December 13, 2006
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented. Motion by Venske 2nd by Riitters to pay the bills. Carried
Steve Backowski, Morrison County Engineer, was present to discuss the agreement the county would like the city to enter into with them in regards to the construction of the County State Aid Highway 104. Backowski stated that the county will be holding at least one open house for the property owners along this project. The new street will be 44 feet wide with curb and gutter. He also informed the council that this agreement is the same one entered into by all other cities for projects done by the county. The project will begin in 2007 shortly after road restrictions go off and will last all summer. Boone asked if access to and from the Fire Hall could be maintained in case of any fires. Backowski stated that this will be taken care of as much as possible. There may be times when there is work being done in that area and fire trucks may have to use the alley.
The council needs to pass a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Administrator to enter into an agreement with
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to accept the resolution presented by
The railroad quiet zone was discussed again and there are concerns about the residential housing on the West side of the tracks and that pedestrians walking across in the areas between the crossings may not know if a train is coming without the whistles. Jerry Peterschick stated that the survey for this process would cost the city between $10-$15,000. If there would be no improvements needed at the crossings then this would be the only cost the city would incur. Peterschick will contact Andy Mielke of SRF to see if he would be willing to come and look at our crossings and give the city a more accurate figure on the cost of the survey.
The civil defense plan is nearly completed. The council needs to appoint a Director and Assistance Director. It was mentioned that the director should be someone who would be available in town most of the time. Jerry Carter was one person mentioned and he stated he would consider it but the issue was tabled until the January meeting.
Horizon Health would like to have an extension on making a decision for the use of the lots they own in the Little Elk Addition as they are going to conduct a needs study in the near future. Motion by Boone 2nd by Riitters to give a six month extension to Horizon Health. Carried
There were eight building permits submitted to the planning and zoning this month.
Robert Helmerick – demolish old shed and outhouse
Cedric Wolters – remove porch
Motion by Riitters 2nd by Carter to approve the building permits. Carried
There have been a couple of inquiries about the old broom the city used to sweep the streets/sidewalks. Motion by Riitters 2nd by Venske to advertise for bids on the broom. The bids will be opened at the January meeting and the broom will be awarded to the highest bidder. Carried
There are concerns about how the entrance into the new restaurant by the gas station is going to be constructed. It was mentioned that it may not be a good idea for that access into the restaurant parking lot to be the entire length of that lot. This may be something the council or streets committee might want to look into. Peterschick will talk to Marge Peterson to find out for sure what the plans are for access to the restaurant.
The League of MN Cities will be holding a conference for new and experienced officials in the upcoming months. Any interested councilpersons should contact Angie and she will get them registered.
Motion by Venske 2nd by Carter to approve the cigarette and 3.2 off-sale beer licenses for 2007; Cigarettes – Petro-Plus, Gosch’s, O.K. Tire & Bait, Randall V.F.W.
3.2 Off-
Motion carried
Motion by Riitters 2nd by Adamski to accept the final tax levy for 2007 at $91,200.00. Carried
The local board of appeal and equalization meeting will be held on
The year – end liquor inventory will be held on
There will be a Joint Advisory Fire Board meeting on
The council briefly discussed the newly revised Joint Powers Agreement and informed Boone of a couple of typographical errors which he will correct. It was also stated that the Joint Fire Board will now do all the hiring of new firemen.
Civil defense sirens where also briefly discussed and it was mentioned that if ever installed, there may only need to be two sirens as long as they are placed in the appropriate areas within the city.
Meeting adjourned at