August 8, 2007

The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order by Mayor Riitters at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.  The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.

            Upon reviewing the bills to pay, the council was informed of a couple of corrections that were made after the reports were printed and Jerry Peterschick stated that a payment to Johnson Jet Line for televising the new sewer line in the amount of $1331.76, as Dan Thilquist needs to discuss the procedure with them first. 

            Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to pay the bills presented with corrections and the exception of bill number 24411 to Johnson Jet Line until Thilquist speaks with them. Carried


            Maxine Strege of the Little Falls School District was present to introduce herself to the council as the new principal of Dr. S.G. Knight Elementary and also the curriculum director.  She stated that there is currently 122 children registered for Randall for the grades Kindergarten through 5th grade with an additional 20-30 special education and early childhood students.  The Randall City Council welcomes Maxine Strege to the Randall community.


            The personnel committee met two separate times to discuss the hiring of a part-time police officer.  The latter of the two meetings was with an individual whom the police chief has recommended for the position.  This individual has a Class A license and possesses all the qualifications needed to perform his duties for the City of Randall.  The Personnel Committee brought forward their recommendation to proceed with the hiring process with this individual.  He currently works part-time in Motley, he seems dedicated to the job and meets all the requirements.  The City Attorney did not feel it necessary to advertise for a part-time officer.

            Mary Venske expressed her concern with the feasibility of this position.  "Why do we need another officer?  She personally does not think there is a need for another officer.  Jerry Adamski stated that there needs to be more "police presence" out there as this has been a concern from the public and in his opinion, this would be money well spent.

            Jerry Carter made sure that this position is to enhance the police presence, not to give the police chief time off.  He also stated that there should be a cap on the amount of hours the part-time position can work. 

            It was decided that the position will be no more than 16 hours per week.

            Motion by Adamski 2nd by Andres to accept the proposal from the personnel committee and City Manager and the position will not exceed 16 hours per week.  Motion carried 4-1 with Venske against


            The city manager updated the council on the power concerns within the city and stated that the repairs on the regulators are complete and Minnesota Power has since placed meters on the outside of Gosch's Store.  Denny Mueller, owner of Gosch's will check with St. Cloud Refrigeration about having meters placed inside the store also.  With both sets of meters collecting data at the same time, this data can then be compared to see if there is still a problem with the power at the store.  Jerry Carter spoke with an individual about having a private company come in and inspecting the city's entire system.  Jerry Peterschick stated that Minnesota Power is willing to do whatever we ask of them, the city has never requested them to inspect the lines in town.  Carter explained that maybe the city should get a quote from Minnesota Power and the private individual for inspecting our total system.  Phase equalizing is the main issue needing to be addressed and also checking for weak areas in the system.  Jerry Peterschick with request quotes from Minnesota Power and the other individual and bring the information to the next regular council meeting.


            The floor in the food prep area in the Liquor Store needs to have tile or commercial grade vinyl put down on it according to public health.  Peterschick received a quote from Wiczek's Floors and More for both Quarry tile and Commercial vinyl.  The total cost with labor for the tile is $3,290.86 and the vinyl is $2,121.07.  The big difference in the prices is the labor.  The area covered would be behind the bar and in the food prep area.

            Motion by Venske 2nd by Carter to hire Wiczek's Floors and More to install the quarry tile at a cost of $3,290.86.  Carried


There were four planning and zoning permits submitted this month:

            Randall V.F.W. - Remodel front of building

            Jeanne Schmidt - Replace window

            Ed Badowicz - Replace windows and doors

            Mary Burke - New siding, doors and shingles

Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to approve  the permits.  Carried


            The planning and zoning committee were also concerned about a property in town with cars and car parts in the yard.  Jerry Peterschick went to the property and stated that there is one car that looks as it has had parts taken off of it.

            Other concerns of the committee were about adding more "Watch for Children" signage on East 4th Street, Parkview Drive and East 6th Street.  Peterschick stated that there are signs on each end of E. 4th Street and also each end of Parkview Drive.  The city cannot place any signage on East 6th Street as that is a County road. 

            The intersection of East 4th Street and Pacific Avenue has been an issue for many years with the concern of larger vehicles parking in front of the V.F.W. next to the intersection and drivers trying to pull out onto Pacific Avenue having a difficult time seeing oncoming traffic.  The council members discussed that there really isn't a remedy to this problem as it would not be in the best interest of the businesses to take away a parking spot in front of their building.  There has not been a problem with accidents at this intersection.

            Dan Thilquist gave an update on the CR#104 Sewer and Water project and stated that the water and sewer installation is complete and Tri-City will be continuing the road project.  Sewer lines were televised since the previous repairs and it appears that most of the issues are resolved with the exception of one pipe that may need to be repaired yet.  This would be done without digging up the area.  Dan stated that when hooking up the homes to the new water lines he found six houses with sump pumps connected to the sanitary sewer.  He did inform the homeowners that this must be removed and re-routed outside.  Letters will be sent to the individuals who are in violation of this policy.


            The Randall-Cushing Lions requested a beer permit for the St. James Church Augustfest being held on August 12th.  Motion by Adamski 2nd by Venske to approve a beer permit for the Ranall-Cushing Lions.  Carried


            There will be a street dance on August 18th in the alley behind the Liquor Store.  Double Trouble with be the entertainment and there is no cost to the public.


            The Truth in Taxation meeting was discussed and has to be set at the next council meeting.  The council can raise the tax levy by $4,000.00 with out having to hold a meeting.  Mayor Riitters explained that the council may need to look at raising the levy more than $4,000.00 because of the new sewer and water project costs.  He stated that this was discussed at the same time raising utility rates and assessing the property owners along the project was discussed.  The city manager with contact David Drown and get some estimates on the cost of the project. 

            Jerry Peterschick informed the council that the city is getting a small increase in its local government aid next year.  This year it was $102,435.00 and for 2008 it is projected to by $110,826.00.


            The council was presented with two quotes for new hand held radios for the police department.  Both quotes include the trade in of the current radio.  The department currently has two Kenwood radios, one being for parts and there have been issues with the working unit.  The first quote was from Audio Communications for a Motorola HT-1250 for $1,031.73.  The second quote was from Granite Electronics for the same unit and because they are an authorized Motorola dealer they are able to do any service/maintenance on the unit.  Their cost is $934.54.

            Motion by Venske 2nd by Adamski to purchase the radio from Granite Electronics for $934.54.  Carried


            Chief Vanden Avond attended an EMS meeting and would like the council representative to approach the Joint Advisory Fire Board (JAFB) in regards to the possible re-organization of the First Response Team.  One council member stated that the JAFB needs to be informed of the concerns of the city and townships regarding the team.  The main concern from the public is the lack of response.  Jerry Carter stated that a new team should be organized with the police chief as the team leader.  Charley Andres and Chief Vanden Avond will meet to discuss this issue further.  The EMS Council asked Chief Vanden Avond if he would be interested in attending an EMT course.  The cost is $940.00.  The chief stated that he would like to wait and get something organized first before moving forward with additional schooling.


            The new squad car is expected to be delivered to Elk River Dodge on August 14th.


            The council members received information on a fully automated civil defense siren.  This same unit is installed in Buckman and Rice and the proposal from Granite Electronics would be to install the unit by the fire hall so to be able to cover the entire city.  Jerry Peterschick will contact the City of Rice to find out how their system has been working and Mayor Riitters will contact someone in Buckman to find out the same.


            The City received a thank you letter from the Initiative Foundation for its donation.


            Mayor Riitters received a complaint pertaining to a property in violation to the "Junk Ordinance" and stated that he will speak with the owners of the property personally.


            Councilman Adamski expressed his concerns about setting up budgets for each city department.  It was stated by some members that items are purchased on the immediate and future needs and a budget would help control the purchase of items needed in the future.  Councilman Carter entertained a motion for the Mayor to appoint a budget committee to guide the city into 2008 and the future and would like the Mayor to appoint himself (Robert Riitters) and Charley Andres to be on the committee.  Councilwoman Venske 2nd the motion.  Mayor Riitters appointed himself and Charley Andres to the budget committee.  Motion carried


            Councilman Andres expressed his concerns of the dip in the road on 1st Street where the sewer line was repaired.  Jerry Peterschick stated that Morrison County would be here this week to fix the area.


Meeting adjourned at 9:20p.m.