July 15, 2009

The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.  The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.

                After reviewing a bill from Brandl Motors for repairs services to the squad car, a motion was made by Carter 2nd by Turner to pay all bills as presented.  Carried


                The next order of business was further discussion on the 2009 Capital Improvement Plan.  The $150,000 bond will be held by the Randall State Bank and will be callable at anytime, meaning if the city does not use the entire amount bonded for, they will be able to pay the unused portion back without penalty.  

                Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to approve the resolution providing for the issuance and sale of $150,000 General Obligation Capital Improvement Plan bonds, Series 2009B, and levying a tax for the payment thereof. 

                Motion carried 4-1, Councilman Adamski voted against the motion stating his opinion that the city could have gotten a better deal on the building and the purchase is bad timing.

                Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner to authorize Mayor Riitters to sign the closing papers on the Audio Communications building with Jerry Adamski as an alternate, in the case that the Mayor is not available.  Carried


                Jerry Peterschick updated the council on the 2009 Improvement Project stating that with the exception of an air test being done, the sewer and water project on CR#14 is complete.  Tarring on CR#14 and Superior Avenue should be completed this week and everything should be open sometime next week.

                There has been some concern about people not stopping at the sign on Superior Avenue/Hwy #115 and it was asked if a bigger stop sign could be installed and maybe some marking on the road.  Jerry Peterschick will check into what can be done.


                Planning & Zoning Permits:

                Randall Fire Hall – replace shakes with steel, replace gutters and paint service doors

                Dale Dalquist – 12x20 Chicken Coup

                St. Peters Lutheran Church – 12x20 free standing deck on parsonage

Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to approve the permits.  Carried


                The Randall – Cushing Lions received a bill from Central Minnesota Electric for the final wiring on the Erwin Wise shelter for $$451.30 and asked if the city would be willing to pay for half the bill.

                Motion by Andres 2nd by Turner to pay half the final wiring costs at the Erwin Wise building, the amount being $225.65.   carried


                When the city auditor presented the 2008 audit to the council earlier this year, it was pointed out that the city cannot donate to the Crisis and Referral Line, therefore no action was taken regarding the recent donation request the city received from the organization.


                The Initiative Foundation sent its annual commitment request to the city for the amount of $400.00 and a motion was made by Carter 2nd by Turner to fulfill the request of $400.00. Carried


                No further action was taken on the Outdoor Furnace issue and Jerry Peterschick will continue to check into the wordage of the proposed ordinance.


                Jerry Peterschick met with John Rothamel to discuss the electric rate study he has been working on for the city.  Petershick hopes to present the information to the council at the next meeting.


                No action has been taken on the tennis courts since the last meeting.


                The additional volleyball court was discussed and the possibility of putting it across CR#104 from Bingo Park but there were some safety concerns so it was the consensus of the council to put the second court across the river where it was originally proposed to go.

                Roach Townhomes will be paying the city the following payment schedule for excess taxes per the original agreement:  2009 - $10,703

                         2010 -    9,500

                         2011 -    5,235

                All payments include interest.


                The city has locked in 50% of last year’s natural gas usage at .572/ccf which will be sold to the residential customers for .812/ccf, and it is looking to lock in an additional 25% in the near future.


                The city had to purchase a new lawnmower as the repairs to the Derby were beyond what the mower was worth. 

                The city received a letter from Briggs and Morgan stating that they represent Xcel Energy Inc. and because the city was affiliated with the company in the past, it must be signed off that there is no conflict of interest with Briggs and Morgan representing both parties.  City Attorney Mike Perry reviewed the letter and gave approval for the city to sign it.

                Motion by Adamski 2nd by Andres upon the recommendation from Mike Perry to sign the Briggs and Morgan statement.  Carried


                The State and County Court Administration is requesting the city sign a contract for the processing of e-Tickets.  There is not cost to the city and the contracts are an agreement that the city, county and state work together in processing the e-Tickets.

                Motion by Turner 2nd by Carter to sign the State and County Court Administration contracts to work together in the processing of state citations.  Carried


                The city will receive $132,000 in Local Government Aid this year and the state may be paying next year’s aid a little later.

                Chief Vanden Avond stated that the eMERTS system has been working wonderful and has been of great assistance to him in some cases he has been handling.  Councilman Carter asked for more police presence in the neighborhoods within the city.

                Councilman Adamski asked for the city manager to try and contact Burlington Northern Santa Fe again, regarding the land the city is leasing.


                Jerry Carter expressed his concern about the delinquent utilities again this month.  He state that the same people are on the list every month and their bills are not getting paid off.  Carter stated that he believes some of the customers are taking advantage of Jerry Peterschick’s willingness to work with them and they need to be disconnected.  The council agreed that city staff send out disconnect notices and follow through with the disconnection process is balances are not paid in full.


                Mayor Riitters stated that upon driving around the city it seems that all the residents are mowing their lawns with the exception of a  couple and the city is looking good.


                There will only be three members present at the August council meeting. 

                The Mayor was reassured that the tax assessments will be certified again this year.


Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.