July 10th, 2024
City of Randall
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
July 10th, 2024
6:00 PM
Randall City Hall
Council Members Present:
Mayor Dan Noss
Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright
Council Member Carrie Turner
Council Member Mary Venske
Clerk James Chyba
Staff Members Present: City Manager Matt Pantzke, Administrative Assistant Kimberly Moffitt
Guests Present: Joseph from the Morrison County Record; Eric Meester from Nero Engineering; Dave Reese from Widseth
Call to Order: Mayor Dan Noss called the meeting to order at6:00 PM.
Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to accept the minutes of the regular city council meetings on June 10th, 2024. Motion Carried.
Payment of the Bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner. Motion carried.
Guests: Eric Meester from Nero Engineering and Dave Reese from Widseth to discuss improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Facility. Based on new recommendations from the MPCA, design changes are needed for the WWTF. Improvements include a third SBR cell, improving the grit removal system as to increase capacity during high flow situations, adding a washing compactor to wash the screen so the room isn’t as corrosive, constructing a new lab/control room, constructing a greenhouse over the SBR’s to create a warmer environment during cold weather and finally change the disinfection process to UV lighting rather than chlorine, eliminating all chemicals.
Chyba asked about the cost of the administrative building. Meester stated that the costs for the building are because of the electrical system needed to run the plant, and that the new admin building itself is nothing elaborate but provides storage, restrooms, and a shower. Implementing changes to the existing building created a lot of sequencing hurdles with the sizable electrical upgrades that were needed so the addition of a new admin building was necessary to complete the recommended changes.
Noss asked about funding the project. Reese suggested submitting the plan to PFA/MPCA and because of the scope of the project, and the 30-40 year plan that is being proposed he did not feel as though funding would be an issue. Meester also suggested the city look at funding in terms of a grant that will be opening in late July through MPCA.
Turner motioned to approve Amendment 1 to the owner-engineer agreement between the City and Widseth for the Wastewater Treatment Facility and Lift Stations Rehabilitation. Seconded by Wright. Motion carried.
Donation Requests/Donations Accepted
Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske for Resolution 07102024 accepting $500 from the Randall VFW for the Cubs baseball team. Motion carried.
Old Business:
Council needs to take a deeper look into solutions for W 6th Street. There was a brief discussion about J-Turns impact on traffic on W 6th Street and Council to ask MNDot about a possible traffic count before and after J-Turns to better evaluate possible solutions.
Election filing opens July 29th to August 13th. Turner, Chyba and Noss are up for election. Questions surrounding the proper procedure to fill Wright’s seat if he is elected mayor. Does a new member get appointed? Pantzke to research proper procedure.
MNDOT meeting July 24th, 2024 from 5-7
Venske motioned and Turner seconded to approve beer permit for Randall Cushing Lions for St. James August Fest.
The city was a recipient of two Sourcewell Grants – a match grant for barricades and Community Impact Funding was received to fund smart screens for council chambers, improve handicapped accessibility to City Hall, and to purchase a disc mower.
Disaster grant through rural development was initially approved for disaster assistance for water treatment plant.
Delinquent accounts - #127 must be paid off at the very least before utilities are restored. Concern expressed about staff going back to a very hostile environment to restore service to this residence. Staff were threatened by a resident of this household when utilities were shut off due to non-payment. Research needs to be done to see what legal ramifications might be if service is not restored.
Committee Reports: TheIndependence Day Celebration was ahuge success and a lot of people were pleased with the events of the day. A lot of positive feedback about fireworks and the parade. Good combination of vendors – but would be nice if there were some kids games throughout the day.
Mayor Dan Noss: Will not be here for August meeting.
Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright: Nothing
Clerk Jim Chyba: Thanked everyone involved in the Independence Day Celebration
Council Member Carrie Turner: Nothing
Council Member Mary Venske: Nothing
Next Regular Council Meeting: August 14th, 2024 Randall City Hall
Meeting Adjourned: 7:25