April 11, 2007
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at
David Reese of Widseth, Smith & Nolting was present to update the council on the CR #104 project. He stated that
Jerry Peterschick asked Reese if the pre-engineering fees are included in the bonding and Reese’s understanding is that it is included. Dan Thilquist informed the council that there was an issue on the Mary Burke lot regarding the location of the curb stop and initially she had a problem with it but now has stated that it will be fine.
Randall Fire Chief Pat Boone was present to address the checkbook audit issues in the Morrison County Record last month. He stated that the council failed to mention that the city is no longer the governing body of the fire department, which was effective
City Clean-up day is
The personnel committee presented the council with their recommendation for the city manager and secretary salaries. Jerry Carter, Jerry Adamski and Jerry Peterschick took a good look at the duties and responsibilities of the secretary position and wrote a job description and change the title to Administrative Assistant which is more befitting to the position and adjusted the wage to be more competitive. After discussing the city managers salary, it was recommended that it was in the best interest of the city to increase the benefit package rather than the salary.
Mary Venske raised the question of whether it was fair for the city manager to get a non taxed increase of benefits and everyone else has to pay tax on their wage increase. It was pointed out that the other employees received a fairly significant increase and the manager is receiving no increase in his salary.
Motion by Andres 2nd by Riitters to accept the final salary step program for the city. Carried
The Truth in Taxation meeting will be held on
Jerry Peterschick informed the council that the pre-engineering fees have been taken out of the city’s general fund and he would like permission to draw $50,000 out of the city’s Franklin Funds and $10,000 out of a CD to recover those costs until the bond for the #104 project is approved then at that time this $60,000.00 will be invested back where the council sees fit.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to permit Jerry Peterschick to draw $50,000 from the franklin funds and $10,000 from a CD and put it in the general fund. The funds will be replaced after the bond is issued. Carried
Dan Thilquist expressed his concern that the houses in the Aspen Ridge Development on the lower end are in a pretty wet area and was wondering if the council could speak with Scott Blake to see if he is going to have those homes equipped so sump pumps will pump water outside. It was decided in the past that the city has the right to inspect any newly constructed home or an older home that has been sold to make sure that the sump pump is not directly connected to the city sewer lines as this can cause a problem at the treatment plant. Jerry Peterschick, Wendell Schultz, Dan Thilquist and Jerry Carter will set up a meeting with Mr. Blake regarding this concern.
Wendell Schultz was not present but had two bids for a backpack blower he had received from Randall Hardware and Evan’s Implement. He would like to purchase this blower to assist in cleaning out the cracks in the streets before he does the crack filling. The quotes were as follows:
Randall Hardware-Echo brand w/5 yr warranty - $383.40
Evan’s Implement-Stihl brand w/2 yr warranty - $319.45
Motion by Venske 2nd by Carter to purchase the backpack blower from Evan’s Implement at a cost of $319.45. Carried
Jerry Carter wanted to make the council aware that there are now calendars available in the Liquor Store displaying the daily specials and when there is music.
The trees that are going to be cut down along CR #104 have been marked but it is not known if the county has notified the residents yet. The council decided that the city should contact these individuals personally in the near future.
Leadership LindyLand is a leadership training program sponsored annually through the Little Falls Chamber of Commerce and each year they complete a service project. This year they are displaying flags with in the City of
The camper that was discussed in the past has now been removed but it was mentioned that it would be nice to see the yard cleaned up. The city still needs to implement an ordinance regarding RV’s.
David Drown, the city’s financial advisor was present to share with the council his recommendations for borrowing the funds for the CR#104 project. He recommends borrowing through Rural Waters Financing Program, for 15 years. Drown stated that the paperwork for the bond needs to be completed by May 1st, it will be priced by May 15th and will close on June 1st.
Bonding with Rural Water would get the city an AA rated bond which would allow the city to get a better interest rate rather than going with an unrated bond.
The first thing the city needs to do is become a member of the Minnesota Government Agency Finance Group to be able to borrow money through the Rural Waters Financing Program. There is no cost to be a member.
The second thing the council needs to do is pass a resolution to issue bonds with this program. There also needs to be a resolution implemented designating one city official to approve the “final deal” on May 15th unless the interest rate goes above 4.5%.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to join the Minnesota Government Agency Finance Group and pass a resolution approving the Joint Powers agreement, authorizing the issuance of bonds by the joint board, and appointing a delegate to represent the city.
Jerry Carter – aye, Mary Venske – aye, Robert Riitters – aye, Jerry Adamski – aye, Charley Andres – aye. Motion Carried
Motion by Venske 2nd by Andres to pass a resolution authorizing the issuance of an approximately $865,000.00 general obligation improvement note, series 2007A, providing for its issuance, and authorizing execution of an assistance agreement not to exceed $865,000.00 and 4.5 interest rate and with the Mayor to be the contacting agent.
Jerry Carter-aye, Mary Venske-aye, Robert Riitters-aye, Jerry Adamski-aye, Charley Andres – aye. Motion Carried
Velma Miller is retiring as Randall’s correspondent at the Morrison County Record. Anyone interested in this position please contact the Record.
Meeting adjourned at