May 21, 2008 Assessment Hearing

Public Hearing on CR#104 Assessments


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.  There were nine property owners present.


David Reese of Widseth, Smith, Nolting was present and explained that he prepared the feasibility study and with assistance from the city also prepared the assessment roll.  He handed out a project summary and pointed out that the total cost of the project related to the assessment was $951,900.00.  The total amount assessed was $236,040.20 which is 25% of the total project and initially, this percentage was going to be 33%.   The assessment period is 15 years at 6.00% interest per annum.

            Reese went on to say that the MN Statute does allow assessments to be paid within 30 days of adoption by the council with no interest being owed.  There is also a process follow if one would want to defer the assessment payment.  There is an application that needs to be completed and the city's financial advisor David Drown will then review them for qualification. 


Many of the residents feel the assessment is too high, especially those who do not have any city services and are only assessed for the road improvement, which they feel, doesn't improve the value of their property.  Harry Miller inquired why there was no approach installed for access to a piece of land he owns behind other properties on CR#104.  There is no structure there at this time.  Jerry Peterschick suggested that if Miller ever sells or builds on this property, the city will install an approach. 

There were a few other residents with complaints such as sod settling and washouts by their driveways.  Dave Reese will try and get most of the questions answered and have them available by the next regular council meeting.

The council will look into a few of the property assessments and may choose to make some amendments to them.


Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to accept the resolution to certify the assessments to Morrison County.  Carried