November 14, 2007


            The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.

            Tom Strack, a member of the Randall Boy Scouts is working on earning his Citizenship of the Nation Merit Badge, and was asked by Jerry Carter to attend a council meeting as part of this project.  Mayor Riitters asked Mr. Strack to lead the council in the Pledge of Allegiance.


            Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to approve all bills presented including a bill from Midwest Security and Fire.  Carried


            Jerry Peterschick gave the council a brief update on the results from Thermography and Ultrasound Diagnostics, Inc.  It was found that there are 15 issues that need to be addressed.  Minnesota Power requested permission from the City of move forward with correcting these issues and the City Manager drafted a letter granting Minnesota Power permission to begin the process of repairing the problems in question.


            City Attorney, Micheal Perry, sent a letter to Sytek Communications requesting their old cable lines and poles be removed from the City of Randall within 60 days.  There has been no response from Sytek as of this time.


            Steve Backowski, Morrison County Engineer and Don Anderson of Widseth, Smith & Nolting were present to discuss the proposed construction of County State Aid Highway 14 from Highway 10 to County Road #1 North.  Morrison County is proposing a relocation of the Railroad crossing and is going to try to get all the paperwork and permits done in time to begin this project in 2008.  Morrison County intends on using the same engineering firm as the city and all costs with the relocation of the railroad crossing would be the counties responsibility.  The proposed cost of the plan and specification preparation would be $42,750.00.  The city would be responsible for 25% of that amount.  The total cost of the project for the city would be approximately $100,000 - $130,000.00. 

            Morrison County intends on resurfacing Pacific Avenue when CR #14 is blacktopped.  Backowski stated he would like to have everything in place be May to be able to do the project in 2008, otherwise it will have to wait until 2009.


            Motion by Adamski 2nd by Andres to enter into an agreement with Morrison County for the Construction of County State Aid Highway 14.  Carried


            Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to approve a resolution for parallel parking along this project.  Carried


            Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to enter into the Construction Phase Services-Sanitary Sewer and Water Main, with Widseth, Smith & Nolting.  Carried


There was one building permit submitted this month:

            Jeremy Fitch - 24x24 garage

Motin by Adamski 2nd by Andres to approve the permit.  Carried


The Board of Appeal and Equalization will meet on Monday April 28, 2008, at 9:00 a.m.  There will need to be at least three councilmembers present.


            The patio addition on the liquor store is finished and in use.  The new security system has been installed by Midwest Security & Fire and exterior monitoring is enabled.  There hasn't been any major cleaning done in the Liquor Store yet as Jerry Peterschick would like to have the ceiling tile replaced and have a cleaning service come in and clean the walls and carpet.  It was also stated that the surveillance system needs to be updated and one more camera added.


            Dan Thilquist informed the council that one of the pumps at the lift station either needs to be repaired or replaced.  The pump is 17 years old and the estimated life of these pumps is 10 years.  It would cost $3000.00 to fix the existing pump and $5300.00 w/5yr. warranty for a new pump.  Dan recommends the city purchase a new pump.


            Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to purchase a new pump for the lift station, not to exceed the quoted price of $5300.00 plus tax.  Carried


            Dan also informed the council that only one out of the six homes that the city sent letters to have removed their sump pump from the city sewer system.  The city will move forward with the next course of action in the policy.


            Chief Vanden Avond was present to discuss three items that he would like to purchase or update.  The first is a new tazer as the current one is getting older and does not work on the part-time police officers duty belt, and Vanden Avond does not want Officer Tavares working without the tazer.  The cost of a new tazer would be approx. $850.00 and there is a possibility that the old one could be sold to another police department.  The second item Vanden Avond would like to purchase is a Level 4 vest to be kept in the squad car for extra protection when needed.  The cost is $2100.00 with the city only paying 1/3 of that as state and federal pay for the rest.  Both these items were tabled until more information is presented.

            The third item was an upgrade to the M-16 the city was given by the City of Motley.  Currently it does not fit inside the squad car and Vanden Avond would like to have it updated with a shorter barrel and collapsible stock so it is able to be mounted inside the car, at the cost of $500.00.

            Councilman Carter expressed his concern about the spending issue of the police department and that although it is important that the officers are adequately equipped to keep them safe, there needs to be point where the spending slows down.  When asked to put the three items in order by priority Vanden Avond stated that the tazer would be number one.  He will bring all requested information to the December meeting.

            Part-time officer Mitch Tavares was present and stated that he really enjoys working in Randall and things have been going well so far.


            Councilman Carter expressed the need to create an ordinance regarding blowing grass and leaves on the city streets and sidewalks as since CR104 has been done, there has been grass and leaves blown onto the street and sidewalk and that could create problems with the storm sewer. 

            Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to create an ordinance preventing property owners from blowing grass, leaves, etc. onto the city streets and sidewalks.  Carried


            Mayor Riitters presented a copy of the nuisance ordinance pertaining to grass and weeds and parking and storage to each councilmember and asked them to review it and then it can be discussed further at the next meeting.


            The Mayor explained that the budget committee would like to set a capital budget for each department for 2008.  More will be discussed in December.

            Councilman Carter noted that the personnel committee will need to meet to discuss the 2008 cost of living.