May 9, 2007
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at
A motion was made by Adamski 2nd by Venske to pay all the bills presented. Carried
Major Guy Konietzko and Marty Skoglund both of
Dave Reese of Widseth, Smith and Nolting informed the council that the bid opening for the #104 Project was held on May 3rd at
Motion by Adamksi 2nd by Carter to approve the Resolution of the City Concurring with
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to accept Alternated Bids 1 & 2 for a total savings of $33,900.00. Carried
There were four building permits submitted this month:
Tom & Sherry Ulferts-Install new windows and siding
Kim's on Pacific Ave.-8'x12' entry on front of business
Richard Lausen-Remodel portion of house, replace some siding
Mary Maneval (Turned in after Planning and Zoning)-Take out window and replace with sliding doors.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Venske to approve the permits as presented. Carried
Jerry Peterschick informed the council that he would like to include in the bond for the #104 Project costs for moving utility lines if possible.
Morrison County Child Protection Team notified the City that they would like to hang a banner reading "Morrison County Loves Its Children" in the city again this summer. All council members were in favor of the banner hanging.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to approve the annual gambling license renewal for the Randall V.F.W. Post 9073. Carried
Jerry Peterschick informed the council that he would like to start having "Key for Cash" in the Liquor Store on Friday nights. The council gave the authority to move forward with this.
A gentleman contacted the city hall wondering what the city council would think about him building a 40x100 building on the land by the hardware store and clinic and using it for a used car lot. It was the consensus of the council that this type of business would not "fit in" with the other businesses and that a car lot would do much better where there is more traffic, ie: along Highway 10.
The liquor store was contacted by a gentleman who cleans ceiling tiles and was wondering if the bar needs its ceiling cleaned. He stated that his cost would be approx. $1.20 per tile. Peterschick checked on the cost of new tiles and they are $7.00 each. The ceiling tiles are in need of cleaning. The council would like to get some references from this person and also have him come to the Liquor Store and demonstrate on one of the tiles how he cleans them. Peterschick will contact the gentleman.
The city was contacted by Dan Travica, Minnesota Power's representative to the city, that there is an unplanned outage at one of their power generating plants. This, and additional planned outages over the next year will cause the excess energy adjustment, on the city's bill, to average about one and one half cents per kilowatt. Over the past couple years the city has been able to absorb these charges. The council has decided that we must pass part of this charge on to the residents. The city will pass on any part of the surcharge that is over six tenths of one cent per kilowatt to the customer. This increase will be an additional line item reading "Excess Energy Adjustment" on the customers' monthly bill to begin with the next utility billing.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to initialize an excess energy adjustment charge clause, of anything over six tenths of one cent per kilowatt will be passed on to customers effective on the next billing. Carried
Jerry Adamski was approached by a concerned citizen stating that there were a few people at the Randall Clean up Day that were making multiple trips to dump their garbage. It was discussed that anyone in the city can do that for clean up day and it is good to get the unwanted/excess material cleaned up. The city does receive a grant every year to help offset the costs of the clean up day.
Charlie Andres was informed by a resident that there is a tree growing out of the river on the other side of
Mary Venske stated that there was a complaint at the Planning and Zoning meeting about the semi trailer blocking the alley all day behind Gosch's when they had their one day meat sale.
Bob Riitters informed the council that there has been no new information received regarding the closed council meeting last month.
Aspen River Builders would like the city to approve their submitted plans for the Aspen Ridge 2nd Addition. The council would like Peterschick to speak with David Drown and Mike Perry to review the plans of the 2nd addition.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to approve the plans for Aspen Ridge 2nd Addition conditionally, pending discussion with David Drown and Mike Perry. Carried
Meeting Adjourned at