May 14, 2008

The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.

The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.

Motion by Venske 2nd by Adamski to pay the bills.  Carried


Colonel Richard Weaver and Marty Skoglund of Camp Ripley were present to update the council on the annual training and when and where the noise will be coming from, a brief update on the economic impact of Camp Ripley and Marty Skoglund gave an update of the environmental program.  Col. Weaver spoke briefly of the lengthily process of building a fire protection unit at Camp Ripley and stated that they will be requiring services from the Randall fire department for several years yet.


William Rodgers was present in support of his submitted building permit for a 26x26 storage garage addition to his home.  The concern of the council was that he is conducting a small business out of his residential home and Rodgers stated that it is a very small business and he hopes to be putting his residence up for sale soon because the value is dropping but taxes are rising and that is very upsetting to him.  The addition will be for the storage of excess property that the city has informed him he needs to clean up.  Rodgers stated he just doesn't see a future for him in Randall.


Last fall the liquor store added a patio addition to its building.  At that time it was briefly discussed of the possibility of expanding that patio this spring.  Jerry Peterschick presented the council with dimensions and prices of an expanded patio including tables and chairs.  The expanded size of the patio would be 34x38, with concrete floor and privacy fence around the entire area.  Approximate cost for everything would be about $3,500.00.

Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to expand the patio area at the liquor store, concrete the entire area and purchase five tables with chairs not to exceed $4,000.00.  Carried


Dan Thilquist spoke with the Morrison County Engineer and he stated that the County Road #14 project may not happen this year as the Railroad has to order the crossing arm system and that takes a while.  More information will be available in the near future.


Thilquist also spoke to Morrison County regarding a dip in the curb along CR#104.  There have been some repairs completed already and the rest will be done as needed.  All repairs will be completed before the second layer of tar is installed.


Every year the Sewer and Water departments lose money and because of the company that the bond is through, these departments need to show that they are able to support themselves and not have to be supplemented by any other fund.  Jerry Peterschick and Charley Andres reviewed the current rates and rates of comparable cities and came up with the following:  increase the sewer and water base rate by $1.00 and gallon usage rate by 5%.  This would affect the average household by approximately $2.50 per month.

Motion by Andres 2nd by Venske to increase the sewer and water base rate by $1.00 each and the gallon usage rate by 5%, effective immediately.  Carried


The council was reminded that there is a street dance being held on May 24th at the Liquor Store which is being sponsored by the liquor store and the Parkinson's Research Ride and the alley needs to be closed off during that time. 

Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to close off the alley in back and on the side of the liquor store building on May 24th during the street dance. Carried


Every year Gary Gannon and Jackie Rens have made a trip to the cities to get flowers for the pots in front of the city businesses and the city has paid a membership fee to Minnesota Green.  After figuring out what the cost would be to purchase flowers locally rather than paying mileage to the cities and back, it figures out to be about the same price.  Flowers were ordered from Randall Hardware and Gary Gannon and Jackie Rens will plant the flowers in the pots for the businesses.


Property owners along CR#104 who have an assessment to pay will be able to apply for a deferment of the principal amount of the assessment if they qualify.  It would be in the best interest of the property owner to attend the May 21st public hearing to get more information on deferments and get any other questions answered.  There is a one page application that needs to be completed and David Drown, the city's financial advisor, would review the applications and determine who would be eligible.


Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to approve a resolution to establish a program to defer payment of special assessments.  Interest will still have to be paid each year but the principal amount will be deferred.  Carried


There were three building permits approved by the planning & zoning this month:

Janelle Bollig-reside house, new shingles and windows

Bill Davis-install 4 ft privacy fence and add more split rail fence to yard

William Rodgers-26x26 storage garage addition to house


Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to approve the permits.  Carried


There is approximately 300 feet of road running from Highway 10 to West Minnesota Avenue that needs to be graveled.  In the past it has been unclear whose portion of road that is, Randall's or Darling Townships.  At the present time, Darling does not claim that portion.  Jerry Peterschick will contact the Darling Township board members to see if they would be willing to split the cost of the gravel.


The city was contacted by Trump Enterprises Inc. in regards to a piece of land that is in their name but the city has been mowing it for years.  They were informed that the property is all wetlands and the city mows a small portion of it to help with mosquito control.  Trump Enterprises Inc. would like to give the city the portion of land and would like the city to have a quit claim deed prepared for this transaction.  Jerry Peterschick will move forward with the process.


Chief Vanden Avond would like to enter into the Safe & Sober program with Morrison County and Little Falls PD.  There is a grant that is available to pay the wages of the officers when working specific hours and the city's squad would not be used during this time.

Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to pass the resolution authorizing execution of agreement with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Office of Traffic Safety for the Project entitled Safe & Sober Communities during the period from October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009.  Carried


Dan Thilquist reported that he cannot turn on the water at 151 Boulder Place because the construction company damaged the valve and he feels that the city should not have to pay for the repairs.  The council discussed the need to contact the realty company and inform them that this needs to be repaired before the house has water turned on and also all the realty companies need to be informed that sump pumps need to be installed properly before the sale of the homes and delinquent utilities need to be paid in full.  Jerry Peterschick will contact the realty companies and discuss these issues.


Thilquist also informed the council that he has had a problem getting Jeff Kowalzek to install the water meter that was given to him by the city.  He has had approx. eight months to complete this and Thilquist has not been able to reach Kowalzek to find out why he hasn't installed the meter.  The city will send a registered letter to Kowalzek requiring him to install the meter inside the house to avoid freezing and this must be done by May 31, 2008 or water to the house will be disconnected.  There are three more homes in the city that need meters and those residents will be contacted and instructed to install a meter on their homes also.


Jerry Carter and Jerry Adamski have spoken with Wendell Schultz and Dan Thilquist about their concern of the rising fuel costs and the use of their privately owned vehicles.  It was recommended that Schultz and Thilquist have their vehicle allowance increased from $180 per month to $250 per month and Jerry Peterschick's allowance increase from $75 per month to $100 per month.

Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to increase the vehicle compensation for Wendell Schultz and Dan Thilquist from $180 to $250 and Jerry Peterschick's compensation from $75 to $100.  Carried


The delinquent utility list was reviewed and there was some discussion on the process of certifying the delinquent utilities with the county to be placed on the property taxes.  Mayor Riitters would like another council member and Jerry Peterschick to join him in meeting with the city attorney to find out if this is an option for the city.  Jerry Carter stated he would attend a meeting with the city attorney, Riitters and Peterschick.


Mary Venske stated that the council needs to make sure that future improvements are placed in the budget for the next year.


Reminder that the public hearing for CR#104 assessments will be held on May 21, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at the fire hall meeting room.


Peterschick informed the council of a letter from Widseth, Smith & Nolting regarding an additional charge for services they provided on the CR#14 project.  Peterschick has not been contacted by Morrison County regarding this letter but the total bill is $9,500.00 with $3,100.00 being the city's portion.


It was discussed that the city should contact Darling, Parker and Cushing townships about sharing in the assessment costs of the fire hall building.  Jerry Peterschick will move forward with this issue.


The liquor store was approach by an individual wanting to put an advertising TV. in the bar.  It would be $150.00 per year and any changes done to the liquor store ad would cost $40.00 per change.  The council was not in favor of the TV. advertising at this time.