schmid-2 egress windows
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Venske to approve a 2 day beer permit for the Randall-Cushing Lions on July 3rd and July 4th. Carried
Recently, the city extended their agreement with Minnesota Power. Some of the wording has been changed in the agreement and although it does not affect the city a new contract needs to be signed. The Mayor signed the new agreement as requested.
The Mayor also signed an easement agreement with Morrison County to build the new portion of CR#14 on the city’s land and the city will also be purchasing a small piece of land, where the road will be going, from Danny Fischer for $240.00.
The flower pots in front of the businesses were put together by a group of eight volunteers. The city will be sending out thank you notes to these individuals.
There has been some talk about outdoor furnaces within the city and Jerry Peterschick acquired ordinances from other cities regarding the use of outdoor furnaces within their cities. There is a need for an ordinance to be put into effect regarding this matter.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to put a 12 month moratorium on the new installation and use of outdoor furnaces designed for structure heat, effective today June 11, 2008. Carried
Jerry Peterschick, Jerry Carter and Mayor Riitters met with Mike Perry to discuss the process if any of putting delinquent utility bills on a customers property taxes. More information will be needed to move forward with a process like this. While on the subject of delinquent utilities it was pointed out that the same people are on the delinquent list as last month and the question was asked why these accounts were not disconnected. These accounts had made arrangements and the city was told that the accounts would be paid off. These people have been making empty promises and will not be given any more chances. Jerry Carter stated that the penalty should be increased and then maybe these people would pay their bills on time.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to increase the utility bill penalty to 10% on balances not paid by the 10th of each month. Carried
The council then directed Angie Magee to mail out disconnect notices on the 20th of each month for disconnection to be on the 30th of each month. Carter stated that he would like to conduct a total review of the utility billing policies at the next meeting. Mary Venske suggested the possibility of customers paying 2/3 of their bill one month and the remaining 1/3 in the next month and this would prevent them from getting disconnected. The council did not agree with an arrangement like this.
Tom & Diane Evans would like to donate two pieces of land across CR#104 from the fire hall to the City. It was discussed that the city would pay for the legal costs of the land transfer.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to graciously accept the property from Tom & Diane Evans. Carried
Jerry Peterschick is going to check the status of the Aspen Ridge property and see if the developer has defaulted on his agreement with the city.