Special Meeting-August 23, 2006


            The special meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.  The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the CR#104 sewer and water project and the Point of Sale system for the Liquor Store.


            David Drown, the city financial advisor, was present and informed the council that he has reviewed the CR#104 projects feasibility report since the last meeting.  Drown explained to the council that it would not be feasible to do the project by only increasing taxes and sewer and water rates but that some kind of assessment to the abutting property owners on this project and increased sewer and water rates and property taxes throughout the city should be implemented.

            Mr. Drown recommended the city set a policy for assessment fees for future projects.  He explained that there is basically a four step process to projects such as this one.  Feasibility study, public hearing/deciding whether or not to go forward with the project, construct the project and a second public hearing to finalize and establish the assessments.  If properties are assessed, the property owner does have 30 days to appeal.  Drown also mentioned of a 2nd option the council can choose, which may be the option to take in this case, and that would be to conduct the feasibility study and then hold a public hearing before the council would decide whether or not to move forward with the project then hold the final public hearing to establish the assessment fee, and finally construct the project.

            Jerry Peterschick will contact Steve Backowski, Morrison County Engineer, to find out the exact date by which the city has to make these decisions.

            It was mentioned that the council needs to invite all Randall residents in and inform them that the city is going to establish an assessment process that will be the same for everyone in the future.

            The council and Drown then discussed the possibility of a standard reconstruction assessment for all projects within the city even if the city would not be paying for a project ie:  county road reconstruction.

            Drown then briefly spoke of “sac and wac” charges which are Sewer Availability Charges and Water Availability Charges.  These charges would be for new construction only.

            A motion was then made by Venske 2nd by Carter to hire David Drown to work with Widseth, Smith & Nolting engineers and layout the groundwork on a policy.  Carried


            More information will be brought to the next regular council meeting.


            The other order of business was the discussion on the Point of sale system for the liquor store.  Jerry Peterschick and Angie Magee stated that they would be in favor of installing a new system in the off-sale only at this time but mentioned that there would need to be new registers purchased for the on-sale.  After some discussion the council asked Peterschick and Magee to get final prices from both Total Register Systems and Clever Computing on a system for the off-sale only and bring them to the September 13, 2006 meeting.


            Cliff Chandler was present and invited the council to come look at the swale that he and the city worked on together.


            Meeting adjourned at 9:26 p.m.