July 12, 2006
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at
Motion by Carter 2nd by Riitters to pay the bills. Carried
Aspen River Builders was on the agenda but nobody was present from the company.
Ruth Hubbard of MN Rural Water Assoc. was present to discuss one form of financing for the #104 sewer and water project next year. If the City would go with this option, they would be joining a Joint Powers for the term of the loan. Hubbard presented the Council with a cost estimate, which may change by the time the City would need funds but she mentioned that she would keep the City informed of any changes in the economy that would affect the costs. The main reason this program was set up was to help small systems save money. There is no cost to fill out and submit the application. It was decided that the City will move forward with that process to find out if they can even borrow that much money.
Bob Riitters stated that he would like the City to check on financing options with David Drown also.
The Point-of-Sale system for the liquor store was briefly discussed and no action was taken at this time.
Building permits:
Jim and Joy Scherping-new shingles, windows and siding
Terry Polzin-20x36 Garage
Gary DeZurik-14x16 deck
Motion by Boone 2nd Carter to approve the permits. Carried
Minnesota Power submitted a proposal for a study they would like to conduct to try and find the problem with the imbalance of our power. The cost of the study would be under $5,000.00.
Motion by Adamski 2nd Riitters to have Minnesota Power move forward with this study. Carried
On the last utility billing there was a water charge for $6.36. This charge is a once a year water testing fee. It is always charged in June.
Larson Excavating submitted a request for the final payment for the sewer and water project to the clinic/hardware store area. After reviewing the request, Jerry Peterschick noticed one of the items was higher than it should have been. Upon contacting the company, Dan Thilquist was informed that there was a typographical error on their part and they would send a revised copy.
Motion by Riitters 2nd Carter to pay the bill after the City receives the correct billing. Carried
Mayor Boone stated that he received a couple of phone calls and one anonymous letter from residents expressing their concern about the enforcement of the covenants in the Little Elk Addition. Their main concern was the vehicle parked on the side of
Boone also asked Peterschick if he had checked into the cost of a walk path from
Motion by Carter 2nd Adamski to publish the adoption of the Codification Book in the Morrison County Record and have the book effective
Dan Thilquist reported that the city wells are pumping approximately 90,000 gallons of water per day right now and are doing fine.
Widseth, Smith & Nolting submitted a preliminary cost estimate of replacing the sewer and water running down
Wendell Schultz was commended for a nice job getting the City ready for the 4th of July.
Wendell stated that the City should send a thank you letter to the Morrison County Sentenced To Serve program for their hard work in cleaning up after the 4th of July celebration.
It was also mentioned that the 4th of July Committee did a great job organizing this year’s event and Jerry Carter stated there should be a thank you sent to the committee.
The MN Office of Pipeline Safety is here conduction the annual natural gas inspection this week.
The Natural Gas Main will be installed in Aspen Ridge Development next week.
Chief Vanden Avond asked the council if he could purchase a new duty belt through the city and have a payroll deduction made each period to pay it off. Venske responded by stating she would like to see him save his uniform allowance and then purchase one himself. Riitters agreed with Venske and stated it would be like giving out a loan and the city does not do that.
The City received a donation request from the Initiative Foundation in support of their budget. Motion by Adamski 2nd by Riitters to donate $400.00 to the Foundation. Carried
Motion by Carter 2nd by Riitters to accept the Randall Fire Relief Assoc. 2005 Audit. Carried
Adamski abstained
Motion by Riitters 2nd by Carter to accept the retroactive implementation of the new relief bylaw allowing the five year minimum retirement payment in the event of the death of a firefighter, before five years has been served. This new bylaw will qualify Mitchell Mammenga’s family to receive the five year benefit amount. Carried-Adamski Abstained
Mayor Boone is going to look in the Fire Hall for a copy of the City’s Civil Defense Plan.
Jerry Adamski stated that he would like the City to try and contact Burlington Northern Santa Fe in regards to land that the city is currently leasing from them. The city has had no luck in the past receiving a response from BNSF, but will try and contact them again.
Adamski also inquired about any delinquent utility accounts and it was stated that there are a few that have to be taken care of. There will be a letter sent out to these account holders notifying them of a utility shut off if their balances are not taken care of.
Mayor Boone expressed his opinion on the 104 sewer and water project and that he thinks there should be a public hearing held so the council can get input from not only the property owners along this project but from all residents.
The Joint Advisory Fire Board meeting will be held on
The next regular council meeting will be on
Meeting Adjourned at