March 11, 2009
The regular meeting of the Randall city council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present. The minutes of the February 11th and February 18th meeting were approved as presented.
After a couple clarifications on the bills a motion was made by Turner 2nd by Carter to approve all bills presented. Carried
Chris Etzler, Transportation Planning Director for Region 5 Development, was present to update the council on what Region 5 is about and what they are currently involved in.
The EMERTS system was the next item on the agenda. Mayor Riitters stated that he doesn’t think anyone is opposed to purchasing the system but it is just a matter of when it will happen. Councilman Adamski stated that he thinks “when is now”.
A motion was made by Adamski 2nd by Riitters to move forward with the purchase of the EMERTS system and to pay for the system in full rather than enter into a lease agreement for the system. Carried
The liquor store received a quote from ServiceMaster for cleaning the duct work in the building for a total of $2,852.00 plus tax. The city manager will be contacting some other companies to request quotes from them also.
The city was informed by the State of Minnesota that the water tests that were taken a couple weeks ago, came back negative for any PFC’s (Perflurochemicals). Randall’s water is safe to drink.
Jerry Peterschick asked the council for approval for himself and Wendell Schultz to attend the annual Natural Gas Conference at Cragun’s Resort this year. Due to budget cuts, the price did increase by approx. $100.00 per person. The total cost for both employees to attend will be approx. $700.00.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to send Jerry Peterschick and Wendell Schultz to the Natural Gas Conference at Cragun’s resort. Carried
Motion by Turner 2nd by Adamski to sign the Recycling and Refuse grant with Morrison County. $375.00 for clean-up day and $1268.00 for recycling.. Carried
The council signed the soil testing proposal for CR#14.
Councilman Turner informed the council that it would be nice to replace some of the chairs in the liquor store as they are severely stained and have cigarettes burns in them. He also asked if the liquor store could purchase 2 or 3 tall tables with stools.
Motion by Turner 2nd by Andres to purchase 20 new chairs to replace old ones, 3 tall tables and 9 barstools, not to exceed $2,000.00, for the Liquor Store. Carried
There were two building permits submitted to the Planning & Zoning committee this month: Bret Lausen – 10x14 storage shed; Robert Bellin-install siding & garage doors on existing building.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to approve the permits as presented. Carried
The city received a donation request from Green Prairie Township to help with the maintenance and upkeep of the Darling/Green Prairie Park. Motion by Turner 2nd by Andres to donate $500.00 to the Darling/Green Prairie Park. Carried
There is a vacant building on main street that would be a very nice location for a city hall. A couple business owners in town have mentioned it to the city manager and city staff has been in contact with the owner about this possibility. It was stated that the city does need a bigger city hall and the police department needs their own office. This building would be suitable for both a city hall and police station and council meetings would be able to be held in the back of the building. If the city would move out of the municipal building, the off-sale would be able to be expanded, which is another major need for the business. The consensus of the council was to move forward with meeting with the owner of the building and discussing this matter further. Jerry Peterschick, Rick Turner and Jerry Carter will set up a meeting with the owner in the near future.
The Key for Cash drawing at the liquor store was discussed briefly and if the money continues to grow, it will stop at $599.00 and if it does not go out that night, the following week, another drawing for $25 will be started and that amount will be increased by $25 each week. There will be a drawing each week for the $599.00 first, then another number will be drawn for the 2nd amount. Once the $599.00 goes out, there will only be one drawing a week again.
Jerry Carter expressed his concerns about the delinquent utility bills again this month.
Meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m.