April 12, 2023
April 12, 2023
Regular Council Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.
Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Carrie Turner and Mary Venske. James Chyba was absent.
Motioned by Turner and seconded by Wright to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on March 8, 2023, as presented. Motion Carried
Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske. Motion carried.
Guest (s): Dave Reese and Emma Clark from Widseth. Jon Archer from Schlenner-Wenner.
Jon Archer presented the 2022 financial audit results to the council. No concerns were found during the audit process, new accounting standards required more detailed review of city processes. Again, no concerns. Electric, gas and liquor funds all did very well in 2022. Water and sewer remained stable, and the general fund saw a decrease primarily due to the purchase of the public works building.
Motined by Wright and seconded by turner to accept the 2022 audit results. Motion Carried.
Donations: Motioned by Turner and seconded by Wright to approve a $2100 donation to the Randall Area Business group for music in the park on July 1, 2023. Motion Carried.
Old Business:
New Business:
Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve resolution of application authorizing the City of Randall to apply for a loan from the MN PFA Clean water/Drinking water revolving fund for improvements to the City of Randall water and wastewater systems. Motion Carried.
Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to accept the proposal from Widseth for Grant Writing Services related to Minnesota Public Facilities Authority Funding Assistance in the amount not to exceed $3200 plus expenses. Motion Carried.
Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske to approve the proposal from Nero and Widseth for a 2023 PER and Facility Plan Amendment at a cost not to exceed $20,000. Motion Carried.
Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve the proposal from Widseth to prepare construction plans for City of Randall water and Wastewater utility improvements at a cost of $740,000.
Motion Carried.
Motioned by Venske and seconded by Wright to apply for interim financing through MRWA to cover the construction plan costs. Motion Carried.
Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to approve resolutions 4122023 and 4122023-2 accepting donations from the Randall Cushing area Lions club, for the Fourth of July Medallion hunt ($300) and for half the cost of the flooring in Bingo Park ($3167.07). Motion Carried.
Discussion was had about ordering decorative banners for the some of the utility poles around Randall. The council reviewed the banner options and agreed on a flag style with “Welcome to Randall” printed on them. Pantzke will get a proof for reviewal and place the order for 15 banners.
Planning and Zoning Permits:
Tim Strack, 8199 HWY 115, build a 50x114 26-unit storage shed.
William Nutz, 140E 6thst, tear down the old garage and build a 40X54 garage in its place.
Committee Reports:
Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store
Pantzke has been working on utility policy manual updates.
Council Member Concerns:
Mayor Dan Noss: Floors in the MUNI look great.
Jim Chyba: None
Jeff Wright: None
Carrie Turner: None
Mary Venske: Absent
Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday May 10, 2023, at 6:00 pm.
Location: Randall City Hall
Adjournment: 7:50 pm