Special Meeting-April 26, 2006

April 26, 2006

Special Meeting


            The special meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Boone with Councilmembers Riitters, Venske and Adamski present.


            The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Codification Book and the Police Policy Manual.

            The Council first reviewed and discussed the Police Policy Manual including the Pit Policy.  The Council has been undecided in the past about implementing the Pit Policy.  Jerry Adamski spoke with Tom Ploof of the Morrison County Sheriff’s Dept. and he stated that he is in favor of the Pit Policy and it would be a good idea, especially in a small town.  After speaking with Ploof, Adamski stated that he has no problem with the policy.  Councilwoman Venske stated she still does not think the city needs the Pit Policy. 

After lengthily discussion regarding the pit policy a motion was made by Adamski 2nd by Riitters to approve the police policy manual including the pit policy.  Motion passed 2-1 with Riitters and Adamski in favor, Venske against and Boone abstaining.


            The next order of business was the Codification Book.  Adamski reviewed the book and compared the new book to our old ordinance book.  The City could adopt the new codification book as is and then implement any changes that need to be made.  The Council reviewed both the Codification book and the City’s current ordinance book and found some ordinances that need to be added to the new book.

            Motion by Venske 2nd by Adamski to adopt the Codification Book that supersedes all the old ordinances, with the following amendments and existing ordinance additions:

            Ordinance #44 – Establishment, maintenance and supervision of a public cemetery

Ordinance #50 – Mandating Separation, Collection and Disposal of Recyclable                                    Material and Solid Waste

            Ordinance #55 – Administrative Offenses

            Change in the new book:  Page 16 Title 13 General Offense 130.03 to read the curfew is 10:00 p.m. for persons 17 and under.

            Motion carried unanimously.

            Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


                                                                                                Jerry Peterschick

                                                                                                City Manager