January 11, 2006

The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.

            The minutes of the December 14, 2005 and the January 2, 2006 inventory meetings were approved as presented.

            Upon reviewing the bills to pay there was a question asked about the bad debt account and Jerry Peterschick explained the reason for the large amount in the bad debt account.

            Motion by Venske 2nd by Riitters to pay the bills including two bills that were turned in late.  Carried

            Mary Backlund of Gary Paulson CPA was present to discuss Finding 2 of the Schedule of Findings from the 2004 City Auditor’s report.  Bob Riitters met with Backlund regarding this finding and Backlund stated that she contacted David Kazeck at the Minnesota State Auditor’s office and he stated that the Joint Powers agreement is governmental not non-profit.  This means that the revenue and expenditures have to be in the same accounting and all expenditures have to be approved by the governing board.  Backlund asked if there has been an application sent into the IRS for a separate ID number.  Boone stated that has not been done yet.  When she asked David Kazeck what needs to happen if the Joint Powers is using the City’s ID number, he stated that those accounts have to be audited with the City funds.  Bob Riitters asked if the federal grant money that the Fire Department received would have to be audited and Backlund stated that there would have to be an audit if that amount exceeded $500,000.00.

            The planning & Zoning committee approved the two building permits submitted by Aspen River Builders after their December meeting.  The City Council had already approved those permits at its December meeting.

            Jerry Peterschick stated that the City received the plats for Aspen Ridge Development and they need to be signed by the Mayor, President of Planning & Zoning, City Attorney and the County Attorney.

            Peterschick also informed the Council that the City received the Bond Proceeds for TIF District #3 in the amount of $202,022.94.

            The City notified Lavonne Robinson regarding the excess property outside of the antique store.  She stated that she will remove the property this Spring.

            Wendell Schultz reported that there was a problem with a valve at the lift station and the parts have been ordered to repair it.

            Kenny Salber made the recommendation to the council to raise all drink prices .25 excluding pop and small tap beer, which would remain $1.00.  Motion by Kestner 2nd Adamski to accept Kenny’s recommendation.  Carried

            Councilwoman Venske mentioned having all bartenders come in on a Sunday to give the Liquor Store a thorough cleaning.  Salber stated that he will get a date set for sometime before April.

            Installing an ATM machine in the Liquor Store was mentioned but was decided that it would not be feasible at this time.

            At last month’s meeting, it was mentioned that a new sweeper for the city tractor may need to be purchased.  Wendell commented that the old sweeper is too narrow for the new tractor but would probably work until this Spring.  Wendell has received prices from both Evan’s Implement and Morrison County Tractor with Evan’s having the lower price.  He will bring that information to the next regular meeting.

            Dan Thilquist and Bill Vanden Avond were not present.

            In new business, a motion was made by Kestner 2nd Adamski to accept the proposal from Gary Paulson CPA, to conduct the city audit for the years of 2005, 2006 and 2007.  Carried

            Motion by Riitters 2nd Venske to waive the Tort Liability Limits.  Carried

            Mayor Boone stated that the Fire Department interviewed three applicants to fill two firefighter positions.  The recommendation from the department was to accept applications from Andy Wiherski and Mike Huebner.

            Motion by Adamski 2nd Kestner to accept the recommendation of the Fire Department. Carried

            Wendell Schultz recommended that the City of Randall accept the changes made to the bylaws of the Randall Fire Relief. 

            Motion was made by Venske 2nd Riitters to accept the changes made to Article VIII, Sections 1, 2, and 3 in the bylaws dated November 3, 3005.  Carried

            Mayor Boone recommended making two changes to the Appointments for 2006. 

            Brad Olson to replace Sheena DeZurik on Planning & Zoning Committee

            Gary Gannon to replace Doris Stavish on Parks and Recreation Board

            Councilman Riitters asked to be put on the Fire Advisory Board prior to the council meeting but Boone stated that Venske is doing a good job and didn’t believe she should be taken off the board.  Riitters stated that he is concerned about the accounting and bylaw issues and would like someone to make a motion to put him on this board.  He stated that he is only on one other board and all other members are on more than that.  Venske commented that she enjoys being on this committee and is learning a lot.

            Motion by Kestner 2nd by Adamski to put Riitters on the Fire Advisory Board.  After a roll call vote, the motion passed 3-2 with Kestner, Adamski & Riitters in favor and Boone and Venske against.

            Motion by Venske 2nd by Kestner to approve the remaining appointments.  Carried

            Craig Kempenich approached the council and asked if the City would be willing to purchase either one or a pair of hockey nets for the skating rink.  The cost would be approx. $150.00 each.  After some discussion a motion was made by Venske 2nd by Riitters to purchase one hockey net.  Carried

            Gary Gannon was present and expressed his thanks to Wendell for keeping the skating rink up as good as he has considering the weather conditions.

            Gary DeZurik was also present to ask whether or not the sidewalk running along CR#104 is city property or not.  He asked if it could be plowed off so the kids could use it, instead of walking along the road.  The sidewalk is in the Right-of-way of the County and it would be up to the property owners to keep their part of that sidewalk clear.  The City will send a letter to each property owner asking them to keep their portion of the sidewalk clear and Wendell will try to clean it off initially as the snowmobiles have packed the snow down.

            Peggy Boone asked if it would be possible to have matching shirts made for the bartenders and waitresses.  Motion by Venske 2nd Riitters to move forward in the process of finding shirts for the Liquor Store employees.  Carried

            Jerry Peterschick read a letter from an individual stating how he is impressed with the times the police officer has been on duty when he travels through town and feels that the officers additional patrolling on Hwy 10 is helping to reduce the amount of accidents at the intersections.  The individual also mentioned that he thought there should be more or better lights on the squad car so the officer could be seen better when making a traffic stop.

            Gary DeZurik was asked about his taking a leave of absence from the First Response Team and he stated that he never took a leave of absence, that Mike Hubner came to his home last summer and stated to Gary that he would like to take over as President because DeZurik was not attending any meeting and DeZurik told Hubner to do what he wanted to do, that he did not care.  At the last council meeting Hubner stated that there were supplies that needed to be ordered and that he could not seem to be able to get that done.  Boone stated that Alice Manlick contacted him and was extremely upset stating that the reason Hubner could not order supplies was because he was not authorized to do so.  She also stated that she sends in a report to the State of all the First Response calls.  DeZurik stated that he doesn’t think the first response team needs their own Defibrulator that when Bill leaves town for a long period of time, he can put the Defib in the First Response vehicle.  He also stated that the First Response team will be placing an add in the newspaper advertising for volunteers.

            Jerry Peterschick asked, as a concerned citizen, why Mike Hubner was removed from the First Response Team when he was one of the best responders to the calls?  DeZurik answered by saying because he approached the council without talking with the First Response team first.  Boone stated there is more to the situation than meets the eye.

            Gary Gannon stated that the school district will be installing a defibrulator in each school. 

            Riitters informed the council that he met with both Sheriff Wetzel and Chief Deputy Ploof regarding where the questions about Vanden Avond are coming from, where people are getting their information.  Riitters stated that he would like to see a closed meeting with the council and sheriff and chief deputy to talk about processes to take and chain of command.  Boone stated that he has received a couple of complaints about Bill recently.


            Boone informed the council that the Joint Advisory Fire Board will be meeting on March 21, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at the Fire Hall Meeting Room.  After some discussion it was decided to see if the board can get together before their annual meeting.


            Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.