November 12, 2008

                The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m., with all members present.  The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.

                Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to pay the bills for the month.  Carried


                Angie Magee was joined by many kids and parents in support of building a skate park in the city.  Magee explained to the council some statistics of skateboarding and benefits that a skate park would bring to the community.  It was asked of the council to consider allowing the construction of a skate park in a portion of the horseshoe pit area, as the fence and lighting are already present therefore, lowering the cost of the entire project.  Magee also asked the council if the city would be willing to pay for the concrete surface needed to put the skate park equipment on.  The cost of the concrete will be approx. $6,000.00.  The entire cost of the park will be approx. $47,000.00.  The volunteer group of kids and parents that are working on this project plan to conduct a raffle as one way to earn funds and also will be approaching numerous organizations in hopes to raise more of the funds.  There are two grants that they will be applying for also.  There is no concern for additional insurance on the cities policy as the equipment is all 4 feet high or less.

                Motion by Adamski 2nd by Venske to authorize the volunteer group to begin fundraising for a skate park and utilize the portion of the horseshoe pits for the park location.  Carried

                Motion by Venske 2nd by Carter to spend up to $6,000.00 towards the concrete surface for a skate park.  Carried


                Little Falls Police Chief Mike Pender and Sgt. Greg Schirmers were present to inform the council of the eMERTS RMS/MOBILE computer system for the squad car.   This system enables the officer to acquire all information about an individual within seconds.  It also has a records management program that can be added.   The cost of the system would be approximately $20,000.00, which does not have to be paid for in one payment, it can be paid for over a period of years.  The council had many questions and the general feeling was to contact the sheriff’s office and other surrounding departments to find out if they are considering this system also.  This issue will be re-visited at the December meeting.


                The Planning & Zoning Committee had one permit to approve this month:

                Randall Hardware-8’x10’ lean-to on east side of storage shed

Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to approve the permit.  Carried


                The 2009 Election results are as follows:

                Bob Riitters – Mayor – 245 votes with 18 write in votes

                Rick Turner – Councilmember – 214 votes

                Jerry Carter – Councilmember – 186 votes, there were 5 write in votes for councilmember position


Motion by Venske 2nd by Andres, to accept the election results for the City of Randall as presented.  Carried


                The city manager was approached by a representative of Darling Township regarding a portion of the road across from Petro Plus that they have put gravel on.  Darling Township would like the city to pay approximately $800 towards part of the graveling as they believe a small portion of that road belongs to the city.  Jerry Peterschick contacted the State of Minnesota and they confirmed that the state still owns that part of the road.  Peterschick will contact Darling Township and inform them to forward the bill to the State of Minnesota.


                The city received a letter form Kenny Salber of Randall Hardware thanking the Police Department for it’s assistance after the break-in at the Hardware Store.


                Motion by Andres 2nd by Venske to approve the 2009 Sunday Liquor and On-Sale Liquor license for the Randall V.F.W Post 9073.  Carried


                The city manager inquired about the possibility of the city manager and city administrative assistant being able to cash checks for the city.  This will be checked into to make sure there will not be a problem with internal control issues.


                Upon briefly talking about the Mayor’s 2009 appointments, Jerry Carter recommended that Jerry Adamski be the city clerk for 2009.  No action was taken at this time.


                The city manager informed the council that $7,190.00 will be transferred from the Regions Bank fund to the city’s general fund to pay for the last part of tarring and raising of iron on CR#104.


                Wendell Schultz, City Maintenance Supervisor, informed the council that Superior Avenue needs to be re-tarred and he would like to see if this could be included on next year’s project with Morrison County.   He mentioned having the existing tar reclaimed and used for a base and a new surface laid.  The area in question would be from Petro Plus to OK Tire & Bait.  Jerry Peterschick will check with Steve Backowski, Morrison County Engineer, to see what the process would be.

                The personnel committee will bring their 2009 wage recommendations to the December meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.