June 13, 2007
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at
Upon reviewing the bills to pay, the concern was raised about the number of bad checks this past month. It was stated that all these checks are directly sent to the collection bureau by the bank. Delinquent utility accounts were also discussed and whether or not there is a standard procedure to follow in regards to the shut-off policy.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to have the utility committee review the policies for shutting off customers' utilities and bring the information to the next meeting. Carried
Motion by Venske 2nd by Carter to pay all bills presented. Carried
Mr. and Mrs. Al Vogas were present with a couple of concerns for the council. The first concern was of the barking dogs at the residence next to them and that they have a litter of puppies that bark all day long and the owner's don't do anything. Jerry Carter stated that the ordinance states that a household can only have two dogs and litters must be sold or given away when they are three months old. At the present time, the dog owners are violating the noise ordinance and can be cited. The police chief will follow-up on the noise ordinance violation and also find out when the puppies were born to make sure they are not over three months old.
Mr. Vogas is also concerned about the fence that the same neighbor put up last fall. He was told that the fence would be high enough off the ground the grass would be able to be trimmed around and underneath it. The way the fence is currently, it is not possible for the neighbor to trim on the outside of the fence and the grass is getting long. Mr. Vogas did state that he would allow the neighbor on his property to trim along the fence as long as all the clippings were cleaned up. Jerry Carter and Jerry Peterschick will talk to the neighbor about trimming the grass along his fence.
Dan Thilquist updated the council on the CR#104 project and reported that there have been a couple of issues that have been dealt with but the project is relatively on schedule. He also stated that when the project reached
Jerry Carter asked if the contractor has been making driveways along the project accessible at the end of the day and Dan stated that the driveways are accessible and in the event that they cannot open up a driveway they are making alternative parking arrangements with the homeowners.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to proceed with
The liquor store keeps all its beer glasses in a "Froster" to keep them cold for the draft beer but the past few years this unit has not been working like it should and it was stated that the liquor store should purchase a new one. The cost of a new one is from Superior Products is $1530 plus tax and shipping and from Britz Equipment is $1550 plus tax; shipping is included in the $1550.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to purchase a new "Glass Froster" from Britz Equipment for $1550 plus tax. Carried
The City Manager has received some complaints regarding brush piles and garbage piles in various yards within the City, and also excess property at a business. Jerry Peterschick suggests sending a warning letter to each residence in violation of the various ordinances. Letters will be sent to properties in violation immediately.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to approve a beer permit for the Randall-Cushing Lions and a Dance Permit for the 4th of July Committee for
River Road will also be closed off from CR#104 to Gosch's Store parking lot during the street dance on the above date.
Jerry Peterschick, Charley Andres and Jerry Carter met with Lona and Lert Zander, owners of Long Prairie Sanitary Service to discuss a proposed extension of the refuse/recycling collection contract. Long Prairie would like to extend their contract with the City for another five years. The only time prices have been raised in the past four years is when the tipping fees at the landfill have gone up and the city did not pass any of that cost on to the customers. The new contract would propose a 3% annual increase to the city which in turn would result in an adjustment to the charges to the city customers. Andres and Carter both agree that this is a very reasonable proposal and Long Prairie does a nice job in town with no complaints from the customers. Mayor Riitters asked why Long Prairie wants a five year contract rather than three, Jerry Peterschick stated that Long Prairie is looking for the stability in knowing they have this contract for five years and they also hope that the city is looking for the same.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to approve the contract with Long Prairie Sanitary Service for five years beginning in August when the current contract expires, pending approval from the City Attorney. Carried
The utility committee with bring a solid waste cost increase recommendation to the next meeting.
The council will be holding a closed meeting with Mary Backlund of Gary Paulson CPA on
There were six building permits this month.
Brad Kanieski-install fence in two locations behind house
Matt Pantzke-replace siding on house with steel siding
Craig Kempenich-install egress window on W. side of house
Ben Stavish-replace shed on S. side of house with 10x16 shed
The above permits were approved by the Planning and Zoning committee.
John Heffelfinger-install wire fence for dogs (P&Z did not approve this permit for lack of proper description)
Shad Kludt-Utility Shed (This permit was not turned in to P&Z)
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to approve all building permits. Carried
Charley Andres gave a short report on the fire board and stated that at the June 5th meeting it was discussed that because of increases in the costs of training, insurance, fuel etc., the board would like to increase the monthly operating expense allowance receive from the City of
Motion by Andres 2nd by Carter to allow the fire board to increase the monthly operating expense allowance by $500 with the city paying its percentage of that $500. Carried
Jerry Peterschick was asked if the property across Highway 10 from the Innsbrook Motel would be able to be re-zoned to commercial as the individual would like to purchase this property and bring a new business into town. Mary Venske stated her opinion that because of the proximity of residences, this property should not be rezoned. Jerry Carter stated that he would like the individual to come to a meeting and present some plans for this business. The council agreed to have the City Manager contact this individual to see if he could attend a meeting.
Another individual contacted city hall inquiring about whether or not he could sell his merchandise such as t-shirts, crafts etc. in the city. The city does have a peddler's permit of $50 but that is for people that are selling door to door and this would not be the case. The general feeling of the council was that the city should not get involved in allowing the use of city property for this purpose but stated that the individual could set his stand up on private property with permission from the property owner.
The gentlemen that own a ceiling tile cleaning company came to the liquor store and sprayed one tile with their chemical. After 24 hours there was not much difference between the treated tile and untreated tile. There is the option of purchasing new tiles but it is expensive. This matter will be looked at in the future after the smoking ban is in place.
Dan Thilquist informed the council that at this time things are going well but in the future we may have to think about regulating lawn watering as the population of homes continues to grow and more people are installing sprinkler systems. There is not a problem now but Dan said that when the Aspen Ridge Development is completed and if more people up there install sprinkler systems, watering may need to be regulated. Venske and Adamski both stated that perhaps this would be a good time to create an ordinance to use in the future.
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency awarded Dan Thilquist with an Outstanding Facility and Outstanding Facility Management award for 2005/2006. Dan was congratulated by the council.
The police department has been looking into purchasing a new camera system to install in the new squad car when it arrives. Chief Vanden Avond has approached area organizations asking for donations to help reduce the cost to the city. The camera system in question is approx. $4000 and area organizations have donated $1000. He will approach some other organizations also. The cost at this time to the city would be approx. $3000. Jerry Carter, who has a very good understanding of these systems, has reviewed the material and also conversed with the company and stated that in his opinion the system the Chief has chosen is a very good system. A squad car does not have to possess a camera system but it is very nice to have for court cases, explained Vanden Avond.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to purchase the camera to be installed in the new squad car. The cost to the city will be approx. $3000.00. Carried
The current squad car is being repaired because a piece on the intake manifold broke off. A used intake costs $60 plus labor. The police chief will get the part and have Johnson's Garage do the repairs.
The storm warning system was discussed again and it was mentioned that Buckman, after speaking with Paul Koering, may receive money from the state for a warning system in their town. The city manager will contact the City of
The Morrison County Record is requesting the presence of a representative of Randall to participate in public input meetings that will be held approximately 4 times per year. Mayor Riitters will attend the next meeting, when the city is notified of the date.
The Liquor Store received a thank you letter from
Because of the Little Elk Addition, the city's population has grown since the last census and it was thought that it might be a good idea to look into what the "real" population is now, and that it may benefit the city in the amount of Local Government Aid that it receives. The City Manager will look into this and see what can be done.
There has been some concern about the dumpsters on
Jerry Adamski stated that something definitely has to be done with the dog issues. These issues can't be left unsolved.
Charley Andres mentioned that the park building needs some small repairs such as some fascia, soffet and shingles that are missing need to be replaced. He also asked if there was anything that could be done with the acoustics inside the building as it is so loud when there is a crowd in their that people can't hear each other. The only thing to do would be to put a drop ceiling in which would then be too low.
Mary Venske informed Wendell Schultz that there is a bolt missing on one of the spring rides in the playground at
Meeting adjourned at