December 10, 2008
Truth in Taxation meeting – December 10, 2008
The Truth in Taxation meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Riitters. No one was present with concerns. A motion by Carter 2nd by Andres was made to set the 2009 Tax Levy at $125,000.00. Carried
The meeting was adjourned at 6:33 p.m.
December 10, 2008 – Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present. The minutes of the November meeting were approved as presented.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to approve the monthly bills as presented. Carried
The appointment of the 2009 Planning & Zoning committee was discussed and Mary Venske asked to stay on the committee. The Mayor still would need to appoint one more person to the committee. Mayor Riitters appointed Rick Turner as the new member of the committee and all other members would remain the same.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to keep all current members and add Rick Turner to the Planning & Zoning committee for 2009. Carried.
Daniel Eischens of Lincoln Outdoor Advertising was present to answer any questions the council has regarding the two permits he submitted to planning and zoning. The permits are for the installation of a 300sq.ft. sign at Crosby & Sons Construction and at Gaffke Auto Repair.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Andres to approve the two permits for installation of the signs at Crosby & Sons Const. and Gaffke Auto Repair. Carried
Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to finalize the amount of the 2009 final tax levy at $125,000.00. Carried
Last month the council was given a presentation on the EMERTS system from the Little Falls Police Department and asked for more information to be brought to the December meeting. Chief Vanden Avond and Jerry Peterschick reviewed the city’s costs for the first year and for the years to follow. The system is going live on January 1, 2009 and VandenAvond would like to have approval for the City to be online by that date also. Upon reviewing all the expenses that this system requires, there were some discrepancies in the numbers and the council asked Vanden Avond to bring in solid numbers to the January meeting.
Vanden Avond stated to the council that the main reason he is pursuing this addition to the department is because of the ability to share information with other departments who are also on the system. At this time, Little Falls, Staples, Long Prairie and Royalton will be on the system as of January 1st. Mary Venske stated that although the system may not save the city money, it will assist greatly with officer safety. Jerry Carter asked if the council could approve the system pending concrete numbers (up front and long term) being presented at the January meeting. The council would also like the city attorney to review the contract Little Falls Police Department.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Andres to table the EMERTS system discussion until concrete figures are presented at the January 14, 2009 meeting. Carried
The council set the year end liquor inventory for January 3, 2009 at 8:00 a.m.
The following cigarette and 3.2 off-sale beer licenses need to be approved for 2009:
Cigarettes-O.K. Tire, Petro Plus, Gosch’s Store, Randall V.F.W.
Off-sale 3.2 beer – Petro Plus
Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to approve the licenses for 2009 at a cost of $25 each. Carried
The city purchased an extra flashlight for the police department and it will be kept at city hall or perhaps sold on bids to the public at a later time.
Motion by Andres 2nd by Adamski to waive the Limits of the Tort Liability for 2009. Carried
The budget committee presented their proposed 2009 budget to the council with a couple of recommendations: The first recommendation is to make monthly payments into a savings account for a new squad car fund. The total annual amount budgeted is $7500.00. The second recommendation is to transfer the $10,000.00 contingency money from the general fund into a CD or savings account.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to amortorize $7500.00 over 12 months and make monthly deposits into a CD or savings account towards a new squad car fund and also to transfer $10,000.00 contingency fund into a CD or savings account. Effective January 1, 2009. Carried
Motion by Riitters 2nd by Adamski to approve the proposed 2009 budget as prepared. Carried
The personnel committee presented their 2009 employee wage recommendations as follows:
Increase hourly rate for part-time bartenders
Increase full-time employee medical benefit from $350 to $400, and City Managers’ from $450-$500
No cost of living increase, step program increase only
Performance reviews are to be completed each year prior to employees’ anniversary date by the City Manager
Motion by Venske 2nd by Andres to approve the 2009 wage recommendations presented by the personnel committee. Carried
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Venske to contribute the city’s annual payment of $4000.00 to community services for the Randall youth and recreation program. Motion carried 4-1 Carter not in favor
The Randall-Cushing Lions club would like to install a pull-tab machine in the liquor store along with the booth that is presently there. The machine would be available for use during all operating hours of the liquor store and winners would redeem those pull-tabs to the bartenders.
Motion by Venske 2nd by Andres to allow the Randall-Cushing Lions club to install a pull-tab machine in the liquor store. Carried- Carter abstained/conflict of interest
Motion by Andres 2nd by Carter to extend the liquor store hours to 1:00 a.m. on New Year’s Eve. Carried
The Liquor store will be closing at 5:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve.
As beer and liquor prices have been increased this year it was brought to the council’s attention that beer and drink prices should be increased by .25¢, including tap beer.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to increase beer and drinks prices in the liquor store by 25¢ upon the request of the city manager beginning January 2, 2009. Carried
Jerry Peterschick pointed out to the council that in the financial report there is an error in the CR#104 project fund of a $7190.00 disbursement and that it should come out of the sewer and water fund instead.
Dan Thilquist reported to the council that the city wells are doing fine at this time but stated that both the pumps are getting close to exceeding their life expectancy and just wanted to council to be informed of this but assured them that both pumps are running good at this time. He also mentioned that he would like to start televising a portion of the city’s sewer lines each year, he believes is good maintenance and there has been some money budgeted for this in 2009.
On December 5th the city had to repair a broken water line on the West side of town. This line is old and has been repaired 7 times in the last 10 years. Thilquist did check on what the cost of replacing this line would be and presented an approximate number of $3,750.00. He stated that he understands this is not in the budget for next year and may be able to wait until 2010 but did recommend replacing it in 2009. The council will look at this issue in the Spring and decide what to do at that time.
Minnesota Rural Water will work with the city on sewer and water rate adjustments in comparing our current rates with other cities and helping us to know where the city should be on its rates. This is a free service.
Jerry Peterschick informed the council that this spring would be an ideal time to re-tar Superior Avenue from Petro Plus to Evans Implement as blacktop costs may be lower and more companies looking for work.
Jerry Carter stated his concerns of the deficit in the sewer and water fund and that the city needs to do something to get the fund out of the red.
Although Mary Venske will be attending the January meeting, Mayor Riitters and the Council thanked her for the four years of service on the city council.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.