July 9, 2008
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented and a Motion by Adamski 2nd by Venske was made to approve all bills presented. Carried
The council was informed that Mike Perry, City Attorney, prepared a letter and sent it to Scott Blake of Breckinridge Developers regarding the default of the developers’ agreement with the city on the Aspen Ridge Development. The city is waiting for a response from Mr. Blake.
The utility billing policy was reviewed and the City Manager provided a complete list of all utility rates and delinquent utility policies.
Three members of the planning & zoning committee were present with a few concerns that the committee discussed at their last meeting. The first was in regards to an individual that was sent a notice of code violation and it was stated that this individual has not completely complied with the policy. This matter needs to be reviewed further and the city will move forward with the next step in the enforcement of the policy. The committee is also concerned about residents that are conducting business out of their homes in a residential zoned area. The city needs to start enforcing the policies that are in place. The third concern was regarding the residents that begin building without a permit, whether it be a deck or a building, these projects all need to have a permit to commence. The planning & zoning committee would like to see some kind of fine given to the residents that are not in compliance with the building permit codes. RESIDENTS CANNOT BEGIN BUILDING ANYTHING WITHOUT A PERMIT APPROVED BY THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE AND THE CITY COUNCIL. After further discussion the council agreed that there will be a $75 administrative fine for anyone who is in violation of the building permit policy. It was pointed out that there currently is a resident that built a larger deck on to their home and also a resident who built a small shed and both residents did not have a permit. These people will be contacted and required to obtain a permit and pay the permit fee. Councilman Carter stated that the city should give a fine to anyone who begins building without a permit and also require them to pay the permit fee
Motion by Andres 2nd by Venske to set a $75.00 administrative fine for anyone who begins building within the city without a permit effective July 10, 2008. Carried 4-1;Adamski was not in favor.
Building Permits
Brian Noe-Siding on house
Randall Hardware-8’x10’ storage shed
Andrew Haider-new roof & steel siding
Motion by Venske 2nd by Carter to approve all permits. Carried
The Initiative Foundation sent the city their annual request for the city’s 2009 commitment of $400.00.
Motion by Venske 2nd by Adamksi to approve a $400.00 commitment to the Initiative Foundation for 2009. Carried
Jerry Peterschick requested a beer permit for the Randall-Cushing Lions on August 10th for the St. James Church August Fest. Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to approve the permit. Carried
Wendell Schultz was present to explain to the council the fact that if he has to stop walking through one yard while reading meters, then he may have to stop walking through all yards. The reason he does this is to make the process go quicker. He takes the shortest possible route between properties which explains why he is walking through yards and there has never been a problem in the past. The council informed Wendell that he does not have to stop walking through anyone’s yard and with the one yard in question, he will take the shortest most efficient route through that yard to the next property.
Lastly, the council discussed the yards in town that still need to be mowed and they are being taken care of.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:02 p.m.