February 20, 2006 continued from February 8, 2006

Continuation meeting from February 8, 2006


February 20, 2006


            The continuation meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Boone with Councilmembers Kestner, Riitters and Adamski present and Councilmember Venske absent.

            The topic of discussion was employee wages.  The personnel committee did not meet since the last meeting.  Adamski stated the possibility of a 2% raise for full-time employees with the exception of the City Manager which would be 1%.  He then made the following recommendation:

            1% for City Manager

            2% for other full-time employees

            Raise the medical reimbursement from $295.00 to $325.00 per month

            No increase for part-time bartenders and waitresses

            Increase Police Chief to $32,448.00 per year considering he work an average of 48 hours per week.

            Adamski then put that information in the form of a motion and after some discussion Riitters 2nd the motion.  Boone questioned the large jump in Police Chief’s wages and went back to the fact that the previous chief was not making that much.

            It was stated by both Angie Magee and Jerry Peterschick that all the former police chiefs in Randall have been underpaid and the wages probably should have been corrected long ago.

            Wendell Schultz asked what the cost of living raise was this year and Adamski stated 2.2%.  Schultz questioned why the employees weren’t at least getting the cost of living raise.  No answer was given to him.

            Kestner stated that he had spoken to some of the employees and the majority were concerned about the medical reimbursement increase.  “What does $325.00 buy for health insurance” was the question.  Kestner stated he would be in favor of the motion if the medical reimbursement would be raised to at least $350.00 per month.  Peterschick  stated, that the medical reimbursement hasn’t been raised in the past few years and also thought it should be raised now.  Following more discussion councilmen Adamski and Riitters amended their motion for all changes to remain the same with the exception of the medical reimbursement being changed from $325.00 per month to $350.00 per month.  Motion carried 3-1.  Adamski, Riitters, Kestner in favor, Boone against.


            Employee wages will be retroactive to January 1, 2006.


            The council members were given a copy of all the updates made to the Police Policy Manual to review and discuss at the next meeting.  The “Pit Policy” was not included in the packet, as it has not yet been adopted.

            The next regular meeting will be March 8, 2006, at the Fire Hall meeting room.


            Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.