February 8, 2006

The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.  The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.

After discussing the bills to pay a motion was made by Adamski 2nd by Riitters to approve the bills.  Carried

Jerry Peterschick stated that he has left another message with Duke Addiks of the League of MN Cities regarding the Codification book and Addiks has not responded back.  It is Peterschick’s understanding that the cost of the process would be approximately $3500.00 to $4000.00.

The planning and zoning committee had no permits to approve this month however, they did have a short discussion about the possibility of installing another road to access Aspen Ridge Development if needed in the future.

There will be an open house at the Morrison County Government Center pertaining to the 150 year anniversary of Morrison County.  The open house will be held on February 23, 2006, from 3pm-6pm and on February 24, 2006, from 2pm-4pm.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

Upon reviewing the appointments made at the last meeting, Peterschick recommended that the police chief be placed on the Civil Defense Board.  This has been done in the past and he stated that Gary DeZurik should be replaced with Bill VandenAvond.  Peterschick also mentioned taking Bill Kuesel off the Board as he is a former fire chief and it may not be necessary for him to be on anymore.  Boone stated that he kept Kuesel on the board because he is still working at Camp Ripley which is covered by the Randall Fire Department and he kept DeZurik on the board because of the First Response.  Boone stated that he would not have a problem with adding VandenAvond to the board.

Motion by Adamski 2nd by Venske to add Bill VandenAvond to the Civil Defense Board.  Carried


The St. James Catholic Church utilized the Community Building recently for a funeral luncheon.  The reason they could not use the church was that there were homeless individuals staying at the church at that time.  The Church asked Jerry Peterschick if there would be a charge to use the community building under these circumstances and Jerry stated to the council that he does not foresee this happening again.  The consensus of the Council was not to charge the church for the use of the Community Building this time.

Jerry Peterschick recently met with Dennis Mueller, owner of Gosch’s Store, in regards to the possibility of Mueller installing more energy efficient equipment into the store.  Mueller would like to install two new compressors that would not run constantly.  By Gosch’s installing these compressors and saving energy, it would also save the City money as the amount of total kilowatts used would be reduced.  There is also a rebate program for this project.  The rebate would be in the amount of $4,428.00, that would be paid to Gosch’s from the City. 

Motion by Kestner 2nd Boone to approve the rebate program with Gosch’s Store and to pay a monthly rebate on their utility bill over a period of one year if possible.  Carried


Wendell Schultz presented a quote from Evan’s Implement for a new broom for sweeping the streets.  The quote was in the amount of $4,526.25 for the broom and $467.54 for the deflector shield.  Wendell stated that he could wait until closer to Spring to order the new broom and then the old broom could be put out on bids, if anyone would be interested in it.  Motion by Riitters 2nd Adamski to have Wendell order the broom when he feels it is the appropriate time.  Carried


The Morrison County Ag Society sent a letter requesting a donation from the City for improvements at the fairgrounds.  The Council discussed the fact that the city has not donated to this in the past and therefore did not give a donation this year.

Faith in Action, a volunteer group from Harmony House in Pierz also sent a letter asking the city to donate $250.00 for their program.  It was the consensus of the council not to give a donation to this program.


Dave Reese of Widseth, Smith & Nolting was present to discuss his proposal based on Morrison County’s projected upcoming 2007 reconstruction of County Road #104 project and coordinating city utility replacement along with that project.  Reese explained that based on some recent meetings that city staff has had with the county engineer, WSN prepared a proposal to do a feasibility study which would be their recommendation for a first step to develop cost estimates, options and alternatives for the utility replacements.   The proposal cost is $2,800.00 for them to conduct a feasibility study and another $800.00 if the city chooses to consider special assessments and hold a public hearing, which would be required.  Reese recommended that if the city does not consider special assessments, that there should still be a public informational meeting held.

Motion by Adamski 2nd Riitters to approve the full proposal with Widseth, Smith & Nolting.  Carried

Dan Thilquist informed the council that he will need to order a new (or used) scale for the chlorine cylinders at the sewer plant.  The old scale has quit working properly and can not be repaired.  Dan checked on prices of the same scale and they are $450.00 and there is also scales that are designed to be in a corrosive environment with the chlorine and are approx. $750.00.  Dan stated that the $750.00 would last longer.  The consensus of the council was for Dan to purchase the scale that he thinks is best.  Boone expressed concern about the amount of chlorine in the city water and Dan stated that he tested the amount of chlorine and sent it into the state and the chlorine level was within acceptable range.

Thilquist asked the council for permission to attend a three day school through the MN Rural Water Association in St. Cloud.  The cost of the school is $125.00 and he would not be staying overnight there.  Motion by Kestner 2nd by Venske to send Dan to the school.  Carried

Wendell and Dan climbed the water tower recently and Dan stated he thinks the tower should be painted again.  He will get some price quotes and bring them to the next meeting.


Kenny Salber reported that shirts have not been ordered yet but should be within the next couple of weeks.  He also has had some complaints regarding the smoke in the bar.  Wendell did go up today and change the filters that were getting plugged.  This may remedy the problem.  Wendell stated that the city may have to purchase new “cubes” which are part of the ventilation system.

Kenny also informed the council of a bartender that will be leaving at the end of March for the Air Force and he would like to start looking for another bartender.  Salber was told to move forward with that process.

Mayor Boone received an anonymous letter stating that the shirts are a good idea and would look nice in the bar and the letter also stated that there was an incident regarding a customer that “borrowed” money from the till and paid it back the same night.  Kenny stated that this incident has been addressed already.

There was a short discussion about adding more cameras to the Liquor Store.


Chief VandenAvond informed the council that he has updated the Police Policy Manual.  All information in the manual is directly from the P.O.S.T. Board.  He stated that a lot of the information in the manual was outdated.  Mayor Boone stated that he would like to review the manual, that VandenAvond should bring a copy to the council so they can review it and adopt it at the next meeting.

The new light bar has been installed on the squad. 

Gary DeZurik questioned why the bar wasn’t purchased locally as it has always been the council’s policy in the past to keep the business local.  Boone stated that the council discussed purchasing the bar locally but decided because of the significant price difference to go with the county bid and purchase from Streichers.

Mayor Boone mentioned of a letter he received, which was shown to all council members and Chief VandenAvond, from an individual stating he was concerned about the location that he received a speeding ticket.  VandenAvond stated that the location that he writes on the ticket is the location that he locked in the radar on the vehicle not where he stops them. 

Mayor Boone then stated that he received a phone call from a mother whose daughter has been riding in the squad car a few times and the mother has not signed a waiver.  The mother would like this to discontinue.  VandenAvond stated it will and he wishes he would have been informed of this earlier.

Mary Venske questioned VandenAvond about a part-time job he has taken in another city.  VandenAvond stated that it is only going to be one day per week and will not interfere with his job here.  There will be no city property used at his other job.  Venske stated that she doesn’t have a problem with this but would have appreciated his informing the council first.  VandenAvond stated that he figured this was part of his personal life, it wouldn’t be a problem as the other city employees that have part-time jobs did not have to approach the council.  Venske stated not approach us for permission but to approach us as a courtesy.


Ken Salber and Donna Lundgren were present on behalf of the 4th of July committee and informed the council there will be a live band playing on the evening of July 3rd and on July 4th there will be a parade, food, activities and a country band with festivities ending in the late afternoon.  Fireworks are pending at this time.  They asked the council for permission to hold the celebration and to close off part of River Road during the street dance on July 3rd and for a couple of hours on July 4th.  

Motion by Venske 2nd by Boone to approve the dance and parade permits.  Carried

Lundgren also asked the city for a monetary donation as they have in the past.  This will be discussed in the near future once the issue of fireworks is worked out.

Jerry Carter, owner of the Innsbrook Motel was present to ask if the graffiti on the propane tank at the South end of main street could be cleaned up.  That propane tank is the railroad’s and they will be contacted to see what can be done about it.

Bill Davis stated that he visited Jerry at City Hall to find out about running for City Council this next year and asked what the qualifications are.  Davis stated that the first thing he was told was that the person has to live in the city.  Davis stated that he understands that Mr. Kestner has moved to Motley and was wondering how that was going to work.  Kestner stated that Davis should have come and talked to him and asked him about it.  Davis stated that he is talking to the council now and wondering how it works now.  Kestner stated that he still owns a residence in the city and gave Mayor Boone a paragraph to read explaining the Termination of Residency.  Davis stated that he called the Attorney General’s office and they told him that owning a house does not make you a resident of the City, of having a PO box does not make you a resident of the city.  Kestner stated that his mailing address is at his home he owns in the city.  Boone stated that he could say yes or no and that he would have to call the League of MN Cities to find out for sure.  Boone stated to Kestner that he has heard the heresay that Kestner is at his Motley home more than he is at his Randall home.  Boone asked Kestner where is he staying most of the time.  Kestner responded that during the past week he has spent four days up at his home in Motley.  Kestner also owns a lake cabin and spends most of his summers there.  It was said that is recreational property not a house.  Davis asked how this works with the fire department and Boone stated that if the person is out of the coverage area then they are off the department.

Chief VandenAvond informed the Council that he is resigning from the First Response Team but will still respond to all First Response calls within the city and is looking for permission from the council to respond to out of city limits First Response calls.

Motion by Boone 2nd by Riitters to allow VandenAvond to respond to out of city First Response calls. Carried

The land that the city leases from the railroad was mentioned and Peterschick has not heard anything from Burlington Northern Santa Fe, regarding the possibility of the city purchasing the land.


Bob Riitters asked if there has been a meeting set up with the First Response and Fire Board and Boone stated that he has not set anything up as he assumed it would be discussed at the Joint Advisory Fire Board’s March meeting..  Riitters stated that this was decided at the December meeting.  Riitters then directed to Gary DeZurik the question of who is the First Response Team accountable to?  DeZurik stated that they are just volunteer and they got together with the Joint Advisory Fire Board so they could take care of the First Responders monies that come in from the city and townships.  Riitters stated that there was money coming from Green Prairie at one time and DeZurik stated that Green Prairie is not contributing any money to the Joint Fire Board because they are not a member of that board.  Riitters then asked who was working on the grant for a new defibrulator for the First Response and DeZurik stated that they haven’t started on it yet.  Riitters referred to the minutes of the Joint Advisory Board from June 7, 2005 that stated the First Response was working on a grant for the defibrulator.  Boone stated that Larry and Alice Manlick were going to look into it at that time, that the minutes were pretty vague.


There was some discussion about Mike Hubner again and still questions of why he was released from the first response team.  Jerry Carter asked how can a volunteer by “De-Volunteered” as Mike Hubner was?  DeZurik stated that Hubner does not live within the area that the response team responds to.  It was questioned why Hubner was let into the first response in the first place and Boone stated that was before his time and he does not know that answer.

Riitters asked if Mary Backlund has been working on the audit for the City and she is currently working on the audit.  He questioned whether the bylaws of the Joint Fire Board are getting properly taken care of and Boone stated its getting worked on and that Riitters seems to be having a problem with the legal documentation from Anne Guerken of the League of MN Cities and stated that everything that Riitters forcibly took over last month because he wanted to be on the fire board, came directly from the League and Anne Guerken who has overseen the entire process.  Boone stated to Riitters that now because things are not going his way, he has a problem with it and Guerken’s authority is not good enough as it was before.  Riitters stated simply that was Boone’s opinion.  Boone stated that all the Joint Advisory agreement is going to do is give the authority back to the joint advisory board, they will be the governing body not the City of Randall.  The City of Randall is the third smallest contributor to the fire department.  Cushing and Darling contribute most of the money, they cover 60% of the budget.  Riitters asked whether the joint fire board is a governmental entity or a non profit independent?  Boone’s answer was that they will be a governmental entity when this is all said and done.  Riitters questioned if they were a government entity now.  They are working on getting their own ID number.  Boone stated that they are defeating their purpose if they have a joint powers meeting and still have to come back to the city.


The city has not received the grant money back for the vest yet.

Wages were discussed and Riitters stated that he would like to recess the meeting to discuss wages at a continuation meeting in 2 weeks.  The continuation meeting will be Monday February 20, 2006 at 7:00p.m. at the fire hall meeting room.