September 13, 2006
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at
The minutes of the last regular meeting and the special meeting on
Motion by Riitters 2nd by Carter to approve the bills to pay. Carried
The P.O.S. system for the liquor store was discussed and the information requested at the last meeting was reviewed. The recommendation to the council was to purchase a P.O.S. system for the off-sale only and purchase two new cash registers for the on-sale.
Motion by Riitters 2nd by Adamski to purchase two registers at the cost of $849.87 each from Davidson Business. Carried
Motion by Carter 2nd Riitters to directly purchase a P.O.S. system from Clever Computing for the off-sale at the cost of $7,657.50. Motion carried 4-1, Venske against
Dave Reese and Don Anderson of Widseth, Smith & Nolting were present with information that WSN and David Drown compiled regarding establishing assessments. Their first recommendation is to look into establishing typical assessable improvements and Reese went on to explain some examples such as, roads, streets, stormwater, sewer, water, walk trails etc. It was also noted that the city has to assess at least 20% of the project to be eligible for bonding. There are many items that need to be addressed with the assessment issues, questions that need to be answered and decisions to be made in the very near future. If the council accepts a resolution to receive preliminary plans and call a public hearing for the CR #104 project, the first publication would have to be to the Morrison County Record by
Motion by Adamski 2nd Riitters to approve Resolution 2006-02 receiving preliminary plans and calling public hearing on CR#104 improvements of 2007. Carried
Motion by Venske 2nd Carter to have Widseth, Smith & Nolting move forward with getting parcel footage information along CR#104. Carried
Jerry Carter asked Don Anderson if he would be willing to attend the public hearings to assist in answering questions from the public as he has experience in this area.
The property owners will have to be notified ten days prior to the first public hearing of the approximate assessment amounts. This will be done by certified mail.
Motion by Venske 2nd by Carter to advertise the Scope of the Project of the CR#104 Improvements project for 2007 at the price of $972,000.00. Carried
Motion by Carter 2nd Venske to call a special meeting on
The liquor store will be getting cleaned on
Minnesota Power finished the survey regarding the imbalance in the power that the city is receiving and they stated that they cannot guarantee a remedy by making the changes recommended in the study but believe the changes would make a difference. They would need to change the amount of load going to certain phases within the city as there is currently an imbalance between the phases. The cost would be approx. $12,000.00.
Motion by Riitters 2nd by Adamski to follow the recommendation of Minnesota Power and repair options #1 and #3 at the cost of $12,000.00. Carried
The city received three bids for the demolition and removal of the old police building. Crosby & Sons Construction - $1,747.00
Sanders Construction - $2,350.00
Pugh Brother Exc. - $4,800.00
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to accept Crosby and Sons Construction’s bid for $1,747.00 for the demolition and removal of the police building. Carried
This motion was then amended when a motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski was made to set a completion time limit on this project of 30 days from today. Motion carried 4-1, Riitters against
The planning and zoning committee had six permits this month. They had concerns on two permits. David Adamek’s permit was approved for a 14’x14’ addition upon clarification to what the addition was on. Terry Polzin’s permit for a fence was approved upon the city checking on property lines and the neighbors being notified. Upon all parties agreeing, he may proceed with the installation.
The following permits were submitted:
Tom Koenig – 14x8 den to home
Randall Hardware-16x30 addition
Carol Venske-replace 9 windows in home
Terry Polzin-install treated wood fence
Jerry Carter-remove garage door, add window and replace siding
Motion by Venske 2nd by Adamski to accept the permits pending Peterschick contacting to Adamek and Polzin regarding council and planning and zoning committee concerns. Motion carried with Carter abstaining
The next order of business was to set the tax levy for 2007. The 2006 levy was $86,100.00, the city could raise the levy 6% with out having to hold a Truth in Taxation meeting. The recommendation was made to raise the tax levy for 2007, $5,100.00 equaling $91,200.00.
Motion by Riitters 2nd by Carter to raise the 2007 Tax Levy to $91,200.00. Carried
No Truth in Taxation meetings had to be set.
Peterschick reported that there is still a dog problem with two parties in the city. One residence has three dogs and the other residence has six dogs. The individual with three dogs stated that they are all like family members to them. The individual with six dogs had a licensed psychologist draft a letter stating that the dogs are a source of therapy for his depression and PTSD.
Boone stated that the city has spent a lot of time on the adoption of the new codification book and that the city should not bend any rules for anyone. After further discussion it was stated that the ordinance stands as written in the codification book. Each household is allowed to have two dogs.
The League of MN Cities is holding regional meetings in surrounding areas soon. Peterschick stated that he would probably attend either the meeting in Benson or Ottertail and any councilmembers wanting to attend should let him know by next week.
The liquor store will be running an ad in the Morrison County Record for a part-time bartender to work at least every other weekend.
Jerry Carter inquired about the Sewage Treatment Facility and whether or not it is going to be able to handle the extra flow from the Aspen Ridge Development. Dan Thilquist responded by saying as long as the city continues to keep the infiltration problem under control there should not be a problem. He stated that the system is rated for 182,000 gallons per day and currently our average is 90,000 gallons per day running through the facility unless there is a heavy rain.
Chief Vanden Avond informed the council that he would like to update the administrative tickets by changing some fine amounts, adding some new fines etc. The council told him to bring a copy of what he wants on the tickets to the next meeting and it will be discussed at that time.
Motion by Venske 2nd Carter to approve Ordinance #2006-02 adopting a schedule of fees and charges for various services, licenses and permits for the City of
Mary Venske stated to Chief Vanden Avond that she is concerned about the amount of time he is spending in Little Falls. Vanden Avond stated that all his trips have been justified.
Jerry Peterschick received was approached by some concerned citizens that the community buildings needs to have some interior maintenance done. The walls need to be painted, carpet cleaned, lights and ceiling fans cleaned.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Venske to get some general interior maintenance done in the park building. Carried
The following individuals have filed for city offices, names are listed in order individuals signed up:
Mayor Council
Bob Riitters Jerry Adamski
Pat Boone Charley Andres
Gary DeZurik
There is still some concern that the ditches along
It was mentioned that nothing has been changed with the appointments since Jim Kestner resigned. A motion was made by Venske 2nd by Adamski to assign all Jim Kestners appointments to Jerry Carter. Carried with Carter abstaining.
Jerry Adamski asked if it is necessary for the full-time employees, ie: Wendell Schultz, Dan Thilquist, Bill Vanden Avond, to be present at every meeting? Jerry Peterschick stated that the past mayors have had different opinions, some wanted them here and some didn’t think they needed to be here unless there were items to discuss regarding their departments. Boone stated that he likes the employees at the meetings but that the council has been lenient with them if they cannot attend every meeting. Jerry Peterschick stated that some issues could be addressed before the meetings. At this time it will remain as it has been.
Jerry Carter commented that issues with employees or issues within their departments should be brought to their supervisor and he can bring those concerns to the council’s attention. Carter also stated that there should be performance reviews done more often and kept on file.
Mayor Boone spoke with Jan from Falls Court Dentist office regarding a future dental office in Randall. She stated that at this time, they are downsizing as one of the dentist is retiring and they are not looking to replace him at this time. However, they have known for a long time that the city is interested and will keep that in mind. She stated that the only way they would come to Randall at this time would be if the City built the building and provided all the equipment.
The next meeting will be held on
The next regular meeting will be held on
Meeting adjourned at