August 12, 2009
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with members Andres, Turner and Adamski present. Members Riitters and Carter were absent.
After a brief discussion on the stop sign at Hwy 115 and Superior Avenue and land issues with Burlington Northern Santa Fe, the minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.
Upon further discussing the issue with the railroad, it was mentioned that something has to be done to get BNSF’s attention as they do not return the calls from the city manager. The city would like to discuss the possibility of trading some land with them. The city will send them a bill for the use of city property and await a response.
Motion by Turner 2nd by Adamski to pay all bills presented. Carried
It was reported that the additional volleyball court will be completed soon. The tournament will be held on August 29th.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Turner to approve the planning and zoning permits. Carried
William & Jessica Nutz – replace 2nd story windows with different size windows
Lisa Krosko – install 6x6x4 chain link dog kennel
Jeremy Ballou – replace 2 windows in house with different size
David Peterson – replace siding, change windows
St. Peter Lutheran Church – 36x10 handicap ramp
The planning and zoning committee discussed the possibility of installing a second handicap access by Gosch’s Store but were informed that the county probably would not allow it. The committee will contact Denny Mueller, owner of Gosch’s, to see if he would be willing to put a space in his parking area.
Jerry Peterschick asked the council for a beer permit for the Randall-Cushing Lions to serve beer on September 29th at the volleyball tournament. Motion by Adamski 2nd by Turner to approve the permit. Carried
Peterschick also informed the council that the 2010 tax levy will need to be set at the September 9th council meeting. The city’s 2009 Local Government Aid did not get cut and it may not be cut in 2010 but payment may be delayed a few months.
All council members except Andres need to attend the Local Board of Review training on September 15th at 7p.m. in meeting room 1 of the Morrison County Government Center.
Because the city has utility accounts and keeps customer’s personnel information on file, it is required that the city adopt the Identity Theft Prevention Program, proving that it is protecting the identity of its customers.
Motion by Turner 2nd by Adamski to adopt the Identity Theft Prevention Program effective 8/12/09. Carried
The 2009 Improvements are completed with the exception of a couple items the city is still working with Ferche’s on. There was one issue during the project that was of additional cost to the city when the city decided to replace the existing water line that was under the railroad tracks. This was not in the original project of work to be done.
The squad car is due to be repaired next week by Nelson Auto Body after hitting a deer last week. The city received bids from both Hidden Pines Auto Body and Nelson Auto Body with Nelson being nearly $400.00 less.
The city will install a missing reflector at the railroad walk crossing.
The sale of the new city hall/police station has been finalized and city staff has begun removing some walls inside. There will be some work that will have to be hired out but most of the remodeling will be completed by city staff during regular working hours.