June 14, 2006

June 14, 2006


            The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.

            After reviewing the minutes of the last meeting a correction was made to the spelling of Marty Skoglund’s name and the minutes were approved.

            A motion was made by Carter 2nd by Riitters to pay all the bills presented.  Carried

            In old business, the Codification Book was reviewed by City Attorney Mike Perry and he stated that the fee schedules need to be set and Ordinances #44, 50 & 55, need to be added.  Jerry Peterschick will work on getting this all together before the Inventory meeting.

            Scott Blake of Aspen River Builders was not present but submitted some information to the council regarding his interest in purchasing a piece of land by the clinic for his business headquarters.  Jerry Carter stated his opinion that there does not need to be another trucking company in that area as Kierstead’s is across the road and that his thoughts are the City should be looking into the possibility of getting a dental and chiropractic office in this area with the clinic.  It was clarified that Blake’s business is not necessarily a trucking company but rather the main office for his building/landscaping business.  Mayor Boone admitted that in talking with Blake, he was not 100% in favor of this idea initially but would be open to discuss this further with Blake.  The issue was tabled until the next meeting and Jerry Peterschick will contact Blake and invite him to the next meeting.

            Dave Reese of Widseth, Smith & Nolting presented the council with a preliminary feasibility report for the County Road 104 Sanitary sewer and Water main replacement.  The total estimated cost for replacing the existing sanitary sewer and water utilities for the current service is $807,000.  This has been termed the base project cost.  WSN will also look into the cost of replacing a portion of the sanitary sewer along River Road and come back to the next council meeting with that information.

            There were 12 building permits submitted this month:

            Amanda Otremba-12x16 deck

            Mark Kuchinski-Install fence for play area

            Kevin Deick-Install new windows & siding

            Larry Pugh-Remodel porch

            Richard Lausen-Remove old bard, add lean-to, add fencing

            Steve Wright-Add 30x40 ft fence to existing fence

            Joel Fischer-Shingle roof and install new windows

            John Stavish-add 12x20 shed to back of garage

            Allen & Joyce Casavan-20x24 ft. garage

            Pat Schmid-install new windows, facia & soffit

            Lois Olson-re-side old garage

            Jeff Wright-add to existing deck

Motion by Adamski 2nd by Venske to approve the permits.  Carried

            The Planning and Zoning committee also wanted the council to re-visit the issue of Brian Noe’s property as it has not changed in appearance since he was notified.  Peterschick will send him a second notice.  The City received a complaint about the appearance of the Robert Micheau property also and a letter will be drafted to send to him also.

            Jerry Peterschick reported that a representative of AFLAC will be meeting with interested employees regarding accident insurance policies on June 19, 2006 at 1:00 p.m.

            Upon checking with the League of MN Cities it was discovered that the city is not required by the State to conduct quarterly liquor inventories.  After some discussion, it was decided to hold one more inventory on June 28, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.

            Mayor Boone asked about the possibility of installing a walk path from the Eagle Court Cul-de-sac to the Clinic/Hardware Store.  Peterschick will do some checking on the process and costs of a walk path.

            Dan Thilquist reported that the water tower is finished getting painted and he is happy with the work done by Tri-State Coatings.

            Wendell reported that he has started installing electric lines in the Aspen Ridge Development.  The hydrant by Gary Gannon’s was also moved and the new line was hooked up to the Gannon and Dave Nelson residences.

            Wendell has some individuals with community service to do and will be having them help to get the city ready for the 4th of July Celebration.  He stated that he would like to get the Sentenced to Serve here to paint the lines on main street before the 4th of July.  STS is scheduled to be in the city of July 5th to help clean up after the celebration.

            Chief Vanden Avond had spoken to other officers regarding curfew violations and one idea mentioned was if a juvenile is picked up for violating the curfew they would be brought to the sheriff’s office and parents would have to pick them up.  Upon discussing this further, this process would not work very well as this would cause our police chief to be out of the city for too long.  There will be more discussion on the process to take for repeat offenders.

            Councilman Carter personally commended Chief Vanden Avond for his presence at the recent street dance.  There were several underage individuals consuming alcohol, given to them by individuals who were of legal drinking age, and it was very hard to keep track of them all.  Vanden Avond did the best job he could and without his presence there, the problem could have been worse.

            Mayor Boone read a “Thank you” to the City from the Parkinson’s Ride committee.

            Angie Magee has been doing some research on Point of Sale systems for the Liquor Store.  Brian Anderson of Total Register will be at the Liquor Store on June 20, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. to give any councilmember or employee interested a demonstration of the system.

            Jerry Carter expressed his concern and the concern of others living in the city about the city’s emergency alert system.  Randall is one of the few towns still not involved with the Morrison County Automated System.  There are many residents that do not hear the siren in their area of the city when there is bad weather.  It was stated that all residents in the Mobile Home Park and all other residents that have no safe shelter are to go to the St. Peter Lutheran Church.  Carter stated that he would like this issue further looked into.

            The issue of the railroad owned land along main street was discussed and the city will try to contact someone again regarding purchasing this land.

            There will be a Fire Board meeting on July 18, 2006 at 8:00 p.m. at the Fire Hall meeting room to discuss the new and old bylaws.

            Peterschick asked the council if the city could have the old police station demolished as it is in very poor condition and not feasible to repair.  A motion was made by Carter 2nd by Boone to ask for bids from Crosby & Sons, Sanders Const. and Pugh Brothers for the demolition of the building and proceed with the project with the lowest bidder.  Carried


            Meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m.