January 24, 2007-Continuation of 1/10/07

The meeting was continued at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.  The purpose of the continuation meeting was to take care of open issues from the January 10th meeting.


            The first item of business was discussion on the Joint Advisory Fire Board (JAFB).  The JAFB took control on January 1, 2007 after the Joint Powers Agreement (Bylaws) were reviewed by Mike Perry, township boards and the Randall City Council and approved at the last fire board meeting, pending the amendment of a couple items.  It was discussed that the Mayor and Clerk will sign the agreement on behalf of the City. 

            Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to give Mayor Riitters and Clerk Venske permission to sign the Joint Advisory Bylaws as amended.  Carried

            The JAFB passed a resolution to raise the fireman retirement from $800 per year to $1000 per year with the stipulation that this amount could be reduced if the stock market goes down.  After passing the resolution it has been found that the above stipulation cannot be in the resolution and therefore there may have to be a special meeting to make a new motion in that effect.

            Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to authorize Andres to approve the motion by the Fire Board to increase the retirement to $1000 per year.  Carried


            Charley Andres and Jerry Peterschick are going to discuss the utility rates and get rates from surrounding companies in the near future.


            After attending a meeting regarding the CR 104 reconstruction project, it was found that there are going to be 61 trees removed along the project.  Morrison County will be placing ribbons on those specific trees.  Property owners will be notified by mail and will be able to contact either the city or county with their questions and concerns.


            Jerry Peterschick is going to contact David Drown in regards to finding out what the “next step” will be on the CR #104 project.


            Motion by Andres 2nd by Carter to waive the Tort Liability Insurance.  Carried


            The personnel committee has been meeting and discussing the wages for 2007.  It was recommended by the committee to give all employees a 3% cost of living increase at this time for all full-time employees.  Mary Venske stated that the increase should be for all employees, part-time and full-time.  The personnel committee is drafting a proposal for possible salary step program in the future.  The committee will come forward with wage adjustment recommendations at the next meeting.  The cost of living increase will be retroactive to January 1, 2007.  The committee also has a long term plan of updating the personnel handbook.

            Service Recognition Implementation was also discussed and this would mean that any employee that has been employed by the City for 15, 20, 25 years etc. would be recognized by the city and would receive a plaque.  This would be considered “additional employee compensation”.  There needs to be a plan put together and sent to the city attorney for review.  Carter would like to see the information to the city attorney as soon as possible so a resolution can be implemented.

            Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to give all city employees a 3% cost of living raise retroactive to January 1, 2007.  Carried


            The squad car was the next topic of discussion.  Chief Vanden Avond and Angie Magee reviewed all the expenses for repairs on the squad car over the past year and the total amount spent was over $8,000.00.  The squad car has over 100,000 mile on it and the Chief mentioned that it may be time to look into purchasing a new one.  He has done some price comparing and stated that the Dodge Charger is $20,850.00.  He was informed that everything would transfer over from one car to the other except the push bar in front.  He did receive a verbal quote from one individual for transferring everything over and wiring the new car for a total of $1,296.00. 

            Jerry Adamski asked why more departments don’t have the Charger.  Vanden Avond stated that the Chargers haven’t been out that long.  Vanden Avond informed the council that the Charger has scored the highest during safety tests and are nice because equipment can be transferred over from the Ford.  When asked why not the Impala?  Vanden Avond stated that they are front wheel drive, which would require him taking more training and the interior is smaller than Dodge and Ford, he stated he really does not want an Impala.  Adamski stated that he does not want to see the car going 140 mph down the highway just because that’s what the Dodge can do.  It was the consensus of the council that the Chief bring all the comparison information to the next council meeting including proposals for wiring and transferring equipment.

            Motion by Adamski 2nd by Venske to have Vanden Avond and Peterschick compile information on the Ford and Dodge and bring the information to the next meeting.  Carried


            Recently it has been discussed of raising the utility rates within the city.  The State Auditors office sent a letter in regards to findings of the 2005 audit.  One item was getting the fire department information as needed and the other was concerns of the deficiency in the sewer and water fund.  It was discussed that the council is going to have to look into increasing the sewer and water rates to help this fund recover from its deficiency.


            The electric upgrade has been completed and Minnesota Power should be doing some monitoring of it this summer to see if the upgrade resolved the imbalance problem.


            There was a motion made in the past about having a full council to make some decisions on the police department.  Angie Magee will look up the motion and bring it back to the next meeting for review.


Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.