February 13, 2008

The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present except Councilperson Venske.


            The minutes of the January meeting were approved as presented and a Motion by Adamski 2nd by Andres was made to pay the bills for the month.  Motion carried


            Mary Backlund of Gary Paulson, CPA presented the council with the 2007 City Financial Audit.  After reviewing each enterprise fund, she recommended that the city increase the sewer and water rates, to help pay for the new bond payment and also for future projects.  Mary also stated that the city needs to be stricter with their utility disconnections.  Currently there is approximately $25,000.00 in outstanding utility bills.  Anyone interested in reviewing a copy of the City's Financial Audit is welcome to pick a copy up at city hall.


            Mary informed the council that the contract with Gary Paulson and the City expires with the presentation of this audit.  She stated that in the future the costs will be slightly higher as there is more paperwork to do that is required by the state.  The city will receive a new contract to review in the near future.


            Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to approve the 2007 City Financial Audit as presented by Mary Backlund of Gary Paulson, CPA.  Carried


            The liquor store received two quotes for cleaning of the walls and carpet, including the carpet in city hall.  The first is from Dan's Floor Care for $1314.00 and the second is from ServiceMaster for $1687.00.  It was decided that the bathrooms floors will not be stripped and waxed because it is possible that the flooring will be replace in the future.  The question was raised whether or not Dan's Floor Care has washing the bathroom walls in his quote.  Jerry Peterschick was not sure and will contact Dan Pelzer for clarification before a quote is chosen.  He will bring the information back to the March meeting.  Peterschick also presented a quote for new ceiling tile in the bar.  There are two different styles of tile, one has a fire rating and is a little better quality at the price of $3110.75 and the cheaper style is $2200.00.  Peterschick stated that if approved, he would like to have the ceiling tile installed before the walls and carpets are cleaned.

            Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to purchase the fire rated ceiling tiles at a cost of $3110.75.  Carried


            Motion by Riitters 2nd by Adamski to waive the monetary limits on tort liability with the League of MN Cities Insurance Trust, as done in the past.  Carried


            The city received a donation request from the Morrison County Ag. Society.  The city did make a donation in 2005.  No action was taken on the request.









            Jerry Peterschick and Charley Andres met with Minnesota Power last week to discuss the proposed rate increase from MN Power.  They have not raised their rates to wholesale customers for 12 years and now have received approval to increase them now.  Randall is not the only city affected by the increase, this will affect all wholesale customers who get their energy from MN Power.  The contract would go through 2011 and would increase the cities electric bill by approximately 10%.  Pierz had their attorney Peter Vogel review the contract and he had no problem with it.  Peterschick recommended entering into the contract with MN Power through 2011.  It is unclear what the cost to the city's customers will be as the city will not receive a new bill until the end of March.  The rate increase begins March 1, 2008.

            Motion by Andres 2nd by Carter to approve the MN Power contract as presented.  Carried


            The city received an estimated construction cost for the CSAH 14 & CSAH 1 project.  The estimated cost for the city would be $253,645.00.  The estimated cost for the county would be $500,016.00.  These numbers are only estimates at this time.


            The Randall-Cushing Little Elk Lions will be holding a dance at the Randall V.F.W. on March 2, 2008 and are requesting a dance permit as there will be a cover charge to attend the dance.  Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to approve a dance permit for the Randall-Cushing Little Elk Lions.  Carried


            Jerry Peterschick informed the council that Gwynn Martinson would like to hold the dance for the Parkinson's Research Ride on Memorial Day weekend at the Liquor Store and would like to close off the alley behind the Liquor Store.  Nobody on the council objected to the idea and the event will be discussed at a future meeting.


            Chief Vanden Avond approached the council with information on the Chief's of Police Law Enforcement Convention which is being held in Duluth this year from April 21 - 24.  He stated that he would like to attend the entire convention this year.

            Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to send the Police Chief to the convention.  The city will pay the full registration and lodging.  Carried