October 14, 2009
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present. The minutes of the September 9th meeting and October 7th meeting were approved as presented.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to pay the bills as presented. Carried
Jerry Peterschick, Jerry Carter and Jerry Adamski met with Roger Swinghammer of Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF), to discuss the two pieces of land, one that the city owns and one that is owned by BNSF but the city has been leasing. Mr. Swinghammer sent the city a proposal stating that BNSF would reduce the rent from $2086.70 to $1200.00 for a 5 year period and after the 5 years, a 3% annual increase would be added. BNSF would not be responsible for the assessment on the property that the city is leasing and they would be able to use the small triangle piece of land that the city owns to get back to the portion of track they need to work on periodically.
Motion by Turner 2nd by Adamski to authorize Jerry Peterschick to contact the city attorney to move forward with the process of entering into the updated rental agreement with BNSF. Carried
The council reviewed and discussed prices that Jerry Peterschick had received from various companies for completing the remodeling of the new city building. Prices received were for the security system, door and window glass, flooring, sheet rock finishing work and adding an additional door to the police station. It was also noted that one computer will have to be purchased for sure as Angie Magee’s current computer has to remain in the Liquor Store building as a server to the Point of Sale system. Councilman Carter stated that it would be a good idea to add a second keypad to the back door for city staff to use when working in the garage and the rest of the council agreed and directed the city manager to contact the security company and have them add one more keypad or if possible utilize the one that was left there by the previous owner. The lettering on the outside of the building was discussed and it was decided to have it read “City of Randall” in larger lettering and “City Hall” and “Police” in smaller lettering above each side of the building in front.
Motion by Turner 2nd by Andres to move forward with the remodeling of the new city hall building as presented by Jerry Peterschick. Motion Carried
The curb cut between Gosch’s Store and the new city building would cost approx. $2,000.00 and would allow for approx. 12 regular parking spaces and 2 handicap spaces. This issue will be followed up on in the Spring.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner to purchase the newly revised copy of the MN Basic Code in both printed and CD formats for a total cost of $385.00. This is the first time the book has been revised in five years. Carried
The planning and zoning committee approved the following permits:
Darrell Bostrom-remove deck and replace with three season porch
Dennis Hollermann-2 story playhouse
Matt Pantzke-18ft. grain bin
Mary Maneval- move in deck
Mike Degen-tear down old garage and build new at a later date with proper set backs
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to approve the permits as presented with the stipulation that Mr. Degen be notified of the proper set backs for a new garage. Carried
The community building is in need of new doors and the prices received from Randall Building Supply are $800.00 each for fiberglass and $500.00 each for steel without a window. Jerry Peterschick stated that doors without windows are stronger and may hold up better.
Motion by Andres 2nd by Turner to purchase replacement steel doors without windows at an approximate cost of $500.00 each. Carried
Angie Magee requested two additional cameras for the liquor store to be installed by Midwest Fire & Security. The total cost would be $862.50 installed.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to purchase 2 additional cameras for the liquor store. Carried
Dan Thilquist informed the council that he is done flushing hydrants and sludge hauling is also done for the year. He also stated that there is approx. 6000 – 8000 feet of sewer line in the city that has never been televised and he would like to start having approx. 2000 feet televised and clean each year for the next 4 years. The cost is about $1.30 per foot.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Turner to authorize Dan to have approx. 2000 ft. of sewer line televised and cleaned each year over a period of 4 years. Carried
Jerry Carter mentioned that it was brought to his attention that Dan did a good job overseeing the CR#14 project thanked Dan and also Wendell for his work, on behalf of the City.
Thilquist stated that he would like to work on the old Derby mower this winter and see if he can fix it for a reasonable price.
There will be 8 utility customers being disconnected on October 15th. Accounts must be paid in full in order to take part in the Cold Weather Rule and a form must be filled out. Forms were sent out in the August utility bill and are also available at City Hall.
Mayor Riitters handed out information he received at the League of MN Cities Regional meeting regarding utility bills and asked the council to review it for discussion at the next meeting.
Councilman Turner inquired about the progress of the outdoor furnace issue and Councilman Carter stated that he is working with Jerry Peterschick on this issue and will have a proposal ready for the November meeting.
Jerry Peterschick informed the council that it will cost approx. $1000.00 to install an additional street light on Boulder Place. The city will send letters to the residents of Aspen Ridge informing them of the proposed location of the street light and asking anyone with concerns to contact city hall.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.