February 11, 2009

The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present except Councilman Andres.

                The minutes of the January 14th regular and January 21st public hearing, meetings were approved as presented.


                Upon reviewing the bills to pay Councilman Carter asked Chief Vanden Avond about the high ammunition bill and Vanden Avond stated that the amount is for ¾ of the annual cost of ammo for the department and prices have increased.

                Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner to pay all bills as presented.  Carried


                Mary Backlund of Gary Paulson, CPA presented the 2008 City Financial Audit to the council.  She stated that the city is making progress and although the Sewer & Water fund could be in a better financial situation, all other funds are doing well.


                Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner to approve the 2008 City Financial Audit as presented by Mary Backlund.  Carried


                Mary Venske was present and stated she sincerely apologizes to the council for missing her last meeting in January.  She also expressed to the council that she enjoyed the last four years.  Mayor Riitters thanked Mary again for her service as a councilmember.


                Last month the council tabled discussion of the EMERTS system for the police department until after the city received the 2008 audit.  It was the consensus to table the issue again until all members are able to review the audit completely and until there is a full council present.  Chief Vanden Avond did inform the council that Morrison County is looking into the option of switching over to the EMERTS system but no decisions have been made at this time.


                Also at last month’s meeting, the council agreed to enter into the MnWARN program.  There is a resolution that needs to be passed and the Mutual Aid agreement needs to be approved.

                Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to adopt the Resolution Authorizing Governmental Unit to be a Party to Minnesota Water Agency Response Network (MnWARN).  Carried

                Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner to approve the MnWARN Mutual Aid Agreement.  Carried


                Gary Gannon updated the council on the tennis court resurfacing project.  He stated that the McBroom Company that originally worked on the courts has since gone out of business but did speak with Jack Surma of Tri-City Paving and Surma stated that he would come out and look at the courts in the Spring and possibly give a quote on resurfacing the courts.  Gannon will keep in touch with Surma and continue looking for funding for this project.


                The council reviewed the delinquent utilities list and there will be one account disconnected on February 12th and the majority of the remaining delinquent accounts are either receiving energy assistance, entered into the cold weather rule program or going to pay the balance with their tax returns.


                City Clean-up Day has been scheduled for May 9, 2009 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.  More information will be available at a later date.


                The planning and zoning committee had no permits to approve this month but did begin reviewing the outdoor wood furnace ordinance process.  They will work on this further at next months’ meeting.


                Jerry Peterschick would like to have ServiceMaster give the liquor store a quote on cleaning the duct work.  This has never been done as long as he has been here.  The council instructed Peterschick to contact ServiceMaster to obtain a quote.

                Jenny Nash, a legislative representative, called city hall with information on a meeting being held at the government center on February 20th at 9:30 a.m.  Any members of the council wanting to attend and be on the agenda with questions can let Jerry Peterschick know and he will contact Ms. Nash.

                Concerning the recent news on Randall’s water getting tested, the state is going to come and test the water in the next 90 to 120 days to make sure the foam the fire department uses is not contaminating the wells.  Jerry Peterschick stated that it seems the concern is of the departments that frequently train with this foam close to city wells and that this does not occur in Randall.  Residents should not be concerned about drinking the water.

                Wendell reported that the city tractor is back and working good.  He has been trying to drain some of the culverts around town and does have some concerns of culverts freezing up and needing to be thawed later if the weather turns cold again.

                Jerry Peterschick and Wendell met with Steve Backowski and John Pogreba of Morrison County regarding the resurfacing of Superior Avenue.  It was decided to make some changes to the plan which will help reduce the cost of the project.


                Jerry Peterschick has been in contact with Roger Schwinghammer of Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad about the possibility of “trading” some land.  The pieces in question are the parking area that the city is currently leasing from the railroad and the land at the South end of Pacific Avenue that the railroad uses frequently.  Peterschick will update the council when he gets more information.


                Chief Vanden Avond informed the council that the chief’s convention is being held in Rochester this year and the Royalton chief is going to drive again this year.  Vanden Avond requested that the city pay for lodging for a double occupancy room for four nights, for him and the Royalton chief being he is driving for a second year in a row. 

                Motion by Turner 2nd by Carter to pay registration and lodging for the Chief’s Convention in Rochester.  Carried


                A reminder that the Public Hearing for 2009 Improvements will be held on Wednesday February 18, 2 009 at 7:00 p.m. at the fire hall meeting room.


Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.