September 9, 2009

The regular meeting of the Randall city council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.  The minutes of the August meeting were approved as present.


Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski was made to pay the bills.  Carried


John and Carol McDougle, residents of Randall, were present with a number of questions for the council.  The first question was about installing another street light in the cul-de-sac of Boulder Place.  Mr. McDougle stated that it is quite dark at the end of the street.  Jerry Peterschick, Wendell Schultz and Charley Andres will contact MN Power regarding the costs and will also contact the residents on that street.  The second question was regarding the second layer of blacktop that was supposed to be put on the streets on Aspen Ridge.  The city manager will get a price from Tri-City for the second layer of blacktop.  The next concern was of the parking spot in front of the VFW next to East 4th Street.  He is wondering if this spot could be eliminated as it is dangerous pulling out onto Pacific Avenue when there is a vehicle parked in that spot.  Mayor Riitters recalled receiving many complaints through the years about this parking spot and it has been mentioned to the public to continue using caution when pulling onto Pacific Avenue and that the city does not want to take a prime parking spot away from any business.  Councilman Carter, later in the meeting, expressed his concern on this matter and believes the spot should be eliminated.   Mr. McDougle then asked the council if they could talk to the person who plows snow on their street and ask them if they could be more careful as they almost took out some sprinklers in his yard last year.  He stated that he will have them flagged this year for the snowplows.  The city manager will speak to the snowplowers regarding this issue.  The last concern Mr. McDougle had was about the speed of the traffic coming down the hill from Pine View Drive on East Minnesota Avenue.  He asked of the possibility of having a speed bump put on E. MN Ave. North of Brummer Drive.  The council informed him there would be more police presence in the area and the city manager will talk with the residents on Pine View Drive.


Ryan Hurrle of Legal Benefit Consultants, Inc. was in attendance to present information on an Identity Theft Policy and also Legal Services that the company offers.  He stated that anyone on the payroll with the city would be eligible for benefits.  Hurrle will follow up with the council in November.


Donna Lundgren and Mike Drew were present on behalf of the 4th of July Committee.  Lundgren informed the council that there are now only three members on the committee.  There have been complaints that there is not enough to do after the parade to keep people in town.  She has been in contact with a gentleman from All-American Amusement which is a small carnival.  The carnival would consist of kids’ rides, a couple adult rides, games and food booths.  There would be no cost to the city or committee. 

                Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to approve having the carnival during the 4th of July holiday pending determination of a location. 

                Once open for discussion, it was stated that the company must be bonded and insured and the city or 4th of July Committee will not be held liable for anything.  Motion Carried

                Lundgren will contact the company and have them come to town and look at location possibilities.


                Jerry Peterschick informed the council that he sent a bill to BNSF for rent of the property they have been using that is owned by the city.  Roger Swinghammer of BNSF contacted Peterschick and a meeting was set for September 24th to meet and discuss the matter.  Councilmen Carter and Adamski will also attend the meeting.


                The city manager contacted MNDOT to check if there could be something done at the intersection of Superior Ave. and Hwy 115 as traffic does not stop for the sign that is there.  He was told that it would not be a problem installing a larger stop sign, perhaps that will be more noticeable to drivers.


Upon discussing whether or not to raise taxes for next year, it was recommended by the city manager not to increase taxes for 2010.

                Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to not increase the 2010 tax levy.  The levy will remain at $125,000.00 for 2010.  Carried

                The Truth in Taxation meeting will be held on December 9, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. at the Fire Hall Meeting Room.  The continuation meeting, if needed, will be held on December 16, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. a the Fire Hall Meeting Room.


                Two separate resolution were presented by Jerry Peterschick in regards to the 2009 assessments for CSAH 14, CSAH1, Pacific Ave and Superior Ave. :


                The total amount of the project was $308,550.00 and the total amount to be assessed is $104,450.00.


                The special meeting will be held on October 7, 2009 at 7:00p.m. at the fire hall meeting room. 


                The next order of business was to discuss a budget for the new city hall/police station remodeling.  Jerry Peterschick informed the council that he would like a budget of $20,000.00 to remodel the office area for the city hall/police station.  Some work has been done in the building already but because the work was not approved beforehand by the council, all work has been put on hold.  There has been most of the walls put up and some electrical done.  Councilmen Carter and Adamski stated they would like to have the back room finished also for council chambers.  The council went down to the new building to see the work that has been done already and no more work will be done until after the October 7th Special Meeting.


The missing reflector sign for the middle walk crossing will be replaced soon.  Signs have been ordered.


                Jerry Peterschick has been discussing a possible curb cut with Denny Mueller of Gosch’s Store.  The curb cut would be between the grocery store and new city hall building and would allow for angle parking by each building with traffic exiting in the alley.  Mueller is in agreement.  Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to approve the curb cut between Gosch’s and the new city hall building.   Carried


                The League of MN Cities Regional Meeting will be held in Parkers Prairie on September 23rd from 12:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  Any councilmembers wanting to go, need to let the city manager know. 

Building permits:

                Lois Olson-demolish mobile home

                Dennis Hollermann-remove roof on house and add 2nd story

                Brad Pearson-12x16 steel shed

                Brad Kanieski-move 24x24 garage and remove existing house

                Rick Gaffke-24x24 addition to North side of shop

Motion by Andres 2nd by Adamski to approve the permits.  Carried


                Wendell has been out brush hogging around the city and will do any sickle mowing if needed.


                The police chief has been doing some safe and sober shifts for the sheriff’s dept.  The city is fully reimbursed for these shifts.


                The city has locked in 80% of its natural gas for this winter.  50% will be purchased at .572/ccf which will be .812 to the customer and 30% will be purchased at .51/ccf which will be .74 to the customer.  The city’s cost last year was .935/ccf.


                The council briefly discussed the delinquent utility accounts and the Mayor handed out information on certifying gas and electric charges to the taxes of homeowners.

                The Mayor also asked if there would by any reason the council meetings couldn’t be changed to the 3rd Wednesday of every month.  The council will look into this possibility in the future.


                Councilman Andres noticed that there is one yard in the Aspen Ridge development that has not been mowed.  Jerry Peterschick stated that the city can go mow it and charge the owner.


                There have been more brief power outages recently.  Peterschick has been in contact with MN Power about this problem and both the city and MN Power are investigating the issue.


                The doors on the park building are in need of repair or replacement.  New doors have been ordered.  The back open air area needs severe cleaning also.


                Mayor Riitters stated that the council may need to look at fee increases in the enterprise funds and also reminded council members that if they have concerns, to bring them to City Managers attention as soon as possible. 


                The council then walked down the street to the new city hall/police station building and also looked at the parking area between Gosch’s and the city building.


                Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.