Special Meeting October 26, 2005
Special Meeting
The special meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at
Dave Reese from Widseth Smith & Nolting (WSN) was present and stated that WSN forwarded a letter recommending Larson Excavating’s bid of $90,508.69. Along with Larson’s bid, there were three other companies that submitted a bid for the project: Zacker Excavating - $99,702.49, Randy Kramer Excavating - $111,713.58, R.L. Larson Excavating - $117,208.00. Reese questioned Larson Excavating about the low bid .10 cents per cubic yard for topsoil and Larson’s stated that they have a stockpile of topsoil that they will be using, which is their reason for the low price. With that understood, WSN recommended awarding the bid to Larson Excavating.
Motion by Kestner 2nd by Adamski to award the sewer and water addition bid to Larson Excavating. Carried
The deadline for the sewer and water and the basic dirt work for the road will be the end of November 2005. The curb and gutter and remainder of the street work will be completed in the Spring of 2006.
Widseth Smith & Nolting will be available for consultation to the City as needed but Dan Thilquist will do the construction observation of this project. He will consult with WSN if he feels it necessary.
Another motion was made by Venske 2nd by Adamski to sign the application for a storm water permit. Motion Carried
The second item on the agenda for this special meeting was regarding natural gas prices. The company that purchases the city’s natural gas recommends waiting a while longer before locking in to see what happens with the prices. He stated prices were going down slowly, but have risen again in the last week. Gas prices for the residents in Randall will be approximately $1.50/ccf for October and approximately $1.70/ccf for November. Jerry Peterschick will stay in close contact with US Energy Services regarding any changes in the future.
Meeting adjourned at