December 13, 2023
City of Randall
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
December 13, 2023
6:00 PM
Randall City Hall
Council Members Present:
Mayor Dan Noss
Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright
Council Member Carrie Turner
Council Member Mary Venske
Clerk James Chyba
Council Members Absent:
Staff Members Present:
City Manager Matt Pantzke
Guests Present:
Joseph Morrison County Record
Call to Order: Mayor Dan Noss called the meeting to order at6:03 PM, following the Truth in taxation hearing.
Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to accept the minutes of the regular city council meeting on November 8, 2023.
Payment of the Bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Venske. Motion carried.
Public Comment/Requests:
Donation Requests/Donations Accepted
Old Business:
New Business:
Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to set the 2024 tax levy at $178,838, a 3.5 percent increase over 2023. Motion Carried.
Motioned by Venske and seconded by Wright to approve and adopt the 2024 budget. Motion Carried.
Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to set May 4th, 2024, as City wide cleanup day. Motion Carried.
Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to approve the purchase of a Lincoln wire feed welder from Central McGowan at a cost of $3930.46. Motion Carried.
Planning and Zoning Permits:
Committee Reports:
Matt/City Manager/Liquor Store:
Yearend liquor inventory will be done on January 2nd. The Muni will be opening at noon once inventory is complete.
Utility policy updates are nearly complete, Pantzke asked if Chyba and Noss could review the updates before the next council meeting prior to adoption.
Holly day was held on December 7th. There was a very good turnout and a lot of positive feedback.
Widseth will be assisting the city in the Rural Development disaster funding application for the 2022 flood damage to city owned property. We will also be submitting applications for a backup generator for the wwtp and main lift station, and for a second water crossing under highway 10.
Mayor Dan Noss: Wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright: Nothing
Clerk Jim Chyba: Asked when Etab laws are changing. Jan 1, 2025.
Council Member Carrie Turner: Nothing
Council Member Mary Venske: Nothing
Next Regular Council Meeting: Wednesday, January 10, 2023, at 6:00 PM
Meeting Adjourned: 6:20 PM