October 10, 2007
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at
Liz Verley was reporting from the Morrison County Record this month in the place of Tina Snell.
Allen Doucette was in attendance with some concerns in his neighborhood. He first asked the council whether he lives in a commercial or residential area as there is a daycare at the residence next to him and he would like to possibly start an aluminum can recycling business at his residence. He was informed that he lives in a residential area and the council will have to look further into the ordinances regarding private businesses in a residential area. He also stated that the fence for the daycare is partially on his land and now he may have to hire a lawyer to get it moved. Another concern of Doucette's was the number of ATV's driving down CR#104 at high speeds and some also running on the new sod. The council informed Doucette that the police chief will be informed of these concerns and will patrol this area more frequently.
The CR #104 project is wrapped up for the season, there is some concerns of the ground settling by the water shut-offs under the sod and this will be repaired in the Spring.
There were two bids turned in for the old squad car and one bid for the lightbar.
Jerry Adamski submitted a bid on the car for $1600.00, and Jon Myrum submitted a bid on the car for $750.00.
Motion by Venske 2nd by Carter to accept Jerry Adamski's bid of $1600.00 for the old squad car. Carried Adamski abstained
Bill Johnson submitted a $50.00 bid for the lightbar
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to accept Bill Johnson's bid of $50.00 for the old light bar. Carried
The outside smoking area addition on the Liquor Store was the next order of business, Jerry Peterschick presented the council with a cost estimate for a 24x24 privacy fence (wood), a steel framed, tinted glass door and a 12x10 free standing roofed area. The approximate cost for materials would be $2500.00. City employees would do the construction of the area during working hours. The liquor store's security system will have to be routed to the new door and lights will be added in the fenced area also.
Motion by Adamkski 2nd by Carter to approve the outside smoking area addition as presented. Carried
The council then approved the following motions:
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Venske to enter into the Public Works Service Agreement with
Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to approve the contract with Morrison County Attoney's Office regarding the prosecution of criminal offenses. Carried
Motion by Andres 2nd by Carter to approve the Tom's Backhoe Warranty Work agreement prepared by city attorney Mike Perry in regards to a sewer line that has a rock against it and another line with a sag in it. Carried
Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to accept a proposal from Thermography and Ultrasound Diagnostics, Inc. for conducting an ultrasound and thermal imaging of the city's power lines and equipment. This will include going into the high usage businesses and checking for problems also. Carried
There were three permits submitted to planning and zoning this month:
City of
Randall VFW- fence between VFW and Bermels Store, install door in side of building
Danny Fischer-New windows, siding, deck
Motion by Adamksi 2nd by Venske to accept the building permits. Carried
Jerry Peterschick informed the council that the Morrison County Board meeting will be held on October 23rd at
Region 5 would like the city to implement the action plan of the Morrison County Hazard Mitigation plan to the extent specified by the City, and support City and County efforts to secure necessary funding for implementation actions.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Andres to implement the Morrison County Hazard Mitigation plan. Carried
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to approve a liquor and Sunday liquor license for the Randall VFW with the understanding that the VFW is aware of all the state regulations regarding the outdoor patio area. Carried
The assessment process for the CR#104 project needs to be certified to the county by November 30th to be on the 2008 taxes. Jerry Peterschick stated that there is not enough time to be able to do this and because it is the first time the city has done this, he does not think the process should be rushed. The assessment will not be on the tax rolls until 2009
The assessment interest rate will be 6% and the length of the assessment will be for 15 years.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Venske to set the interest rate at 6% and the length of the property assessment at 15 years. Carried
Peterschick informed the council that Chief Vanden Avond is at training in
Morrison County Record reporter Liz Verley commented that the Record calls law enforcement every morning and Vanden Avond is one of the best responders to their calls.
Jerry Adamski stated that he does not feel the city employees should feel they have to attend the council meetings although they are always welcome to. If the council members have questions for any employees they can contact city hall request the employee be at the meeting or leave their question with the City Manager and he will get it answered for them.
It was the consensus of the council that the city employees do not have to attend the meetings unless specifically requested to.
In May 2007, Scott Blake of Aspen River Builders, requested that the council accept the 2nd phase of building in the Aspen Ridge Development. The plans were never approved because the meeting with David Drown and Mike Perry to review the plans, has never been held. Jerry Carter made a motion in May to approve those plans pending a meeting with the above-named individuals and now would like to rescind his motion.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to rescind the motion made by Carter at the May 2007 council meeting approving the 2nd phase of Aspen Ridge. He would like to put any further building projects in Aspen Ridge on hold at this time. Carried
Wendell Schultz requested that Upsala Cable TV be contacted regarding the removal of their old cable lines within the city per the original agreement. The city will contact the city attorney regarding this issue.
Meeting adjourned at