August 9, 2006
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at
Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski was made to pay the bills. Carried
Patrick Kirby of Total Register Systems attended the meeting and gave the council a short presentation of the Point Of Sale system that has been discussed in prior meetings for the Liquor Store. He informed the council of a 3 station subscription, which is an annual fee of $480.00. This would include any version updates, revisions, patches, etc. that would be needed for the system. The subscription would take effect after the first year. He also stated that the maintenance agreement would cost approximately 15% of the original purchase price of the system. The system will cost approx. $15,000.00. It was decided by the council to hold a special meeting on
There were two permits submitted to the Planning and Zoning committee this month. The first permit was for David Adamek to build a porch on to his house and the second permit was for John Heffelfinger to install vinyl siding on his mobile home. Motion by Venske 2nd Carter to approve both permits. Carried
Jerry Peterschick informed the council that there has been some concerns regarding the road/ditch work that has not been finished on
David Drown the City’s Financial Advisor was present to discuss the city’s thought about entering into a financing project with Minnesota Rural Water Association and also to discuss with the council the processes of recovering some of the funding for the CR#104 sewer and water project. He began with the financing project with MRWA and stated that he has acquired two new clients that chose this project last year and they are both disappointed with it. It was stated that they have had to do a lot of work themselves and there was very little assistance from the company they received the monies from. Drown went on to say this program does not save the city much money and doesn’t see this program as a good fit for the City of
Drown’s second reason for attending the meeting was to discuss how the city is going to recover some of the money spent on the upcoming sewer and water project. Most of the city’s pipes are 40 years old and are going to have to be replaced in the coming years. Because this is the first replacement project for sewer and water, he stated this is where a precedence has to be set. Drown suggests the city have a Project Assessment for this project. He wants the council to think about the future and having to pay for more projects like this one. A Project Assessment is where the city would assess a portion of the project cost to the adjoining property owners. This could be done over a number of years if need be. When asked if he would be willing to look over this project and see what some possibilities would be David stated he would get information back to the council as soon as they needed it. A motion was made by Adamski 2nd by Carter to have David Drown take a preliminary look into this project and bring back more information to the August 23rd special meeting. Carried
Community Development has an Intermediary Relending Loan Program that they are seeking funding from four different communities. The amount of funding needed from each community would be $25,000.00. It was the consensus of the council that the city does not have the additional funds at this time to help with this program.
The Salvation Army Heat Share Program is asking Randall Electric Company to send a flyer out to our customers each year asking them if they would like to donate to this program and a percentage of that money would come back to the people in our area. There would be no cost to the City. Motion by Venske 2nd by Carter to enter into an agreement with the Salvation Army Heat Share Program. Motion carried 4-1 with Boone, Carter, Venske and Riitters in favor and Adamski against.
Patricia Canik of Morrison County Public Health, Morrison County Emergency Preparedness Plan is requesting a list of essential personnel who would be the first to notify incase of, for example, an anthrax threat. These essential people would be the first to receive the vaccine if a case like anthrax would occur. It was discussed that perhaps the Mayor, Clerk and City Manager would be on that list.
Mayor Boone did not find the emergency response manual in the fire hall and Jerry Peterschick stated that he has not found it at city hall. Peterschick did state that Gary DeZurik may still have it as he was the one that did a lot of the work on it. Boone with check with DeZurik about this. In the meantime, Peterschick will look to see if it is in the police station.
Dan Thilquist reported that the water levels in the wells are doing fine and they are back to pumping approx. 60,000 gallons per day. He also stated that Wendell has all the electric and gas installed in the Aspen Ridge Development.
Jerry Peterschick asked the council if they would want to start doing something for employees that have a significant number of years of employment with the City. Wendell now has been working for the city for 20 years and Peterschick asked if the council would like to get a plaque acknowledging his service to the city. Peterschick was instructed to go ahead and look into this.
Chief Vanden Avond asked the council for permission to attend an interview and interrogation training in Brainerd this October. The training is three days long and costs $550.00.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to send Vanden Avond to this training. Carried
There have been some maintenance issues with the squad car and Vanden Avond was informed by Little Falls Auto and Transmission that there is a problem with a gasket and it should be fixed before it damages some wiring. Vanden Avond stated that he will get the problem fixed locally.
Venske asked Vanden Avond why he had to bring the car down to Granite Electronics and it was stated that there was a filter that is in line with the repeater and the radio that was worn out.
Boone asked about a few days that the Chief had put on so many miles. Vanden Avond stated he would have to look back at his daily log.
There was a complaint from of citizen in the city about the Chief not patrolling as often on the West side of town and that it would be nice to have the squad more visible.
The following people are the election judges for the November election: Pat Gaffke, Marian Jones, Pat Johnson, Jackie Rens, Florence Jones, Carol Saxton and Jerry Peterschick as Head Judge.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Venske to accept the election judges. Carried
The “Whistle Free Zone” was discussed and it was stated that the initial cost of having a survey done to see if the city could do this would cost between $5000.00 and $7500.00. The question was also raised, is there any liability to the city if this would be implemented? With this Whistle Free Zone, there may be the possibility of only having to make one crossing suitable. There would not have to be any extra medians or cross arms at other crossings. The general feeling of the council was that this would not be safe, especially for the people/kids that are walking or riding bike. The council decided that they are not interested in the Whistle Free Zone.
Jerry Carter introduced a couple things for the council to think about for January 2007. The first item was the possibility of implementing City Business Licenses. This would be a license for any business doing business in the city limits. The second idea was having a fee on every building permit rather than no charge for some improvements such as siding, shingles, or windows. Jerry Peterschick stated that he received a call from a gentleman that told the city really shouldn’t be issuing building permits, it should be issuing land use permits because there is not a building inspector for the city.
Boone mentioned that he attended a Mayor’s luncheon in Little Falls and the possibility of having one building inspector for numerous surrounding towns was discussed and was being looked into. Peterschick stated he will look into the fee schedule for the building permits and bring the information to the next regular meeting.
Last week the city received the asbestos report for the police building. There is a very small area of asbestos in the glue holding down the tiles on the floor. The asbestos is not airborne so it does not need special treatment. The city will now ask for bids from local contractors for the demolition of the building.
Letters will be sent to three residences in the city immediately, addressing the appearance of their property.
There has been no contact with Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad regarding the city purchasing the property running along main street that the city maintains.
Minnesota Power did conduct the survey that was approved last month regarding the city’s power problems. Gosch’s store has been having numerous problems and there are many other businesses that have had power problems for a very long time. The information collected for the survey has been sent to the
There will be fifteen utility disconnect notices going out in the mail next week. Delinquent accounts will have ten days from the date on the letter to pay their bill in full or disconnection will occur.
The carpet in the liquor store has not been stretched yet. This will need to be done on a Sunday and Peterschick will contact Wiczek’s again to schedule a time. The Spring clean up in the Liquor Store did not happen this Spring. The City Manager and Bartenders with do this some Sunday in the early fall.
The filing dates for the November election are: August 29th through September 12th at
Meeting adjourned at